Early Humans Sailed Too Soon
If you find yourself out in the Greek islands, take a look for one named Naxos. It is not huge, about 166 square miles or about 430 square kilometers, and the population pushes 20,000. Artifacts found on Naxos were determined to be from ancient travelers, and this is causing consternation among Darwinists.
According to secular reckoning, the artifacts were dated at 200,000 years old. Naxos is ancient, but that's stretching it quite a bit. And the stuff isn't theirs anyway. Scientists commenced to cognating and realized that ancient humans must have boated over there. This was not chartering a boat for a three-hour tour that got shipwrecked, either, because apparently the journey happened frequently.
Evolutionists believe that ancient humans were stupid, sitting around for many thousands of years wasting time by painting on cave walls, searching for free WiFi, fighting neighboring tribes, and so on. But for everyone to do basically nothing for so long is contrary to human nature. The truth is that such evolution did not occur and Earth is far younger than materialists want to believe. Creationists know that humans were created intelligent from the beginning.
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Credit: Pixabay / WeeFee_Photography |
Evolutionists believe that ancient humans were stupid, sitting around for many thousands of years wasting time by painting on cave walls, searching for free WiFi, fighting neighboring tribes, and so on. But for everyone to do basically nothing for so long is contrary to human nature. The truth is that such evolution did not occur and Earth is far younger than materialists want to believe. Creationists know that humans were created intelligent from the beginning.
To read the rest, hoist the mizzen mast and voyage on over to "Early Humans Sailed to Islands".Stone tools and bones on islands show that Neanderthals and other “archaic Homo” individuals must have sailed there.Paleoanthropologists have been wiping egg off their faces for years now, after continual findings reinforce the fact that Neanderthals were just as smart and capable as we are (29 April 2019), not dumb caveman brutes like evolutionists had portrayed for a century.Earliest occupation of the Central Aegean (Naxos), Greece: Implications for hominin and Homo sapiens’ behavior and dispersals (Science). Unless you’re Jesus, you don’t get to an island by walking on water. How did artifacts dated at 200,000 Darwin Years get to islands in the Aegean Sea? This paper tentatively suggests that the makers boated there. Unless geologists can prove land bridges, or that the islands were in shallow water that enabled wading, that’s the only reasonable explanation – and it changes the view of the intelligence of Neanderthals and other “hominins” that were supposedly more primitive than modern humans.