Doubting the Big Science Machine

The public has a disconnect about Big Science. Some love it and think it's the ultimate source of truth, but educated people are also skeptical because they've been misled.
The public seems to have a cognitive dissonance when it comes to science and the scientists that make science and technology happen. Many will blindly accept what scientists say (or what the science press claims what scientists say). Some go as far as to make man-made science philosophies the ultimate source of truth and knowledge.

Then the disconnect. People are skeptical of what scientists say, while being enamored of science. Despite the claims of evolutionists, atheists, agnostics, and those tinhorns who go haywire alternating between atheism and agnosticism, it's not st00pid unedjamakated dumb Xtians who have doubts. Instead, there are people who think and are informed about science matters who have doubts.

Can you blame anyone for having doubts? Scientists say things that are not exactly true, and the science press has the grace, dignity, and accuracy of a cattle stampede, making grandiose claims about "discoveries" that the scientists themselves do not recognize. We were giving proof the the Big Bang — nope, another proof fell through. Then we're given proof of anthropogenic global warming — sorry, that didn't work. Proof that vaccines cause autism — wrong, there's plenty of evidence against that. But they have peer review! Big deal, there are many bad papers getting accepted, and also getting recalled — secular peer review is not a guarantee of good science. How about "Lucy", and other proofs of evolution? Those are refuted as well. All this bad science going on, and they still want our tax money.

Add to this the demand to believe in consensus science, with owlhoots that ridicule of those who present evidence that doesn't fit the consensus, and their suppression of nay-sayers. Consensus science is downright bad, see "Why consensus science is anti-science" for more on that topic.

Intelligent people are having serious doubts about what's going on in the Big Science Industrial Machine. Many false leads, many failures, but a lot of money. This attitude is rooted in a faulty worldview based on materialistic presuppositions instead of the Word of God (Prov. 1:7). The true spirit of scientific inquiry means welcoming challenge and examining contrary evidence instead of protecting the consensus and focusing on funding.
Many people skeptical of scientific consensus are not uninformed or scientifically illiterate, study shows.

Secular scientists and reporters are wagging their heads over public intransigence about evolution and climate change, but a new study shows the skeptics are not the dodo-heads some pro-consensus folk make them out to be. The divide is prompting some science leaders to encourage their ranks to listen to the vox populi.
If you want to learn more, read the rest by clicking on "Big Science Faces Credibility Gap". For additional information, see "Big Science in Crisis of Trust".