
Reasons Creationists Critique Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Many years ago, I asked someone to criticize an article I had written. He replied, "No, but I will critique it." Then I learned that criticize has a connotation of negativity, but a critique can be positive and constructive . The term constructive criticism  is often mere criticism and not constructive. While a critique is most commonly known for art and literature, it is also useful when discussing science and writing papers. Critiques help determine if claims are supported or where the material is lacking. Creationists critique evolutionary material. Pexels / fauxels (seriously?), modified with FotoSketcher In my article on debate challenges , I emphasized some things learned from Dr. James R. White. In a true  debate, there is structure and some amount of graciousness. Debaters work on the material presented instead of taking cheap shots at the people. (I'll allow that it's very difficult to remain clinical when discussing deceivers and v

Bat Echolocation and the Master Engineer

Purveyors of molecules-to-mammals evolution tend to get on the prod when creationists and the Intelligent Design folks point out things that clearly indicate intelligent design. (One example is  cellular machinery .) Their dogma is that things only appear  designed. To be blunt, that is galactically stupid. We frequently find examples of the Master Engineer's brilliance and of specified complexity, and to keep saying they only appear designed is cultlike. Or maybe mental illness. A new example is echolocation and the speed of sound. USFWS / Ann Froschauer  via Pixnio (none of these endorse site contents) Bats have always been recalcitrant toward the desires of evolutionists, as the fossil record shows that they have remained bats through millions of Darwin years . Now it has been demonstrated that bats are hardwired for echolocation, and they do not adapt well to changes in environments. That reveals design, not evolution and environment. Bats have the amazing ability to accurately

When those Worlds Collide

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Once again, I had an inspiration from an unlikely source when my mind wandered off all by its lonesome. I have no idea why I was on the rabbit trail, but I was looking up When Worlds Collide . The book by that name was written by Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer in 1933. Bookstores have it, and used copies can be had. Try your library. A movie based on the book was made in 1951, and that can also be found. Pixabay /  Neypomuk-Studios The genre of science fiction has a dilemma: Keep the science in it, or skip reality to garner more sales. Some manage to balance storytelling with science and speculative science, but willing suspension of disbelief is still necessary. Not as much as comic book superhero stuff, though. Sometimes people want to shut off reason so they can have fun, or mayhaps guys want to look at Scarlett Johannsson. Discourteous Celestial Objects In the book version of When Worlds Collide , two rogue planets are going to make life on Earth a mite diff

Genetics Further Supports Biblical Timeline

Goo-to-geneticist evolution is usually portrayed as settled science with a few kinks to be worked out, and yee haw boy howdy, new discoveries support it. In reality, not much in science is settled. Evolutionists are constantly slapping leather with each other over important details. People accept the views popularized in the secular science media, so it may come as a shock that the dominant  Out of Africa (or Recent African Origin ) model is disputed and has several variations. It also has serious flaws . FreeDigitalPhotos /  sheelamohan After the RAO model was galloping along, DNA sequencing caused several problems and four main subdivisions were developed. Those didn't solve the problem of mitochondrial and  Y-chromosome genetic clocks that were refuting it. Creation scientists did a passel of work that secular scientists were neglecting, and found that data corresponds to the biblical population models going back to Babel. That brings up the unthinkable to secularists: more str

Americans Succumbing to Evolutionary Indoctrination

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  A great deal of noise was heard all through Deception Pass, and was even noticed all the way down to Stinking Lake. The hands at the Darwin Ranch were celebrating, and foreman Rusty Swingset even bought both fire water and cheese curls. This was in response to the news that people in the formerly United States embrace evolution. (At least, to some extent.) The question in a survey to which they responded was a mite disingenuous. Efforts at indoctrination were having the desired results. It seems to this child that there would be more of a push to get people educated in science, mathematics, and basic reading skills, since our academic achievements in those areas would satisfy the Greek philosopher Mediocrates . Also, was there a concerted effort to convince people to believe in actual, demonstrable science facts? Not hardly! No, it is more important to get people to believe in fish-to-fool evolution. The primary worldview in the secular science industry is mate

Secularists in a Pickle with Whopper Sand

Way, way down south in the Lone Star State is a place called Brownsville (not to be confused with the Brownsville Station ). Travel a mite too far and you will reach the Rio Grande River. A couple hundred miles out East from Brownsville in the Gulf of Mexico is some intense oil drilling. This led to the discovery geologic puzzler of what is called the Whopper Sand as oil geologists are trained to expect something completely different than what was found. RGBStock /  Roger Kirby This Whopper Sand is extremely thick, and is too far offshore to make sense in a secular worldview. The most plausible explanation will not be found in naturalistic uniformitarian models. Biblical creation science Genesis Flood models make far more sense of what is observed. In the last three years, Shell Oil Company has made three significant discoveries in the Whopper Sand, a massive offshore Cenozoic sedimentary deposit in the Gulf of Mexico. These new finds further extend the oil production in the Whopper Sa

Flood Legends and the Biblical Narrative

Unbelievers spread boilerplate criticisms of the Bible among each other, acting as if they had smoking gun refutations available. It is common to have misotheists refer to the Bible as "fairy tales" and "myths written by bronze age goat herders", but those claims are nonsense. Honest, intelligent people may wonder if mockers have actually read fairy tales, myths, and the biblical account. It is not necessary to consult a literary scholar to see the differences. We have a couple of articles on the Genesis Flood to consider. Storyteller  by Anker Grossvater, 1884 / Source:  Wikimedia Commons A spell back, we looked at three articles regarding some marked similarities in Flood legends of the Americas . What was interesting is that while there were absurdities and changes added over time, many had basic points in common with the Bible. This indicates that the true story became legends told by descendants of Noah and the families of his sons. There are claims that the Ge