Past Rhinos are like Present Rhinos

Fossils indicate that many extinct critters were much larger than their modern counterparts. Secular paleontologists tend to assign different species names to organisms primarily based on their locations in the geologic column, even when there are no appreciable differences

From large to small is not an evolutionary transition. When creationists quote evolutionary scientists who admit that there are no transitional forms, Darwin's Cheerleaders cry, "Quote mining!" and other nonsense. Indeed, quoting someone who admits to a problem is often used in American law, a statement against interest.

Rhinoceros fossils were discovered, and those bad boys were much larger than those we have now. But they were still rhinos, no evolution happened.
Credits: Original at Unsplash from Keith Markilie, mostly modified at PhotoFunia
Evolutionists are fond of calling creatures "primitive" based on their own presuppositions, not on objective scientific truth. Some that qualify as "primitive" by arbitrary standards were quite large. Size probably matters when designating species, but to the biblical created kinds, not so much.

Image used without permission, stolen from Ian Juby's video
A couple of rhinoceroses were discovered in West Taiwan and were (to use scientific terminology) bigly huge. Evolutionists only guess at the origins of rhinocerotoids. What we have here are big rhinos then, less big rhinos now. Sorry, Charlie, evolution did not happen.
Fossils from two giant rhinos dated by evolutionists to be “22 million years old” in the evolutionary timetable have been discovered in China. They were much larger than today’s rhinos and stood at over 20 feet, but they were still rhinos. This is true with many large animals found in the fossil record—vertebrate and invertebrate. For example, there are giant water bug fossils from the Crato Formation in northeastern Brazil, the giant ground sloth (Megatherium), and giant crocodile (Deinosuchus) found in ten U.S. states. In all three cases they are simply much larger versions of their animal cousins alive today. Real, vertical evolution is not recorded.

To read the rest of this short article, visit "Giant Rhinos Are Still Rhinos".