
Moses Wrote the Pentateuch

Something I learned from Ken Ham several decades ago (and stated by many others) is the insidious nature of attacks on the Bible. Those with Atheism Spectrum Disorder simply lash out with ridicule, demonstrating their bigotry and lack of reasoning skills. We easily dismiss them. Christians and creationists have had to deal with more subtle and effective assaults. Specifically, they seek to undermine our foundations. All major Christian doctrines begin in Genesis , and not only has Genesis been getting bushwhacked, but the authorship of the Bible as well. Ketef Hinnom Silver Scrolls , Flickr / Biblical Papyrus Photos Moses is the author of the Torah (Pentateuch), the first five books of the Bible. (Some of us believe that, because of the structure of certain sections in Genesis, Adam and other wrote certain sections, but Moses was the editor and compiler.) When liberal theologians and unbelievers say that Moses had nothing to do with the books for which he is credited, they are calling

Astrobiologists Obsessed with Life on Mars

People have wondered about life out there, thataway, for a mighty long time. Planetology was unknown, and planets were called "wandering stars" because they moved differently. Some even reversed themselves according to a perspective on Earth. The ancients often used them to represent their false gods. Later, it was learned that planets were not stars. Was there life on them? Mars was one of the candidates, subject of study, fiction, and erroneous science such as "canals". Today, scientists are downright obsessed with it. Gale Crater on Mars image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona (Slightly modified with  Clker clipart , usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Ignoring facts, defying logic and science, secularists soldier on in their quest to find evidence of evolution. They presuppose evolution, and the pseudoscience of astrobiology (I thought a science had to have something to study; there's no biology in the astro). Any possible exc

So-Called Junk DNA and Ageing

Up yonder at Deception Pass, the hands at the Darwin Ranch have been caught several times doing sloppy science and lying for the Bearded Buddha about DNA. Their viperine tactics fooled many, especially those who are willingly deceived. Remember the now-debunked claim that the chimpanzee genome is 98 percent similar to humans ? It which was stitched together and contaminated. This refuted statement is still being proclaimed. Our main topic today is the duncical declaration that humans are saturated with "junk" DNA. Illustration by Sidney Paget , 1904, modified (find the DNA) Using science and reasoning that thinking scientists should find opprobrious, researchers decided that parts of the human genome did not code for proteins and such. Therefore, DNA parts were useless leftovers from our alleged evolutionary past. This was based on their preconceptions, not exhaustive research. Like vestigial organs, "junk" DNA concepts have been quirted into submission for the mo

Extrasolar Planets Thwart Cosmic Evolution

Human nature being what it is, after people learned that planets orbited the sun and that the stars are also miniature suns, they would have wondered if those distant suns had their own planets. In the 1990s, the first extrasolar planets (exoplanets) were discovered. Seeing distant objects on Earth is difficult enough, and the problem is much greater with such huge distances. People see pictures of planets with romantic names like TOI-1231 b, but such detail has never been observed — those pictures are artists' renderings. NASA / JPL-Caltech / R. Hurt (SSC-Caltech) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I can't help but wonder if God built intellectual surprises into creation that would be discovered as we advanced in science. If you study on it a spell, you might realize that as scientists learn more about the world and the universe, they become more arrogant. Scientism and materialism become supreme, and atheism is on the rise while logic is being twisted beyond

Animals Using Tools

Usually, the blue jay, titmouse, and some of the other birds will grab the peanuts from our patio and scram. Sometimes they prefer to stay and dine on the delicacy. We have seen them peck at seeds and nuts, and we snicker when they step on them to hold them while trying to get the nut open.  Are they using tools? Making use of what is available may be loosely considered tool use, but that does not fit better definitions. RGBStock /  Adrian van Leen I consider my unregistered assault keyboard a tool, as well as the computer. The word  tool  is a mite difficult to define. One says that a tool is an external object used to manipulate, or gain information from, an environment. Fine, we'll use that for this discussion. Believers in atoms-to-assassin bug evolution have a mighty difficult time explaining tool use. After all, their puny god Natural Selection should have favored critters with the ability to fashion tools, learn to use them, pass the knowledge along, and so on. Also, should

