
Refuting Bad Design Claims of Human Foot and Ankle

Misotheists and other evolutionists frequently use dysteleology arguments, which basically mean that they think something was the product of bad design, therefore, no Creator. The human eye  and the panda's thumb  are two of their favorites. Not too long ago, we considered similar claims about knee joints . This time we go a mite lower and dispense with bad design arguments about the human foot and ankle. Like knees, feet and ankles give us problems. The Master Engineer cannot be blamed when people do not use them in keeping with their design. Feet and ankles, Unsplash / Jan Romero Professor Nathan Lents wanted to slap leather with creationists and Intelligent Design proponents (and possibly to bolster the faith of fundamentalist evolutionists). Like other evolutionists, he apparently argued from ignorance instead of knowledge of the subjects he discussed. Lentz wrote a book about the things that are supposedly products of evolution, no designer need apply. It did not go well. Befo

Horsemanship and Evolution

The age of the American cowboy on the great cattle drives was from 1866 to 1886. They moved longhorns from Texas to railheads in Kansas, but the need for that work ended when railways were established further south. They knew, and other folks who work with horses know, that a horse and rider essentially become a unit. American Indians, Mongol warriors, and other groups of people throughout history also learned the joys and efficiency of working with horses. Reality and history do not fit Darwinian beliefs, however. A Turk Surrenders to a Greek Horseman , WikiArt / Eugene Delacroix Evolutionists essentially believe that our ancestors swung down from the trees, but they were too stupid to do much. So, they sat around in caves for a huge amount of time, presumably waiting for their brains to develop. The evolutionary timeline of history has a whole lotta nuffin, then many accomplishments in a tiny section at the end of the timeline. Sense it makes no. When history is examined, people are

Touching and Feeling

Our Creator has designed us so we are able to receive multiple stimuli, yet are not overwhelmed by too much too soon. Talking to another person in a room full of other people who are talking, yet speech from most of the others do not register on our minds. When it comes to touching and feeling, we have a similar system in place. There is a great deal happening at this very moment as I am still recovering from knee surgery. Several stimuli from the laptop, various minor bodily pains, those are in the background. Hand touching water, Pexels / Ashutosh Sonwani You got a lotta nerve! That phrase really has little to do with nerves. I have one nerve left, and you're getting on it! Aside from the obvious remark about losing patience, that may actually have a physiological basis. Some areas of our skin are far more sensitive than others (and we often seek to have them stimulated), but excessive stimulation can actually be painful. Sensitivity comes from nerve placement, as God designed us

Ham — Deified by Egyptians as Horus, Part 2

In the first part , we examined evidence that Ham, a son of Noah, was elevated to deity status by the ancient Egyptians. Numerous comparisons between Genesis and linguistics, plus recorded history, make this concept highly probable. The author draws from additional material in the second article to support his claim. Some are admittedly speculative, and it becomes difficult because of the tremendous amount of time that has elapsed. Egyptian symbolism became modified and additional symbolism had been added for special purposes. Statue of Horus, Temple of Horus at Edfu, Flickr / Warren LeMay  (given to public domain ) Noah might have been flattered, being the father of a god. Well, there are linguistic connections between Noah and two of Egypt's gods! We know that eight people were on the Ark. Like other cultures around the world , Egypt has a global flood legend with notable similarities to the biblical account — Horus/Ham features in it. Enmity between Horus/Ham and his brothers ha

Solving the Mysteries of Devils Tower

People seem to taunt the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) with names like  Devil's Tombstone in New York, Devil's Soup Bowl in Michigan, Oregon's  Devil's Punchbowl , and so on.  (Then there are sports teams.) A more interesting location is Devils Tower National Monument . It is a sacred place to Indians, and the English name was probably a mistranslation of the Lakota . The apostrophe was dropped in the official name, but people still tend to put it in there anyway . Devils Tower is quite large, and it has baffled geologists for a long time. Devils Tower, USGS / Carol Wippich (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The first big mystery is its formation, and another mystery is why it is standing there all by its lonesome. Then those huge columns that are fracturing and seen in debris at the base. If it were millions of years old, the tower should be a pile of rubble. Secularists won't like this, but geology incorporating the Genesis Flo

