
How the Appendix got its "Vestigial" Status

It is one thing for scientists to make mistakes, but Darwin's acolytes are slow to correct them when the naturalism narrative is threatened. Indeed, several icons of evolution have been referenced on this site alone that continue unabated. One of these is the claim that the appendix is "vestigial". Neotinic atheists and many evolutionists are happy to let errors slide despite the oft-repeated mantra that "science is self-correcting". So-called vestigial structures/organs were supposedly unneeded leftovers from our evolutionary past, so they atrophied or became nonfunctional. Like the claim of "junk" DNA , evidence was hitched to the wagon of evolutionary presuppositions, and a passel of hubris was added to the load. All of these are assumptions based on worldviews, not conclusions based on scientific evidence. The hubris is that secularists did not understand DNA ( which had not been fully sequenced ), nor did they understand the functions of certain s

Conservation-Evolution Cognitive Dissonance

As people celebrate Lenin's birthday and Earth Day, many well-meaning people focus on doing things for the environment. That is obviously a good thing that Christians and creationists can endorse, but it also has leftist political overtones and a wagon train-load of naturalistic undercurrents. Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) image credit:  Flickr / Bart Hiddink  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Believers in particles-to-politician evolution have cognitive dissonance when it comes to conservation. Their naturalistic views exclude the Creator and have humanity as the result of natural selection, mutations, time, luck, and so on. Nature changes over time, whether anyone likes it or not. People are conflicted over imported (often invasive) and "native" species, and which ones are to be controlled by humans. After all, we evolved better and reached the top of the food chain, right? We're in power, so accept it. However, some think that humans are an invasive species on the planet itself an

Intolerance and Dishonesty from Apostles of Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen We have seen here are that promulgators of evoporn, whether misotheists or their churchian allies, reveal their determination to indoctrinate people into universal common ancestor evolutionism. Many are fanatically intolerant of other views, especially of their circulation. Before we saddle up and ride this trail, it needs to be emphasized again that there are people who are evolutionists because that's how they were trained; apparently many are unaware that there are other views of origins. In addition, many scientists want to just do science stuff. It's the proselytizers — the indoctrinators — that are the problem. Ideally, science thrives on challenges, better ideas, examining the logic, scrutinizing the validity of data, asking if sufficient evidence was utilized, and more. (Similar things in our lives also benefit from similar scrutiny.) Darwin's cheerleaders are appalled — appalled , I tell you — when evolution is questioned or doubted in the sl

Solving the Missing Time Puzzle of Black Canyon

The Western part of the formerly United States has a passel of areas to cause excitement for geologists. If you find yourself out Colorado way, look for Gunnison National Park. Then head over to Black Canyon (because black canyons matter) and look for the Painted Wall. Credits: National Park Service (public domain, see the original here ), then modified at Big Huge Labs Biblical creationists agree with their secular counterparts about many aspects of how these things formed, but not about deep time. Here, people who made the park signs used the assigned age given by secularists to this basement rock of 1.7 billion years (I don't know scientists held their pinkie fingers up to their mouths when they said that alleged age, though). Also, there is a problem of missing eons of time where a huge chunk of it is missing. Then that unconformity , like others around the world, makes things even more puzzling. Over and over, uniformitarian geology fails to explain what is observed, so rescu

Testing the New Design

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen After seeing that so many people visit using mobile devices, I tried to make corrections in the existing format to no avail. So, I had to cowboy up and put in a "responsive" theme that is friendly to smartphones, tablets, and other computers. I see that the existing posts would get some of the image credits scooped up in the preview, so I have to put a bit more text up here so it is not so strange. Credit: Unsplash / Bonnie Kittle This forced me to make many adjustments in the layout, colors, and so on. I'm not entirely satisfied, but mayhaps it's because the whole thing is a big change. This text is Georgia because it's on my mind. Since blockquotes on existing posts were really squirrelly, I added a CSS blockquote format. New posts may take it, but existing posts are going to do...something else. I try to make the blockquotes stand out, including a different typeface and color than the rest. This text is supposed to be Arial. So now I'

Evolutionists have Nowhere to GOE

Many of the stories used to support universal common ancestor evolution are just that: stories. We have seen many times that evolutionists presuppose many things (assuming that evolution happened in the first place), but they are piles of unwarranted assumptions. Consider the Great Oxidation Event. Fighter pilot with nice eyes wearing an oxygen mask Credit: Flickr / Aviatrix (public domain) We do like our oxygen, but scenarios for the evolution of Earth cannot allow for it because oxygen is deadly to chemical evolution (the origin of life myth). Somehow, when conditions were right, the GOE occurred. But like many other evolutionary tall tales, this needs rescuing. Some scientists think that it should be discarded, but others insist on keeping it on life support and adding material (the narrative is more important than facts and truth). All of the so-called science is nonexistent. What is worse is that because people try to justify their rebellion against our Creator and Redeemer, the

Extrapolation and Generalization

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Using my new assault keyboard in the fake science resistance. This one is also unregistered. Many fallacies are closely related, and they often overlap. Sometimes it is difficult to properly identify them. I reckon it is more important to use critical thinking skills and realize when someone is dealing from the bottom of the deck than categorizing those fallacies. Generalizing Misotheists frequently use the hasty generalization fallacy to demonize Christians and creationists. This induction fallacy is used when a generalization is made from insufficient evidence. F'rinstance, atheopaths post a link to an article where members of a crackpot cult let their child die because they did not seek medical attention, and their conclusions spanned, "Christians are stupid", "Religion is evil", and some even use this to claim, "There is no God". We don't need to ride the side trail and examine each of those in depth as well as addition