Dark Matter Doesn't Really
The majority of evolutionary cosmologists and cosmogonists hold to the "Big Bang" theory of the origin of the universe. (Many do not believe in the Big Bang, however.) From this explosion came order and complexity. When problems occur, the theory gets adjusted and "retrofitted" to account for some of the observed data. Sort of like the imaginary "Multiverse". Of course, biblical creationist scientists do not need to resort to such contrivances.

Source: Hubblesite.org
Using circular reasoning and presuppositions, these secular true believer cosmologists made up the idea of "dark matter". (By the way, it's interesting that secularists who hate presuppositional apologetics from Christians use their own version so often.) Starting with the assumption that the Big Bang is true, and that all of the matter in the universe cannot be accounted for, the rest of the matter in the universe must be dark, unobserved, unverified — and lots of it.
Source: Hubblesite.org
Using circular reasoning and presuppositions, these secular true believer cosmologists made up the idea of "dark matter". (By the way, it's interesting that secularists who hate presuppositional apologetics from Christians use their own version so often.) Starting with the assumption that the Big Bang is true, and that all of the matter in the universe cannot be accounted for, the rest of the matter in the universe must be dark, unobserved, unverified — and lots of it.
You can finish reading "Dark Matter, Sparticles and the Big Bang", here.Why do many cosmologists claim that only a small fraction of all the matter in the universe is the “normal” everyday matter with which we are familiar?In particle physics, protons and neutrons are the best-known examples of a group of particles called baryons. Since protons and neutrons comprise almost all the mass of an atom, matter composed of atoms is known as baryonic matter. The everyday matter that we see, touch, and feel is baryonic matter.Surprisingly, many astronomers have concluded that most of the matter in the universe is invisible! In other words, it is thought that the vast majority of the matter in the universe does not emit significant amounts of electromagnetic radiation. Since electromagnetic radiation includes visible light—as well as other forms of radiation—this inferred matter is invisible to us and is therefore called dark matter.