
Catastrophic Year at Karoo

If you head down South Africa way, there is a place called the Great Karoo. It is in the southwestern province of the Western Cape, but the Karoo is rather arid because of low annual rainfall. This is where a geological formation called the Karoo Supergroup  is found. In this area, dinosaur tracks were found on a sandstone bed on a farm. Geologists have found many tracks in various places around the world, and they often need to be examined quickly after they have become exposed before they are eroded away. Karoo Landscape, cropped from Flickr / Bernard DUPONT  (follow the link for the full image) ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) The Karoo Supergroup is huge, just like many others that extend across continents and even to other continents. (It would be annoying to say that some are in-continent, so I won't .) Secular geologists have notions about the layers of rocks forming by lava and sedimentary deposits over millions of years, but these do not make sense. One reason is that the critters could n

Evolutionists Tickled about Pterosaur Feather Claims

Like dinosaurs, pterosaurs came in many sizes and shapes. Tupandactylus imperator was an odd-looking creature, different from the more common pterosaur portrayal. Evolutionary scientists thought they found themselves evidence of feathers. Perhaps it is because many secularists want evidence that birds evolved into dinosaurs — not that it would matter much, because dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and birds   were contemporaries . Also, even if the assertions in the obedient lapdog media of the secular science industry were true, feathers on pterosaurs are no threat to creation science. Tupandactylus imperator (background added), Nobumichi Tamura / Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) What was actually seen is not justified by interpretations by the scientists, and similar nonsense has been floated before . They excluded explanations that do not make Darwin smile, preferring evoporn to actual scientific research and thorough examination. People who have learned critical thinking should know that

Creationists Presenting Wrong Information about Natural Selection

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  As stated many times before, Christians and creationists are called to a higher standard using evidence, logic, and apologetics than unbelievers. Further, we must show godly integrity in everything we do. One of the main principles in a debate, formal or informal is to honestly and accurately represent the opposing view . Otherwise, people make disingenuous straw man arguments. (Evolutionists frequently do this to creationist views.) Unfortunately, some influential creationists are making false statements about natural selection . Although I am not influential, I have been doing this to some extent as well. Lightbulb with world, Pixabay / PIRO4D Atheists try to slap leather with us, and are frustrated when a knowledgeable creationist returns fire with truth and reason. The abusive  ad hominem  "liar for Jesus" is falsely asserted when we know something of which they are ignorant, or simply do not like. However, we must not give them any basis to make

Abortion and Rebellion against the Created Order

The ideal status of the family unit was established by God in the beginning, which was one man and one woman. This was attacked shortly thereafter, and has been ever since. In fact, it is increasing. The Christian worldview sees other humans as created in the image of God. It was shocking to pagan nations, but gradually began to take hold in cultures and governments. It was the Christian influences and advocacy that led to the abolition of slavery, and the elevation of women and children, because all are bearers of God's image. Empty bassinet, Freestocks /  Joanna Malinowska People who hate God (whether they admit it or not) have rebelled against his created order for the family unit. Secularists use political ideologies that are ultimately Marxist in outlook, pretending that they are doing what is best for people. They promote false alternatives for the family, and claim that abortion is a "woman's right" and "healthcare" and will keep the bassinet empty. I

Darwinists Flighty about Insect Wings

Stevia Dolce, the new baker at the Darwin Ranch, seemed angry with me after our discussion on trilobites. Surprise! She stopped by my spread with a blueberry pie. It was early, so I put on coffee and scrambled us some hen fruit for breakfast. Then we had a nice discussion. Never judge intelligence by occupation, as Stevia the baker is a smart cookie. She was amazed at the irrational arguments that Joe Nexnelsrent used about DNA, and went on to tell me that he discussed an article on the evolution of insect wings. She said it was...truly bizarre. But very interesting. Dragonfly, Pixabay / Roy Buri Evolutionists have an a priori  assumption that everything evolved, beginning with the Big Bang. Notice they do not question if  something evolved in the first place, but only how  it evolved. It must have, since things only appear designed. Because atheistic naturalism. As we have seen numerous times, their reasoning skills are often horribly lacking. The idea of neo-Darwinism requires numero