Failed Evolution of Language Study

From a universal common descent standpoint, freshly-evolved humans were stupid and attempts to communicate were through grunts and gestures. Since evolution is an irresistible force of nature (except when "stasis" is invoked), languages must have evolved as well. Attempts to find a linguistic "tree of life" consistently fail. Tena, tatou ka heke atu, ka whakapoauau i o ratou reo i reira, kia kore ai ratou e matau, ia tangata, ia tangata ki te reo o tona hoa. De "Weinig" Toren van Babel  by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563 Language itself speaks (heh!) of recent creation and the biblical timeline , but materialists are locked into their evolutionary paradigm and refuse to consider this fact.  让我们下去变乱他们的语言,使他们彼此言语不通。 A recent study on language evolution was not able to support evolutionary presuppositions, but they threw in a lot of speculative terminology. Allons, descendons et brouillons là leur langage pour qu’ils ne se comprennent plus entre eux! Researche

Evidence for just one Glaciation in Alberta

At first, the concept of the Ice Age was unthinkable, but scientists gradually accepted it because of the evidence. Then there were four. Uniformitarian scientists (who believe in slow and gradual processes over long periods of time) further expanded the number of ice ages. They got cozy with the astronomical (Milankovitch) theory. This has been useful for proposing not only multiple ice ages, but for proponents of climate change as well. However, the Milankovitch theory is based on fundamentally-flawed concepts and has been refuted by creation science . RGBStock / SP Veres Up yonder in Alberta, Canada, a geologist mixed up observation with interpretation, and "saw" evidence for multiple glaciations in till (glacial sediments that are unsorted). He apparently neglected other possible explanations of evidence. Several layers of till can be formed in other ways, and the whole thing is built on previous assumptions and the reinforcement syndrome. In Alberta and elsewhere, there

Out-of-Africa Story Upset by Arabian Artifacts

The tale told around the campfires at the Darwin Ranch about human migration from Africa is a fable, but still believed by some folks. It has been faltering for quite some time, and genetics supports the biblical creation timeline . There is further bad news for the Out-of-Africa (OoA) tale from Arabia. The Middle East was not like it is now. (For that matter, the Sahara had some nice swimming holes long ago.) Our ancestors — the real ones, not alleged apelike things — did the human nature thing and traveled there. Middle East satellite image / Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA / GSFC (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Of course, we know from the Bible that Israel was a desirable place, so it's no surprise that people went to other places in the region. They left behind indications of living there, whether just passing through or setting up homesteads. Darwin's disciples are trying to save face and dizzying themselves by trying to spin evidence

Young Ganymede has its Faults

"Breaker breaker 1-9, izzat you, Ganymede?" "That's a big 10-4. You on my back door, Callisto?" "Yeppers! A few dozen of us moons have noticed you cracking wise." "I admit to having a few faults, good buddy." Okay, I was playing with citizen's band radio chatter stereotypes and the fact that in the American dating system, today is ten four. Roger that? Anyway, we have seen many times that the solar system does not act the age assigned to it by secular scientists. For example, Pluto and it's system are not what they expected. Also, the moons of outer planets show youthful activities , flustering believers in cosmic evolution. Now we will take a look at Ganymede. Ganymede as seen from the Juno spacecraft /  NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This bad boy is the largest moon of Jupiter and is about the size of Mercury. Like other planets and moons, it defies cosmic evolution and testifi

The Tower — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Back in 2013, The Rain  by Chris Skates and Dan Tankersley was published. It is a biblical historical fiction about Noah, his family, society at the time, and building the Ark. We were taken through the Flood and the eventual landing on the mountains of Ararat.  The narration traded off from Japheth's first person account and a third person narrative.  My review is here . I did not know that the authors had written The Tower  in 2014, so it was several years before I downloaded the ebook. First, I reread The Rain, then I got to this one. Both books use abundant artistic license, putting personalities and actions to names we see in Genesis while taking care not to overstep the truth of Scripture. Noah's wife and the wives of his sons are given names that are extrabiblical. The Tower  begins some years after the Flood. (The Bible does not mention Noah and his wife having additional children, which is highly unlikely). This book describes the families and t