Damage Control for Evolutionist Storytelling

Creationist and Intelligent Design folks often take the ejecta from Darwinists that is paraded as actual science, showing flaws in their reasoning, and more. It is necessary to remind people that the flaunted peer review process has many problems; just because a paper passes does not guarantee truth. One may wonder if peer review is a tool used to advance a materialistic agenda and deny the Creator rather than promote scientific research. Peer review or not, much research boils down to Just-So Stories to advance evolutionism. Storyteller by Anker Grossvater, 1884 A couple of writers wrote a paper in an effort to elevate evolution to the level of hard sciences. It passed peer review — which supports speculations that the process is horribly flawed and probably agenda-driven. There are numerous logical fallacies (a good reviewer would have spotted those and pulled back on the reins) and other things that should make taxpayers demand their money back. For that matter, Darwin's Flying

Doubt Creation, so Doubt the Resurrection?

Apologists have often encountered people who claim to have lost, or are losing, their faith. One problem is that they are willing to accept the authority of skeptics, so they do not do their homework. This child has seen many instances when someone will claim that they could not get answers to their questions, but they are complaining online , where answers are available — if they sincerely want them. People who are not grounded in the faith should not spend time interacting with or reading material by scoffers. Resurrection, Empty tomb  RGBStock / Alex Bruda Skeptics today are scoffers, unwilling to accept answers, or even consider than answers exist. They corrupt those who are weak in the faith and drag them down. Atheists are good at posturing and ridicule. Those who are weak in the faith may be afraid that if they get misotheists on the prod, they will say mean things to or about them. What they experience is nothing in comparison with what Jesus went through. That's worth thin

Pileated Woodpecker Surprises

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is one of those times I must refrain from writing in character; no Darwin Ranch folks. Y'all have read how my wife and I have grown to appreciate birds in our area. She likes to provide seeds, and frequent shelled unsalted peanuts (especially for Blue Jays). The suet feeder , a small basket-like apparatus, is for the woodpeckers. In our area, we see the Downy Woodpecker most often, and occasionally the larger version, the Hairy, stops by to peck at the suet cake. So does the Red-Bellied, which is about the same size as the Hairy. And boy, do they peck! Sparrows are winged pigs, but the others usually chase them off. (The Northern Flicker made it to the porch a couple of times, but I disremember if those like suet.) We wistfully thought about how great it would be if the Pileated stopped by, but it's big and this is an apartment complex. Downy caps at about seven inches (18 cm.) and is quite comfortable on the suet feeder. Hairy can be 10 inches (26 c

Neanderthal Baked Crab Party

Those Neanderthals were an interesting group, and they were fond of having parties. Especially at the beach. Mayhaps last weekend was a clam bake, but this time it was a crab bake. Those things are a little more of a challenge to gather, which made it more rewarding. One Neanderthal was streaming a video of Beach Blanket Bingo , another was cranking up "Nothing but a Good Time" and someone had to get them to compromise before a fight broke out. Lots of food, cold drinks, telling stories around the fire... No fire here, but that is a story. Except that Neanderthals did know how to bake crabs. Salt-baked crab, Flickr / insatiablemunch ( CC BY 2.0 ) We are blessed to be living in a time when recipes have been passed along for generations and can be recorded for posterity. Cooking and baking techniques are in books and on television, and websites have thousands of recipes available. Also, people can always improvise ( I'm a hack at cooking ). Neanderthals baked crabs and it

Programmed Biases and Artificial Intelligence

The subject of artificial intelligence keeps cropping up, and it will continue to do so for quite some time. Having "machines" become sentient and taking over has been a favorite theme in science fiction for decades. Some of those stories are fanciful, others may be cautionary tales. In the earlier post " Artificial Intelligence and Replacing Humanity ," several articles were linked that show how humanity really has nothing to fear. A primary reason is that AI can never become equal to, let alone surpass, the human brain. Artificial Intelligence, Pixabay /  Gerd Altmann  (geralt) As discussed previously, AI and other computers are subject to their programming. This was recently illustrated in an opinion column by Robert Marks . Western civilization has been distancing itself from biblical principles, so it shouldn't be surprising when ChatGPT has to practically be begged to mention what many biblical creationists believe: Behemoth in the book of Job is a sauropo