
That Pesky Carboniferous Explosion!

Biblical creationists make use of the Cambrian explosion , where many different kinds of critters suddenly appeared in the layer of that name without transitional forms. Those who believe in particles-to-paleontologist evolution try to evosplain it away, but rely on assumptions rooted in maybes.  Moving up a few layers a few million Darwin years and we find the Carboniferous layers. This, too, had its own kind of explosion. Fossils of different kinds of creatures were found as well as ferns and seed plants. Origins and relationships of certain amphibians are sources of contention among evolutionists. Westlothiana lizziae (background modified) image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Nobu Tamura  ( CC BY 3.0 ) Mayday! Mayday! Another theory crash in the making! Darwinists need amphibians as transitions from ocean creatures to our supposed land-dwelling ancestors, but observed evidences despise the narrative. There are no undisputed transitional forms, and modern counterparts of fossilized fo

Surprising Companions in the Ice Age?

Readers have seen many times here that secular scientists face a number of serious problems with the Ice Age. They offer ideas that sound like they were made up on the spot, such as numerous ice ages occurring, but there is no evidence because each one destroys evidence of the last one. Sure, you betcha! Another difficulty is that they cannot propose a plausible model of how any ice ages formed in the first place. Add to this the fact that disharmonious associations  exist. That is, fossils of creatures from diverse climates were discovered that should have never met. We have a pair of articles on these and related subjects to consider. Original image before adding text at Imgflip : Unsplash / Hannah Troupe I am once again asking people to remember that the word fossil  is used in a variety of ways. Most of the time, the word is used to indicate that things are permineralized (turned to stone). However, Ice Age fossils rarely show that characteristic. The "disharmonious" part

The Fake Science Peer-Review Virus is Spreading

Angry atheopaths and evolutionists hide behind statements resembling, "Your creation science evidence does not appear in legitimate peer-reviewed journals". Legitimate? They mean secularist evolutionary things. This is a cowardly way of avoiding evidence refuting fish-to-fool evolution and affirming special creation. It is also a genetic fallacy by rejecting science because of dislike for the sources, and an ad hominem  that implies creationists do not know science.  It needs to be repeated again that peer review is not a guarantee of scientific truth. Indeed, the secular science industry is infested with fraud, having numerous retracted papers and a reproducibility crisis . Mistakes and fraud have been around a mighty long time, but recent news reveals that things are getting...truly bizarre. Original image before modification: Pixabay /  Rudy and Peter Skitterians Why the fraud? First of all humans are sinful creatures. Second, lust for prestige and money play a part. Third

Flying Machines and Sweet Dreams

Yes, the title is drawn from a line in a James Taylor song. No, it never thrilled me and is not about a plane crash . But we do want to dream — mayhaps a thought experiment — about designing something better. We can draw inspiration from living things and also consider how humans built flying machines. Certain aspects of bird wings and bat wings are studied, as are those of dragonflies , for our own purposes. We cannot apply flapping to our device, we can glean principles from creatures. Leonardo's ornithopter image credit: Flickr / James Wink  ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) It's ironic that those who saddle up and ride for the Darwin brand believe in naturalism and that living things only appear  to be designed (a faith-based assertion that has nothing to do with empirical science), but will get on a plane that is engineered through meticulous planning. Even then, living things are far more sophisticated than anything humans devise. A commercial flying device is required to meet stringent

Mountain Building and the Boring Billions

Adherents of minerals-to-microscopist evolution have problems with not only making their deep-time dogmas seem plausible to thinking people, but also providing rational explanations for huge gaps of time. Earth was populated by single-celled organisms for a inconceivably long spell. Then after humans evolved, they did nothing for a long while. Similarly, Earth had a boring billion years of no geologic activity. What gives? Cape Breton Highlands National Park Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Dr. Wilson  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Some scientists commenced to pondering why there seems to be a correlation between gaps in making mountains and the evolution of life, and they came up with a doozy of a hypothesis. It seems reasonable, but it's built on a number of presuppositions, including evolution, billions of years, radiometric dating, and more. Radiometric dating requires several assumptions that make it fundamentally flawed. As with so many other secular problems, when we run the data throu

Confusion on Numbers of Dinosaur Species

It has been discussed before that paleontologists are uncertain as to the number of dinosaur species, and this problem has been analyzed again. It did not go well. Remember that they were not there, so they are constrained by various kinds of bones, fossils, and an increasing amount of soft tissues. Several observations are offered that make little sense. Credit: Pixabay /   Marek Jackowski It would be expected in the wild and woolly days of bone hunters like Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope that they would be excited about a new fossil discovery and then slap a label on it. But as paleontology evolved, it was realized that males, females, juveniles were being categorized as different species. The idea of juvenile dinosaurs were out-competing each other was run up the flagpole, but not many are saluting it. There are variations between and within individuals. Also, the areas where subjects were found and analyzed are dinosaur graveyards with many specimens quite a distance

Chromosome 2 Fusion is Folly

Over at the Darwin Ranch, Rusty Swingset is having his employees put in extensive overtime at the propaganda mill again. Many of their efforts are easily dismissed by thinking people, but others such as the alleged chromosome 2 fusion  seem plausible on the surface. Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos / dream designs , modified at PhotoFunia One reason biblical creation science ministries exist is to provide information and analysis of "evidence" for evolution that secularists misinterpreted and are less than true. Some professing Christians claim to have lost their faith because they thought the Bible was refuted by evolution. However, there are many resources available, and there is really no excuse for not making a reasonable effort to learn the facts. One example is Rhett McLaughlin, a media figure who obtained evolutionary material from biased and unreliable sources such as Wikipedia . Did he check biblical sources? (See " An open letter to Rhett McLaughlin — and anyone else