
Io Still Shows Signs of Youth

We have seen many instances of where the solar system is not acting its purported age of 4.6 billion years (e.g., " Our Solar System is Young " and " Saturn and Pluto Still Trouble Secularists "), and recent Venusian volcanism does not fit secular beliefs. Io is a moon of Jupiter, the fourth largest in the solar system (Ganymede is the winner), and is slightly bigger than our moon. It has volcanic activity, first observed by Voyager 1  in 1979 and given further examination with further space probes. Volcanic eruption on Io, NASA / JPL / DLR (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) When hotspots are mentioned, scientists are probably not referring to the nightlife (although I haven't been there recently). Some moons have volcanoes of various ices and gasses, but this is the real hot stuff. Since Io probably does not have tectonic activity like we do on Earth, much of the volcanism comes from tidal forces due to gravity and orbits. Planetologists trie

Speleothems and the Young Earth

Have you ever been in a big, deep cave? I have vague memories of being in Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, which was given its name because it is mammothly huge, not because of the extinct elephant-like thing. Another famous system is Carlsbad Caverns down New Mexico way. It gets mighty dark in deep caves, but light dispels darkness (John 1:5, 8:12). Good thing they provide lighting for tour groups, making it possible to see  speleothems . That expensive word includes the common stalactites and stalagmites. Doll's Theater at Carlsbad, National Park Service / Peter Jones (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Rain falls, goes through the soil, picks up carbon dioxide, then it becomes weak carbonic acid. This goes through the limestone, dissolving some calcium along the way. Upon reaching the cave, the carbon dioxide is free at last, and the calcium is deposited. This process is what causes stalactites (sticking tight and hanging down), stalagmites (the other ones), and some a

Thanksgiving and Proper Motivation

This is Thanksgiving Day in the formerly United States, and other places around the world have something similar. This kind of thing is mostly done mostly in areas with Christian populations. But have you ever noticed that thankfulness does not seem to be a part of human nature? Gratitude has to be learned. I reckon most of us can relate to giving a child a gift and a parent has to prompt, "Say thank you!" Eventually we learn to express gratitude — especially if it betters our chances of getting more stuff. More importantly, learn  why  we should be thankful. Unsplash / Guillaume de Germain Secularists recognize gifts of our Creator but try to make them into naturalistic responses or will rewrite history (such as the disgusting modification of the Pilgrims gave thanks to the natives , omitting God). Some fools thank the universe, an obvious appeal to pantheism. Others use reification and hate, such as this reaction to a Thanksgiving post (Rom. 1:21): Today is the anniversary

False Claims of God of the Gaps

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is so much misrepresentation of biblical creation science nowadays, one might be justified in suspecting that prizes were awarded. Misotheists and evolutionists build a straw man, add a heapin' helpin' of ridicule, then commence to laughing about refuting creation science. Not hardly! A popular false accusation is that creationists rely on a God of the gaps  position. This means that when we lack scientific knowledge about a subject, we refer to God to cover those gaps in our understanding. Geierlay Suspension Bridge, Pexels / Sven Huls   There is a substantial amount of hypocrisy in accusing us of using a God of the gaps approach because they have an evolution  or science of the gaps  tenet of faith . This child has pointed out for a long time that people have believed in evolution despite  extreme gaps in knowledge that even Papa Darwin existed (such as the dearth of transitional forms in the fossil record that he hoped would be discovered later )

Fossil Time Ranges Create Evolutionary Havoc

Propagandists for universal common descent evolution as well as Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ on teh interwebs insist that the geologic column and the fossil record show an orderly progression of evolution. That is the opposite of the truth. Knowledgeable evolutionists admit that the fossil record is cattywampus, so they have to constantly make adjustments to the fossil time ranges in an effort to make the evidence fit their paradigm. The Bearded Buddha admitted to problems with the fossil record, and things only got worse since then. Expressions like "earlier than we thought" frequently occur in the secular science industry, so the ranges are adjusted. Pollen from flowering plants ( Darwin's Abominable Mystery ), "oldest" primates and monkeys, the origin of mammals, and other findings frequently occur that cause consternation for evolutionists. To make things appear to work, Darwin's disciples use circular reasoning and confirmation bias. The fossil record i

