
Showing posts with the label Anthropology

Neanderthal Ponderings and Being Human

If you study on it, Neanderthals have evolved in evolutionary history. They were links to our apelike ancestors as portrayed in textbooks and museums. Once some of the presuppositions about apeness were dropped, improved technology was invented, and better research was conducted, they were found to be fully human. What did these guys think about? Well, what do you  think about? What is important to people can often be determined by what they own and how they act. For example, visiting the dwellings of people can indicate what is valued or at least what is interesting to them. The same may be said of Neanderthals. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr / Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) We should know that it is possible to generalize what groups of people think about, value, and provides them entertainment, but to generalize that each individual was the same as the others is the fallacy of division . My interests in music, science, theology, and other things are vastly

Earliest Human Ancestor X Still Not Found

Chuck Darwin released the wolves over 150 years ago in search of evidence for evolution, especially ancestors of modern humans. While uninformed disciples claim that evolution is "settled science," evolutionary scientists know that it is anything but settled. Sure, they keep finding evidence of early humans, but nothing that can be considered a candidate for Ancestor X, the beginning of all people groups. (Sounds like a "patient zero," the first infected with a contagion.) They have many disputes and no firm evidence — and even some possible racism. It must be admitted that a great deal of evolution is ethno-centric. After all, Darwin's Victorian myth placed his white Englishmen be the pinnacle of evolution, but darker people were less evolved. (I reckon it must have grated on " scientific racists " to propose the idea that humans evolved and spread out of Africa. That is disputed, and some believe the Middle East is the source of humanity. That's

So-Called Stone-Age People Performed Surgery

It was a nice surprise to have both Stevia Dolce and Lisa Myworries from the Darwin Ranch stop by my place. Stevia is the baker, and brought some fabulous  croissants. Lisa supervises the Winkie Guards. It seems that some of our creation discussions, albeit brief, were making an impression on them. They know (but keep quiet about it) that the idea of humanity's progress suddenly taking off in comparatively recent years after doing nothing for tens of thousands is ridiculous. Lisa was sharing material on Out-of-Place Artifacts with Stevia, and they commenced to thinking. "Caveman" dreams of scalpel, image assembled from images found at  openclipart In addition to objects that "should not" exist because they are too advanced for evolutionary paradigms, there are structures and achievements by ancient people. Also, Neanderthals art was far more advanced that evolutionists want to believe. Now stone age (actually, an essentially meaningless term only useful for e

Human Ancestors, Chewing, and — Brain Size?

Heading out Folly Road past Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds), then continuing toward Deception Pass. Eventually the road leads to the Darwin Ranch property which is patrolled by the Winkie Guards. The Darwin Ranch purveys evoporn, but even they have some limits. The ranch hands were laughing about some flimsy research involving our so-called evolutionary ancestors and teeth, mastication (chewing), and brain size development. I wonder if vegetarians among them had an advantage... Mastication is actually a complex process. Artist's conception of Neanderthals 60,000 years ago,  NASA  / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) How did chewing evolve, anyway? (Biblical creationists know that Adam and Eve were fully functional humans, and they probably did not question the Creator's design methods.) Research was conducted involving unflavored gum, soft then stiff, and participants' energy levels were measured. Softer gum required less expend

Large-Scale Ancient Structures Made by Early Humans

When searching for kite , there are things people put up into the sky and hold onto with strings, or certain birds of prey. In this case, structures in the desert that aircraft pilots said resembled those string-held kites. Darwinists hold to the dogma that humans were stupid after they finished evolving from an apelike critter, so the timeline involves being hunter-gatherers, hanging around in caves, and doing very little for a few thousand years. As we have seen, evidence consistently shows that they were very intelligent. One of many examples involves those kite-like structures. Safawi Kite 101, Flickr / Aerial Photographic Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) Such kites have been known for a spell, and serious research has been undertaken with remote sensing. Hundreds of these star-shaped kites have been discovered. (I am using the word star  loosely, as the things had numerous points.) They were intelligently designed and took many people working togethe

Toumaï is not our Evolutionary Ancestor, Either

Articles about a critter that is considered a "fossil hominin",  Sahelanthropus tchadensis , have been dropped over the transom here. It was presumptuously nicknamed  Toumaï  ("hope of life" in the Daza language) and some Darwinists think it is the oldest human ancestor. Sahelanthropus  was originally found in Chad in 2001, but I wonder if this supposedly earthshaking discovery is not touted so much is because there was controversy from the beginning. The bones are fragmented, and there is even speculation that people from long ago had fiddled around with it. Sahelanthropus tchadensis , Wikimedia Commons / Bjoertvedt ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Perhaps researchers may have wanted to avoid another  Lucy-type controversy , but that's just my speculation. After all, bones may not even belong to the same kind of creature. A recent study reveals that paleoanthropologists presupposed evolution and were thrilled by finding what they expected to see, but others did not gallop for

Animals Minus Traits Equals Evolution?

