Young Ganymede has its Faults

"Breaker breaker 1-9, izzat you, Ganymede?"

"That's a big 10-4. You on my back door, Callisto?"

"Yeppers! A few dozen of us moons have noticed you cracking wise."

"I admit to having a few faults, good buddy."

Okay, I was playing with citizen's band radio chatter stereotypes and the fact that in the American dating system, today is ten four. Roger that?

Anyway, we have seen many times that the solar system does not act the age assigned to it by secular scientists. For example, Pluto and it's system are not what they expected. Also, the moons of outer planets show youthful activities, flustering believers in cosmic evolution. Now we will take a look at Ganymede.

Believers in cosmic evolution are constantly surprised because celestial objects act young. Ganymede shows tectonic faults and other signs of youth.
Ganymede as seen from the Juno spacecraft / NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS
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This bad boy is the largest moon of Jupiter and is about the size of Mercury. Like other planets and moons, it defies cosmic evolution and testifies of recent creation. It appears to have tectonic faults, which indicates geological activity. Ganymede also has a magnetic field and water vapor in its atmosphere. None of these things should be happening if it was as old as claimed.
On June 7, 2021, NASA’s Juno spacecraft flew closer to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede than any spacecraft had ever before. Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System—a body larger than the planet Mercury. Its frozen surface holds interest as a distant water source. Analysts still ponder three unique features of Ganymede, one of which they’re now seeing for the first time. If reactions to youthful features on other bodies out there offer any lesson, then long-age believers will end up once again wrestling with why this moon also looks young.
You can read the rest by flying on over to "Does Ganymede Look Young?", good buddy. Later, we'll take another look at the inconvenient moons of Saturn.