The Heat is On for Savanna Chimp Evolution

A paper passed peer review, but it should have been bounced back. The story is that savanna chimpanzees differ from their forest brethren, and they should be studied to learn about human evolution. Mayhaps that is why it passed: because evolution. Remember, evolution explains everything according to secularists, but it is so flexible, so malleable, it explains nothing . Darwin's acolytes use "selection pressures" to evosplain some of their conjectures, but it is murky. Even so, they use it in discussing these chimps. Wikimedia Commons / Burgers' Zoo / Mira Meijer  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) If those so-called selection pressures still exist, other chimps should be forced to evolve into social(ist) media fact checkers or even something useful. Notice that these pressures are not identified, so that makes it easier to say that they affect chimpanzees on the savanna, but not those that live in the forest. This peer-reviewed paper ignored facts, used the Big Lie of DNA similaritie

Evolution and Morality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although misotheists are divided on many things, some pretend that they are unified and it is the fault of Christians and creationists for not understanding them. Some time ago, I made a disparaging remark about an atheist's claim that people get morality from evolution. When I mentioned it later, another told me I was being ridiculous because they do not believe such a thing. The telegraph lines must have been down because one or the other did not get the correct message. Atheists frequently get on the prod and seem compelled to contradict anything the st00pid dujmb theist will say — even at the point of denying their own mythology or actual scientific facts for the sake of being disputatious. Trying to have a rational discussion with the average internet atheist is often like trying to teach a pig to sing (it wastes your time and irritates the pig). As a student of presuppositional apologetics , I've learned that the apologists needs to show that the u

Water in the Far Reaches of the Universe

Way, way out yonder, water was detected in a pair of galaxies known as SPT0311-58. The radiation from them was detected through the help of a massive object between them and us, which caused some gravitational lensing. Uncle Albert Einstein discussed how space is warped by gravity in a way similar to a bowling ball resting on a trampoline. Light from out there gets bent and distorted before it gets here, and that lensing effect made it possible to detect SPT0311-58 at the edge of the known universe. South Polar Telescope, National Science Foundation / Dr. Daniel Michalik Water has never before been detected so far away, but that should not be all that surprising because it is not in liquid form (that has only been found on Earth), and water in other forms is rather common out there. It's probably frustrating to secular scientists because this indicates problems for continually-Frankensteined Big Bang cosmogony. It also brings Genesis 1:6-8 to mind, which mentions the waters above t

Climate Change and Woolly Mammoths

How long will it take before Facebook stops tagging posts that mention climate change with their links to alarmist propaganda? That question is of a rhetorical nature. Moving on... It seems to be increasingly common for the secular science industry to jump on trendy terms, possibly to make a pretense at relevance. They also have a nasty habit of conducting inefficient research and leaving out important details. Hence, we get evoporn capitalizing on climate change and the demise of woolly mammoths. Flickr / Rob Pongsajapan  ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia One pretentious professor claims that he has proof that the demise of woolly mammoths was not due to human hunting, but to climate change. Proof? Not hardly! He told a story and left out many significant details, including why these creatures that roamed a great deal didn't just move out of the chill. No, something drastic happened. Creationists can give far more rational explanations. One nice thing is that humans aren't

Ant Brains and Human Evolution

Except for entomologists, I reckon that most people dislike ants. Especially carpenter ants, hammering and running power tools in the walls at all hours of the night. You certainly do not want to pitch your tent over an anthill. But God did not consult anyone when he made them an important part of the ecosystem. They aerate soil, clean up dead things, disperse seeds, are predatory to pests, and are mighty tasty to other critters.  We cannot live without them . Darwinists decided to study their brains to determine human brain evolution. Freeimages /  Dimitar Tzankov Ants have about 250,000 neurons in their 600 Î¼m (micrometer) brains, and humans have somewhere around 100 billion neurons in our brains. Sure, the comparison is just screaming to be made. Makes perfect sense. Actually, it does  make sense to fundamentalist evolutionists in some strange way because we all supposedly evolved from a common ancestor. These jaspers presuppose evolution (no matter how ludicrous they sound) to prov