
Creationists, Secular Peer Review, and Guard Dogs

A common falsehood spread by those with atheism spectrum disorder and other anti-creationists is that biblical creationists do not publish in secular peer-reviewed journals. Sidewinders like that prefer to use prejudicial conjecture instead of doing their homework. The facts are quite complicated. Original image by Pixabay / skeeze , modified with Pablo The guard dogs protecting secular journals are vicious. While biblical creationists do indeed get published (as we have said before) , the equivalent of throwing the guard dogs raw meat is to say that their material does not threaten Darwin (blessed be!) or support creation science. Naturalists become frenzied when the truth of the Creator receives even a hit, such as when someone let a paper go through that said "creator" , even though it means something different in the author's native language. My conclusion is that they are cowards and willfully ignorant (Used under Fair Use provisions for educational purposes) Athe

Humans Evolving Now — No 'Arm in Trying

It is tragic as well as humorous when misotheists say that evidence for creation is everywhere, but they must continually reinforce their presumption that there is no God, that things only appear  designed. Meanwhile, many silly things are proclaimed as evidence for evolution , but they are nothing of the kind. A recent example is the human median artery. Credit: Stocksnap / Michael Mroczek If you have the median artery, you shouldn't. The Master Engineer put it in place for when a baby is developing so blood reaches the hands. When other arteries develop, this goes away. Usually. Some jaspers took a study of Australian cadavers and found that many still had it. They took this extremely limited population sampling, saw that there was little reference to the artery's existence in old literature (which stinks to me of an argument from silence), the proclaimed evolution. Hail Darwin, blessed be! The area around Deception Pass will be echoing the noise of the celebrations at the Da

Fake Evidence for Evolution in 1970

It would be a natural thing to wonder why anyone cares about the condition of evolutionary evidence from decades ago, but there are some interesting things to consider. We know that science is supposed to be about things that are observed, can be tested, verified, repeated, and so on. These are not happening with universal common ancestor evolution. Mostly made at PhotoFunia We hear Darwin's handmaidens asserting that there are "mountains of evidence" for evolution. By 1970, you would think that a major encyclopedia would have been able to present the accumulated data to convince even the most recalcitrant thinker. Instead, they used fake evidence that had been discredited, spurious arguments, conflating evolution  with variation  and change , fraud, and more. Also, evolutionists tend to presuppose that what they call evidence can only  be explained through naturalism, when in fact much of this better supports the truth of the Master Engineer's handiwork. We have the

Rethinking Dr. Todd Wood, Evolution, and Creation Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Restrain your equines. This child is not doubting biblical creation science. What follows has some personal material, including a confession and a bit of an apology to Dr. Todd Wood. There are several points to be made, and I hope I can spark your thinking a mite. Modified from a "meme" floating around teh interweb Background Dr. Wood was one of the scientists in Is Genesis History? , a video I reviewed and recommended . I later purchased a set of additional videos from them that had several scientists giving lectures. Some time later, I learned that he said : Evolution is not a theory in crisis. It is not teetering on the verge of collapse. It has not failed as a scientific explanation. There is evidence for evolution, gobs and gobs of it. It is not just speculation or a faith choice or an assumption or a religion. It is a productive framework for lots of biological research, and it has amazing explanatory power. There is no conspiracy to hide t

His Royal High-Mouse

We know that birds can live at extremely high altitudes, but it is much more difficult for mammals to do this. Especially humans, but some manage this (see " Adapting to High Altitudes " for more). But a mouse lives atop a dormant volcano between Chile and Argentina. Patagonian leaf-eared mouse, or yellow-rumped leaf-eared mouse (public domain image) Apparently it's the highest known mammal (excluding recreational narcotics), so scientists are a mite startled. (What does it eat, anyway?) There are other critters that live in high places. This adds to the creationist conjectures that the Master Engineer equipped many living things from the beginning to have genetic (epigenetics?) traits that were switched on to allow them to thrive in various environments. Recently, researchers have reported on the world’s “highest-dwelling mammal,” the yellow-rumped leaf-eared mouse, observed upon a dormant volcano 6,739 meters (22,110 feet) above sea level.1 While the discovery of birds

