Evolutionists Bugged by Moth Fossils

Evolutionists have a long history of trouble with moths, such as the fake news regarding the peppered moth. Continuing the tradition of wishful thinking, they studied some fossilized moths and hoped they would have some kind of evidence for their belief system. What they obtained was evidence that moths have always been moths, even after alleged millions of years. I reckon moths could be considered living fossils.
With the continuing development of more precise microscopy (and some fascinating equipment), new moth fossils were analyzed. Scientists were able to discover fine details about colors in wing micro-structures. That's very impressive. Notice that wings on butterflies and moths are very delicate, but scientists were still able to do the work. The number of fossils, and the details contained therein, are indicative of rapid burial, not gradual processes. You know, the rapid burial from the Genesis Flood. But materialists reject that because it interferes with their misplaced faith. Their faith should be placed in the Creator and his Word, especially since the evidence they admire supports special creation and the Flood, not evolution.
Using a variety of high-powered microscopes, scientists wanted to see how much evolution occurred in the alleged 200 million years separating the fossils from their modern living versions. But the ancient creatures are exactly the same as the modern. So, why didn’t the little rascals evolve?
As it turns out, the more fossils we find and evaluate, the worse it gets for evolution. Charles Darwin was astutely aware of the problems the fossil record presented for his ideas, and he hoped that future discoveries would eventually vindicate his proposition of progressive gradualistic evolution over deep time.To read the rest, click on "Moth Fossils Pester Insect Evolution".