Of Languages and Brains

There are many scientific and logical challenges for minerals-to-microscopist evolution, and a few are quite frustrating for its believers. One of the more disconcerting areas is the origin of language. Not only are evolutionists unable to come up with a plausible mechanism, language also speaks of the Creator . Although the secular science industry is red in tooth and claw protecting naturalism, there are a few mavericks who defy prevailing views and offer alternatives — as long as they don't jump the corral fence and run for freedom in biblical creation. Brain circuit board, Pixabay /  Gordon Johnson Apparently, learning a language is extremely beneficial and has several influences, but it is an accident. Culture plays a part. Chimpanzees are presumed to be our closest evolutionary relatives, but they cannot learn languages, nor can they teach their offspring. What little they know needs to be relearned in each generation. Also, they are simply not wired for it. Humans learn lang

Folded Rocks and the Genesis Flood

When discussing geological features, secular scientists tend to get bent out of shape when the Genesis Flood is mentioned — especially since the Flood is the best explanation for bent and folded rocks. Biblical history, including the Flood, was accepted by most people for many years. James Hutton petulantly stamped his foot and declared that geology must  be explained by naturalistic gradual means, so leave God and miraculous processes out of it. He spread his ideas in the 1780s, and people began to accept the philosophical view of deep time. Uniformitarianism is the dominant position today. Folding rock, Flickr / John Fowler  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Pick up a piece of sedimentary rock. Mayhaps you have a piece of shale handy. Fold it and mail it to me. No, you can't because it breaks (if you're strong enough in the first place). Secular geologists insist that those layers of folded rocks are the result of slow 'n' gradual effects over millions of years. However, there is no obse

Oceanic RNA Viruses, Creation, and Non-Evolution

One reason scientists do not know many things is that there is a huge amount to learn, so they select certain subjects for analysis. Sometimes they reject a subject out of hand because it has been deemed unimportant. Scientists can hinder their knowledge by being too limited. The sailing ship Tara  is packed with scientists, and they discovered a schooner-full of RNA viruses in the oceans. This child approves (as if they would care) that these researchers wanted to get additional information, as the more harmful viruses get the most attention. Apollo 17 "Blue Marble" — NASA (usage does not imply endorsement, yada, yada, yada) Studying a few viruses may give them something to lasso for those under study, but, scientists need to saddle up and ride to the top of the hill for a bigger picture. After all, viruses are important. Some folks think all viruses are bad, but that is incorrect. (Some think all bacteria are bad as well, another error.) Viruses known as  bacteriophages c

Junk Arguments about Parasitic DNA

Joe Nexnelsrent dropped by the Darwin Ranch (out Folly Road near Deception Pass) for a symposium on "junk" DNA. It did not go well. Some of these owlhoots still cling to the notion that the human genome has vestiges from our evolutionary past, even though that nonsense has been debunked. Parasites (the Greek root word essentially means "eating at the table of another") are a poor comparison. Non-coding DNA can resemble parasitic behavior in the way it spreads, but it does not drain a host. The science and logic involved should bemarrass serious scientists. DNA background image: RGBStock /  Tomislav Alajbeg People in the secular science industry need  to find ways to protect their evolution narrative, so they make proclamations when they really don't understand enough about the subjects under consideration. This is based on a naturalistic mindset, viewing things through Darwin spectacles, then confirming their biases. Arguing from insufficient evidence occurs fr

Galaxies Rudely Surprise Cosmologists

People have worldviews by which they live their lives. They interpret all kinds of evidence, and obviously, that includes scientists. From that worldview, scientists have speculations, hypotheses, theories, and all that good stuff. They have expectations and models that are expected to support their ideas. The prevailing viewpoint in cosmogony and cosmology is the Big Bang, so if that were true, observations should fit the models, yes? After the great cosmic inflation, stars formed, exploded, caused other stars and planets, then eventually particles-to-planetologist evolution would occur. Starburst Galaxy Messier 82 from Hubble,  NASA  / ESA / The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) (usage does not imply endorsement) Stars and galaxies are in the wrong place and time according to secular views. As usual, rescuing devices and excuses were utilized to explain away what are further problems for old universe cosmology. Such discoveries are well in keeping with biblical views of recent creati