
Alexander Fleming, Microbes, and the Signature of God

In the 1973 Doctor Who  episode "The Green Death", Jo Grant spilled a certain powdered fungus on microscope slides Professor Jones was using. This happy accident resulted in a cure and was called serendipity.  To recognize serendipity, one must have the necessary knowledge.  Alexander Fleming was a Scottish microbiologist who conducted research during the two world wars. Some say it was serendipity, but he was guided through a series of Providential circumstances to discover penicillin.  Staphylococcus played a major part in his story. Made at PhotoFunia  using a public domain image Not only was Alexander's work guided by God (which is something he himself also believed), but the bacteria he was studying, those "bunches of grapes", exhibited a signature of God. While many of Darwin's disciples foolishly insist that evolution is essential to medical science ( a false claim ), Fleming's discoveries had nothing to do with evolution. While several forms of

Worthless Psychotherapy and Borderline Personality Disorder

Although Sigmund " Frood-dude " Freud tried to make psychotherapy into a science, it has very little to do with real science. Indeed, there are many schools of psychology, so if someone is told to "see a therapist", it could be any of several forms — several of which drew from Freud . Modern psychotherapy is actually dangerous, and labeling people with a condition can be quite harmful . There is a condition known as borderline personality disorder (BDP), but on the border of what is debated . Pexels / Alex Green Psychologists really don't know what's going on in their fundamentally-flawed Darwinian-based pseudoscience. There's almost an even chance that someone will improve over time. I've been open about my own struggles with depression, and that I was seeing therapists and taking medication. That's long past. Don't get me wrong, there are times when therapy is necessary, but to spend huge amounts of money for months and years is wasteful.

Plate Spinning and Solar System Balance

Plate spinning can be an interesting analogy for the balance of the solar system. Have you ever seen people twirl plates on thin sticks at carnivals and other entertainment venues? It has been around in various forms for a mighty long time. Sure, sometimes the plates may be tweaked for better results or even rigged, but the performer selects the right style of plate for the act. After getting set up, the plate spins nicely before wobbling, and it eventually falls. Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  אנדר-ויק  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) At creation, God put the universe in balance. The outer planets of our solar system contribute to the balance of the rest , but everything is running down. This balance, like everything else, does not improve over time. Even though fine-tuned processes keep the overall balance intact, our universe quietly transforms over time. The orbits of Earth, our moon, the solar system planets and their moons, and even the burn of the sun and other stars are constantly changing. The

Evolution, Atheism, and Groupthink

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  In an article about climate screams , the word groupthink was used. It sounds like something from George Orwell, but is actually a psychological phenomenon. In some ways it is like herd mentality where everyone goes in the same direction, but groupthink is more complex. Even though I've used the word and had a cursory knowledge of the concept, I wanted to get a better understanding of groupthink. I found a good article to which I will add my own thoughts, linking to it later. Credit: Unsplash / Eric Herni Conformity involves people changing their actions (and probably their thoughts as well) so they can fit in with a group, but groupthink involves the decision-making process. What do you think happens when people appeal to the consensus, whether it is evolution, climate change, or something else that is highly charged? There is an appeal to emotion. Psychologist Dr. Irving L. Janis coined the word in 1972. People go with the views of a group and practice sel

Eye Protection is Also Designed

When it comes to the design of the human eye, we have seen (heh!) that when people claim that the human eye was "poorly designed", they are speaking from ignorance, prejudicial conjecture, and probably an agenda of atheistic naturalism. Here is some material refuting claims of bad eye design, and similar beliefs . While getting into the mechanics of how the Master Engineer designed the eye, we may neglect the non-eye parts that support and protect them. Everything works together, and evolutionary views cannot coherently explain away this fact. Credit: Pixabay /  PublicDomainPictures As an aside, there is a popular myth about the numbers of facial muscles needed to either smile or frown, and we're told that it takes less to smile than we need to frown. Not everyone has the same number of those muscles available, and not everyone uses them. One thing that people often notice is that some smiles do not "reach the eyes"; people are not feeling it, so they curl their

