
Suppression of Thought Despite Darwin

Science is supposed to be about searching for knowledge, which includes forming ideas and testing them to see if they work. The process should thrive on examination and challenges. Unfortunately, the narrative of atheistic naturalism is more important than knowledge. Many of Darwin's disciples consider evolution a "fact" and "settled science". I am once again asking evolutionists why they need dishonesty, fraud, omission of pertinent data, and outright suppression of contrary views supporting this alleged fact. That is not the true spirit of science. Modified from an image furnished by Why?Outreach Charles Darwin knew that his theory had numerous flaws, but didn't want a bunch of sycophants propping up the thing. He wanted challenges and impartial discussion. Of course, he expected to prevail and make our Creator irrelevant despite the lack of evidence supporting his conjectures. One attempt at putting forward a rational view was shut down as "fake scie

Why Atheists and Old Earthers Fear the Genesis Flood

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Many times, biblical creationists will post something about the Genesis Flood, then professing atheists get all fired up. Professing Christians who believe in an old Earth (especially theistic evolutionists) often saddle up and with misotheists against creationists. Their antics are vexatious. Often, self-appointed defenders of materialistic science comment on social(ist) media with personal insults, attacks on God and the Bible, etc. Occasionally they will form a posse comitatus  for a trolling raid. Creation science (and especially the Flood) are threats to deep time. The Man Made Mad by Fear / Gustave Courbet, 1844 We often get remarks that science has refuted the Flood. These owlhoots often find links that supports their preconceptions, post them, and pretend that they are "gotchas" to creation science Flood geology. What is omitted is the speculative nature of uniformitarian geology as well its problems. Years ago, the Bearded Buddha himself put

Crater of Diamonds and the Age of the Earth

Down Arkansas way, they have an interesting state park called Crater of Diamonds . Folks might get a mental image of a hole full of sparkling diamonds, but the crater is volcanic, and people commence searching for raw, uncut diamonds. Some find them, too. Cut diamonds that go onto jewelry are mighty expensive, but you can buy a 15-carat raw diamond for about $400 USD in some places. The park has the usual old-Earth propaganda that satisfies the owners of the Darwin Ranch, but those are dead wrong. Digging at Crater of Diamonds State Park Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Doug Wertman  ( CC BY 2.0 ) The Bearded Buddha needs deep time so he and his votaries can perform their magick, but the hands at the Darwin Ranch hate diamonds because they friendly to creation science . Not only does Crater of Diamonds State Park unwittingly have evidence that fits a Genesis Flood model, but diamonds themselves were tested and found to be a hostile witness to deep time. At Crater of Diamonds State Par

Nimrod: Hunter and Tyrant

Centuries ago, someone in my workplace was coaxing the assistant manager to insult the crew. "Tell them what they are." "A bunch of nimrods !" "Uh, what's a nimrod?" Apparently you  are, Poindexter. Nimrod painting by David Scott, 1832, modified at PhotoFunia Nimrod, capitalized, was a "mighty hunter before the Lord" (Gen. 10:9), We will deal with serious matters soon. First how the name became an insult instead of a complement to a hunter has a murky history. Some say that Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck described Elmer Fudd, the mighty wabbit hunter, with " What a nimrod! " It was apparently sarcastic, and more modern phrasing might render it, "A nimrod. Not." The cartoons seemed to increase the popularity of nimrod denoting a stupid person, and many people have no idea of the original meaning. Ironically, there is evidence that this was not his real name, but rather, a  dysphemism  (using a disparaging word rather than the r

Mentally Disturbed Social Darwinists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen First, a reminder that when people use the word  Darwinism today, it partly a convenience. Classical Darwinism was dying a few decades after it was set forth, but was changed and is now called the neo-Darwinian synthesis, modern evolutionary synthesis, and so on. When discussing origins, it is expected that people know what is being discussed when the words Darwinism and evolution are used.  Moving on. As shown previously, Darwinism is not just a biological theory, but a worldview. Social Darwinism  has been around almost as long as classical Darwinism, and applies survival of the fittest principles to societies. Mostly made at Atom Smasher It was popular in the last century, giving rise to eugenics , scientific racism , ruthless capitalism, and more. Karl Marx saw his economic and political views expressed in Darwinian natural selection . Take a look around at what is happening in the world today. A form of Marxism has been zombified and is walking around, co

The Enigma of DNA

The words code  and cipher  are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference. When I was a small buckaroo, my parents used to spell out words in my presence. That code was abandoned when I learned it myself.  Codes have meanings, often substituting words or phrases, not necessarily containing secrets. (Morse code is not a secret in itself.) The spy trope where one says, "It will be sunny in Hyde Park", receives the reply, "Estelle is flying to Dresden that day", established contact. Each knew the code. Ciphers are a different species. Lorenz-SZ42 cipher machine via Matt Crypto , modified with DNA clipart Ciphers usually involve symbols, often replacing letters in words with other letters, numbers, and so on. A simple cypher would be if I left a note for my wife where all the letters are shifted over three: E becomes H, T becomes W — you get the idea. Sometimes a cipher contains a code as well. The message looks like nonsense until it is deciphered, but the

DNA Storage Still Lacking

DNA is an exceptionally complex and important molecule, so much so that Bill Gates said that is is " far more advanced than any software ever created ." He knows something about computer programming. It is in our nature to learn the workings of the Master Engineer.  The specified complexity of this molecule, its importance to life, and relationships to other cells is amazing. To claim it is the product of mindless evolution is risible. Scientists have been making progress in sequencing genomes, and DNA is  being developed for data storage . Anna Raicevic prepares DNA fragments Credit: CSIRO / North Sullivan Photography ( CC BY 3.0 ) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) To store data on DNA is an amazing feat, but it is not much good if it can't be identified and retrieved. Scientists are making progress in this area as well. Impressive, but consider what our living cells do by obtaining the right information at the right time. Don't be disunderstanding