Trust Me — I'm an Evolutionist

Once again, it needs to be said: Scientists are human. They have the same tendencies toward avarice, nobility, bias and so on that regular people have. But regular people put them on a pedestal and make them almost super human, without emotions and totally objective. How fair is that? Also, science fields are high-pressure and can be ruthless, demanding results. When you take a person who wants to succeed in a rough environment, well, they can give in to their sinful nature a bit more readily that some people.

Scientists are human. They have the same tendencies toward avarice, nobility, bias and so on that regular people have. But regular people put them on a pedestal and make them almost super human, without emotions and totally objective. How fair is that? But some will stop at nothing to make people believe in the lie of evolution.

Evolutionists presume that evolution is true, and argue from there. Using their Darwin Spectacles, they see "evidence" of it that actually does not exist (or worse, miss data that refutes evolution and gives evidence for the Creator). Some are so religious about their evolutionary mindset, they will resort to any means necessary to get someone to believe in their imaginary gods of chance, time, mutations, natural selection and so on. Their worldview affects their conclusions.

Just because someone is a scientist does not mean that he or she does not have an agenda. Also, just because someone believes in evolution does not mean that he or she is objective, rational and knowledgeable about the subject.
When I was a Ph.D. student, one of the myriad articles I had to read and digest was aptly titled, “Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics.” Although this phrase is attributed alternately to both Mark Twain and Victorian England’s most famous Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, the complete quote is, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” The point of the article was to note something that is well established, that statistics can be manipulated to support anything. When deceptive tactics are applied to evolutionary dogma, and this fallacious evidence becomes part of the history of modern science, you can begin to understand the enormity of the problem. The vast majority of scholars in the scientific community are agenda driven and, therefore, incapable of avoiding researcher bias connected to their hyper-materialistic evolutionary worldview. 
When your worldview is based upon the false teaching of evolution, your conclusions become suspect. While most evolutionary scientists believe they are honest men and women that think they are being truthful; they tend to discard evidence that does not conform to their evolutionary worldview. In addition to this, there is fierce competition within scientific disciplines with no lack of animosity between competing factions. There is a history of researchers not reporting what they have found to be true, but rather what they wanted to be true. This is usually not done overtly, but their conclusions are skewed, spun to conform to Darwinian theory. When all criticism of evolutionary theory is excluded from the discussion, and only evidence supportive of evolutionary theory is allowed, the results are suspect. 
You can read the rest of "You Cannot Trust Evolutionists" in full context, here