
Cosmic Bubble and the Big Bang

We have seen many times that the Big Bang that anti-creationists know and love is not anywhere near the original. It got its name because of the alleged explosion way back when . Evidence does not fit observed data, and the Big Bang has been Frankensteined yet again. Image credits:  NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team; Reprocessed by  Maksim Kakitsev  ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone, anywhere) A recent serious problem for the Big Bang speculations is the Hubble constant . There are conflicting results, and this should not be so if the science was valid. What's a secularist to do? Use the tried-and-true complex scientific method of Making Things Up™. In this case, float the idea that we live in a cosmic bubble that is different from the rest of the universe. Of course, there is no observational support, but is can be used as a rescuing device to keep the naturalistic narrative going. Cosmic evolution and biological ev...

COVID-19 and Consensus Confusion

When people talk about consensus, it generally means that there is an overwhelming agreement. The public has a strange mixture of admiration and suspicion for scientists, but they tend to fall in line when confronted with "consensus science" claims about universal common descent evolution, anthropogenic climate change, and more. With the COVID-19 crisis, we are learning more about how scientists act. Made from Piltdown Gang  by John Cooke, 1915 As we saw in " An Abundance of Dubious Models ", healthcare professionals and scientists had to learn as much as possible in a short amount of time. Not only does the COVID-19 coronavirus research have leftist political influences, but there is no "consensus science". Indeed, the professor with the dire predictions that affected so many people was so wrong, he resigned in disgrace . We also see quite clearly that science is no done from an intellectual or morally neutral approach: everyone interprets data fro...

Cats and Darwinists Getting High

Years ago, I remember a cat having a great time with catnip. While she was getting a buzz, sirens began sounding outside. She looked out the window, so I did what I call a "voice over" impression of Tommy Chong, "They're coming after my stash, man!" Darwin's disciples seem to have a narcotic of their own. Our departed, beloved Basement Cat grooving on the nip Catnip affects many cats and does not cause addiction. The only minor hazard is if they eat too much , then they give it back to the carpet. So, don't overdo it. Pay attention to evolutionists who talk about natural selection (Darwin's corrupted version, not real natural selection). It seems to this child that they get high, have irrational thinking processes, and get addicted. They need to seek therapy in the truth of creation and the Word of the Creator. Slapping the word evolution  on something seems to give it extra credibility in the secular science industry, and Darwinian...

Old Rivers on Mars, Maybe

Several decades ago, astronomers believed that there were canals on Mars. Sure there were, as any Martian that has reached the age of 1,000 years knows about the pilgrimage down the River Iss . Fantasy aside, scientists decided that there were no canals or rivers there. Wait, they changed their minds again. Credit:  NASA / JPL / USGS (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) An area on Mars that has been known to astronomers for quite a while is called the Hellas Planitia. ("Hellas" means Greece, but it doesn't look Greek to me. Planitia is a tricky way of saying plane area.) Some owlhoots think they can determine information about water and catastrophic flooding on Mars. Interesting that Earth is full of water, but secular geologists deny thousands of articles, numerous scholarly publications, books, videos, and so on that give evidence for the Flood. But it's okay to claim that dry, dustbowl Mars was flooded. I wonder if they've been into the p...

Puzzles with Missing Pieces

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 6-13-2020 Something I like to recommend is that people ride up on the hill and look down to get a bigger view, but that does not work when parts of the picture are missing. In many cases, it is like attempting to put together an incomplete jigsaw puzzle. Scientific, personal and professional judgments can be critically flawed by acting on insufficient information. Credit: Freeimages /  Andronicus Riyono Earlier today, my wife asked me to get the white pail out of the closet for her. I asked, "Do you mean this gray pail?" No, it was the white one. I was standing at an angle where I only saw the gray lid, then I assumed  that the whole thing was the same color. One step back and I saw my mistake: white pail, gray lid. Do you feel all right? You look a little pail. The expression, "Pictures don't lie" has never been entirely true. Angles omitting pertinent facts, matters of perspective, and other things could make a p...