Another Failed Darwin Theory Still Taught

Not only did Papa Darwin  plagiarize other people and hijack Edward Blyth 's idea of natural selection in his presentation of evolution, but he also tinkered with the formation of atolls, which was based in incomplete science. It is malarkey, but still taught to students. Palmyra Atoll, NOAA photo by Erin Looney Secular science indoctrination centers (schools) are famous for providing false and outdated information regarding evidence for evolution and the age of the earth. Indeed, they use fraud . (This is "education".) We've covered Haeckel's drawings that are used to support both abortion and evolution already, and the Miller-Urey experiment has been thoroughly refuted. Darwin's ideas on atoll formation is known to be junk science, but that and the others are still in the textbooks. Maybe it's because it makes secularists feel good, and they need to make the books bigger? Darwin investigated other questions than evolution, such as the nature of barnacl

Scorpions in the Post-Fall Creation

People are often nervous about scorpions. They are not just in the desert, and some have lethal stings. Of course, the 25 dangerous species get most of the attention. Darwin's handmaidens are none to fond of these critters. Credit: Unsplash / Wolfgang Hasselmann The "oldest" fossil scorpion according to evolutionary dating shows no appreciable change over all those supposed years. Also, evolutionists are unable to come up with satisfactory explanations for the development of both venom and the delivery system. Many creationists believe that organisms were "frontloaded" with genetic information at Creation , and genetic switches and so forth were activated at the Fall of man. Scorpions are fascinating critters, so we should take a look. You can’t ponder the scorpion without noticing all its magnificent weaponry. The most obvious items in its arsenal are the bulbous stinger mounted on the tip of the abdomen and the arm-like pinching pedipalps. The pedipalps seize

Adapting to High Altitudes

When sports teams are acclimated to playing in lower elevations, it is often a challenge for them to travel to travel higher. They usually spend some time getting used to the conditions instead of immediately playing a strenuous game. The situation is more dramatic for people who need to live in much greater elevations. Tibet and Mt. Everest credit: Flickr / Göran Höglund (Kartläsarn) ( CC BY 2.0 ) Humans need to adapt to lower air pressure and oxygen levels. The Master Engineer designed epigenetic switches so that certain genes would be expressed in hemoglobin and many other areas. Also, it is not just a couple of genes that are mobilized. Like other living things, humans were "frontloaded" with the ability to adapt to changes such as high altitudes. Just ask the Tibetans and take note of the Denisovans . One marvellous characteristic of living things is the ability to respond to their environment in a way that sustains life and allows for procreation. This is clear eviden

A Frankensteined Fish?

You probably know the story of Baron Frankenstein who stitched together various dead body parts and created a monster. (Note that Frankenstein was the scientist's name, not that of the monster.) A misnamed "frankenfish" was produced by scientists using two types of evolution-defying fish. Credit: Freeimages / Martin Boose That's right, the sturgeon and the paddlefish are closely related due to taxonomy, marriage, and global warming. However, they are separated my almost 200 million Darwin years, so believers in universal common ancestor evolution are surprised that the two species managed to fall in love and make little hybrid fishies. Some have dubbed the offspring "Frankenfish", but that is greatly inaccurate for a hybrid. Do a search for Frankenfish and you'll see that this incorrect word has been used before. No evolution, no "creation". Just fish giving evolutionists something to carp about and quietly affirming recent creation. In 2020, H

Video Review — Genesis Impact

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Under usual circumstances, the secular educational system has students under its control for several hours a day, weeks a year, many years. They are typically given the airbrushed versions of secular humanism and evolution.  Image courtesy of Genesis Apologetics Ironically, when Christian and creationist parents want to do what is right and teach their kids the truth, atheists and evolutionists say that we are "indoctrinating" them. Not hardly! In fact, they  are doing the indoctrination, then accusing us of what they are doing themselves. It's okay to question evolution so you can learn how it happened, but it is streng verboten  to question if it happened in the first place. "Go to a natural museum history", they said. "You'll learn a lot." Yes, you'll learn how cherry-picked facts based on the naturalism narrative can be presented as scientific truth. Also, you can see from models and reconstructions how artists'