On the Origin of New Diseases

Microbes have been around since creation, and are beneficial to many living things. After the fall of man, everything changed. Mutations, one of the heroes of fish-to-fool evolution, helped cause some of the changes in those microbes. The world is not at equilibrium. While we have "new" diseases that are actually variants of those previously existing, there are also some that are genuinely new to us. Did evolution bring them about? Not at all. The whole thing is quite complicated. Our Creator designed things to work together in their proper places, but microbes can be displaced from animals to humans. There is a One Health  concept where microorganisms and such live in human and animal hosts as well as reservoirs. Changes cause things to jump to other organisms. At this writing, there is evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is connected to a lab in Wuhan ( a discussion that is being hindered ), but don't completely disregard the part of that origin story regarding bats. Thr

Fossil Graveyards Continue to Testify of the Genesis Flood

A spell back, a Page on Fakebook dedicated to sharing Christian material for the purpose of mockery stated in part, "Another thing that supposedly confirms Noah's flood." If this troop of Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ paid attention, there are numerous evidences for the Genesis Flood, not just a couple of items. Here we have two examples of something troubling to evolutionists and deep-time proponents: massive fossil graveyards. There are many of these all around the world, and are not just anomalies to dismiss. Credit: Another work by  Nobumichi Tamura  at Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ) In an article originally posted in 2007, a passel of dinosaur fossils was discovered not all that far from Ulan Bator, Mongolia. While parrot-beaked dinosaurs were smaller than the big ones that get so much attention, they were not tiny and helpless. Paleontologists are baffled, and tried to evosplain the fossils. It did not go well. How do you fossilize 187 parrot-beaked dinosaurs

Past Rhinos are like Present Rhinos

Fossils indicate that many extinct critters were much larger than their modern counterparts. Secular paleontologists tend to assign different species names to organisms primarily based on their locations in the geologic column, even when there are no appreciable differences .  From large to small is not an evolutionary transition. When creationists quote evolutionary scientists who admit that there are no transitional forms , Darwin's Cheerleaders cry, "Quote mining!" and other nonsense. Indeed, quoting someone who admits to a problem is often used in American law, a statement against interest . Credits: Original at Unsplash from  Keith Markilie , mostly modified at PhotoFunia Evolutionists are fond of calling creatures "primitive" based on their own presuppositions , not on objective scientific truth. Some that qualify as "primitive" by arbitrary standards were quite large. Size probably matters when designating species, but to the biblical  created  

Guilty Conscience over bad Peer Review?

A few days back, Sebastian and Jimbo, the latrine trench diggers at the Darwin Ranch, were in town buying shovels. Although they are unable to grasp the concept, they knew that the rest of the ranch hands were upset about recently retracted peer-reviewed paper. Some jaspers insist that evidence for creation must be presented in "legitimate, peer-reviewed journals", meaning atheistic. It is a form of ad hominem , a genetic fallacy, a blatant falsehood — and a wrong assumption that peer review is a guarantee of truth. Fight for the Water Hole  / Frederic Remington, 1903 There are numerous retracted papers. (Apparently I misunderstood retraction, thinking that something was removed, but that isn't necessarily the case.) There's a reproducibility crisis, some pass peer review even though they are computer-generated nonsense, blatant fraud, and other problems exist. One was even retracted because delicate atheopaths were offended because it used the word "creator"

Never Munch a Manchineel Fruit

Down Florida way, the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, you will likely see mangroves. Those shrubs may be the only friends the much taller manchineel tree has. Some people have toxic personalities, but this bad boy is literally toxic in practically every way. While its distant relative the poinsettia (poin-SET-tee-uh, with four  syllables) has an unjustified reputation of being poisonous , the fruit of the manchineel is sometimes called the death apple. This tree looks like so many others that bear fruit — which makes things worse. Credit: Flickr / Anne and David (given to public domain) It is dangerous to eat the fruit, touch the tree, burn it, breathe the smoke when it burns — about the only safe thing to do with the manicheel is to just look at it. So, what good is it? Like other organisms that have poison, humans are able to use the toxic parts of the tree for helpful purposes. Also, when it is cut down and the wood is dried, it makes good furniture. The very existence of the manicheel