Attempting to Direct Evolution

It becomes very difficult to take Darwin's acolytes seriously when they contradict themselves about their own foundations. Most of us know that evolution is supposed to be without purpose or direction, then its purveyors tell us that they have controlled evolution. That is an oxymoron. Original image from Clker clipart Some very interesting research was conducted. Dr. Frances Arnold added random genes into peptides until she obtained the desired results that were useful. In another instance, Dr. George Smith worked on bacteriaphages, and Dr. Gregory Winter build on that work in pharmaceutical products and gave the world the drug Humera. They called it directed evolution, but true evolution does not take direction well. Some folks seem to think that it's not science if research is not sanctified by the word evolution  somewhere. Perhaps they burn a prayer candle with Darwin's picture on it. In reality, what they did was intelligently design and modify things, and e...

Ancient Cypress Trees and Modern Shipworms

Back in 2004, Hurricane Ivan removed sediment that was hiding cypress trees, which was obviously interesting to scientists. It was also remarkable for creation scientists as well because they were clearly not tens of thousands of Darwin years old. New findings are surfacing as well. Credit: Unsplash / Joshua J. Cotten The people of yesteryear were mistaken by giving shipworms their name. They are actually a kind of mollusk, but look very much like a worm. They also like to eat wood among other things. By extracting the shipworms, many types of bacteria were discovered, and a passel of them were previously unknown. Yes, bacteria are practically everywhere, but many are beneficial — or at least, harmless. When researchers commenced to looking for the shipworms in the submerged cypress stumps, they were amazed — amazed , I tell you — and how well the wood was preserved. But the shipworms could easily have consumed the wood long ago if the earth was as old as secular scientists b...

Ape Vocal Sounds do not Indicate Evolution

Up yonder past Deception Pass, the hands at the Darwin Ranch are doing some smoke and mirrors fake science again. Spurious research about orangutan speech has been happening for some time, this is submitted to the secular science industry, then the obedient lapdog science media puts spurs to it. Made at PhotoFunia Some time ago, we saw some of this word trickery . But like the aquatic ape silliness we looked at yesterday, Darwin's acolytes light their prayer candles and give glory to evolution because a load of malarkey appears to confirm their biases. Hail Darwin, blessed be! You don't need to have wasted money obtaining advanced degrees in pseudoscience to see that orangutans are essentially parroting speech like — well, parrots. Actual language requires cognitive skills and the ability to communicate, both sending and receiving. This is a far cry from making sounds (including with a kazoo) that the "researchers" want in order to obtain rewards. Then these...

Planet of the Aquatic Apes?

Some believers in universal common descent admit that there is no real evidence to support their views, but they are compelled to uphold the narrative of atheistic naturalism. Stephen Jay Gould revamped Goldschmidt's "hopeful monster" idea and called it "punctuated equilibrium" (which also had no evidence). Other evolutionists are floating the aquatic ape theory . Images from Clker free clipart It is interesting to note that naturalists claim that they believe the evidence and deny the fact that they do indeed have faith in their worldviews. When it comes to evolution (especially human evolution), they have faith that evidence will be found someday; evolution of the gaps. They are not consistent with their claims about how science operates! A claim from people monkeying around with this idea is that scientists are entrenched with evolution of land animals. In addition, it was postulated that humans have similar traits of semi-aquatic animals, so the ea...

Baffling Dipper Highlights Design

A cute songbird in the Eastern Hemisphere has traits that clearly show the handiwork of the Master Engineer. The white-throated dipper can be found in northern Europe, but it has relatives in central Asia. Some migrate, others like to set up their homesteads and stay put. Credit: Flickr / Barbara Walsh  ( CC BY 2.0 ) They are fond of water, and know how to use it. It has diving traits in common with the kingfisher, but it can do that underwater flying thing as seen in penguins. The dipper also dips, and it also takes a stroll along the bottom of streambeds when looking for lunch. A bit of a challenge, since it likes moving water instead of stale ponds and such. Darwinian evolution, with its hit-or-miss purposelessness, cannot give a plausible explanation for the development of its numerous characteristics. The official bird of Norway is Cinclus cinclus, the white-throated dipper, an ordinary-looking bird that behaves in very extraordinary ways. It’s designed to forage unde...