During the autumnal equinox, the hands at the Darwin Ranch danced around a bonfire made of LEDs (because of the drought warnings), then splashed in Stinking Lake while singing hymns of praise to Darwin. One wonders if they had been ingesting peyote buttons again based on some of the goofy science they have been producing. Even those who are not inclined to use hallucinogenic mushrooms have still managed to enthrall undeveloped minds with fanciful tales. For example, the loss of traits  means onward and upward (vertical) evolution. Darwin approves of evolution fairy tales, modified from  Favourite French fairy tales  /  Barbara Douglas , 1921 This defies common sense, and you don't have to be a scientist to see that loss of traits should be the opposite of evolution. I reckon that the high priests of Darwinism are exalted masters and we should believe them because of who they are. Not this child! Not you thinking people, either; we aren't going to let them pull the wool over ou

Evolutionists Ruining Human Evolution

Although it has been stated before, it needs to be repeated: Believers is particles-to-painter evolution believe that after man evolved, he was just a stupid brute. A secular miracle occurred that gradually gave humans intelligence but left apes incapable of rational thought. Because of their evolutionary and deep-time presuppositions, evolutionists are continually surprised at the brilliance of early man. It keeps happening "earlier than thought." (If y'all get a chance, watch some of the mini-series Ancient Top Ten  on the History Channel. People did some amazing stuff long, long ago.) So-called primitive people showed abstract thought, something else that sets us apart from apes. Bison painting, Cave of Altamira, WikiComm / Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) A couple of science writers who believe in Darwinism are spooking evolutionists in the corral. Cave art in Spain must have been made by Neanderthals, and it happened — wai

Neanderthals not so Mysterious After All

In the parade of our alleged evolutionary ancestors, Neanderthals were iconic. They were portrayed as brutish cave dwellers. After much time and further investigations, this image was shown to be completely wrong. Living in caves...sure, why not? People have done that through history, and even do so today. It seems that the mystery deepened for anthropologists and paleontologists. To them, Neanderthals could be the Cotton-Eyed Joes: Where did they come from, and where did they go? From a biblical creationist perspective using scientific discoveries, they are not so enigmatic after all. Neanderthal Woman, PLOS One / CCommons /  Bacon CPH ( CC BY 2.5 ), Modified at PhotoFunia It has been demonstrated that Neanderthals had all sorts of human traits but nothing to show simian ancestry. Most evolutionists have reclassified them as fully human, even though there are still some holdouts (because Darwin needs the narrative). Reconstructions show that they clean up nice and can pass as other p

Java Man: A Rejected Missing Link

Charles Darwin proposed his conjectures about evolution by his version of natural selection, but admitted the fossil evidence was extremely poor. The first discovery of what would later be called Neanderthal Man happened before, in 1829, but the discoverer wrote it off as just another human skull. Later, evolutionist covfefe would use insufficient evidence to prop it up as a transitional form between apelike critters and humans. (Neanderthal Man is accepted as fully human today.) Another supposed missing link was  Pithecanthropus erectus , more commonly known as Java Man. Pithecanthropus erectus parts, WikiComm / Peter Maas  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Eugène Dubois is credited with the discovery, and the history is quite interesting. He was raised Roman Catholic, but his schooling destroyed his weak religion. This was accelerated by evolutionary teachings, which is something that happens to students today with a vengeance. Since Darwin needed evidence, he saddled up and rode down Java way to get

Amazing Forensic Science DNA Sequencing

Ancient people in the British Isles set up mounds as burial sites, and they are known as barrows , cairns , and other names. Sometimes they are at the centers of stone circles, and are not uncommon. They vary in size. Cam Long Down is impressive, and has a barrow. The Sherlock Holmes novel The Hound of the Baskervilles  mentions them, which is unsurprising because some have legends of hauntings. One barrow was the subject of of space aliens in a Doctor Who  story . Although stories are intriguing at times, reality can be much more interesting. Some extremely old bones were studied. It was mighty complicated, since they were jumbled in some parts of the burial chamber. When watching crime scene investigation shows where not much remains of a body, examiners can tell whether the deceased was male or female as well as the age. How can they tell the sex? Because males and females are built differently, and personal preferences doesn't change biological and biblical facts. You savvy tha

Reexamined Laetoli Footprints for Darwin

Dewey Lye, one of the interesting people at the Darwin Ranch near Deception Pass, was pondering new reports on the famed Laetoli footprints. You remember those. Lots of hoopla about the prints and how humans are the only mammals that walk the way we do. Also, it was thought that we evolved in a linear manner. No evidence of course. Dewey explained to me that new research on the Laetoli footprints made Darwinists believe that several hominins existed at the same time. Because evolution. Credits: Original image, RGBStock /  John Nyberg , cropped and run through PhotoFunia Sometimes bears and chimpanzees walk upright, so were those tracks made by bears, humans, or apelike critters? Well, they're making much out of little, because most of those footprints don't give much information about who or what made them — including if they really are footprints, and someone could have been wearing foam clogs. Lousy reasoning commenced because researchers assumed prints were made by an allege

Forensic Anthropology and Darwinian Racism

Although evolutionists try to distance themselves from their racist past, it has been a serious problem since the Bearded Buddha published his tomes. Not all of the public has been fooled by denials of evolution supports. Elements of racism in evolutionary studies are found even today. An area that could be severely damaged is forensic anthropology. (The television show Bones was loosely based on a real forensic anthropologist, portrayed by Emily Deschanel.) Forensic anthropology can be used to determine a victim's race. Skeletons in the' Boat Houses', Herculaneum, Flickr / Big Albert (Public Domain) If enough material is present, forensic anthropologists can determine with a high degree of accuracy the size, sex, and other details regarding the victim. This is where we clarify something: God created only one race. There are no "races", but the term is used as a convenience despite its flawed evolutionary background. More realistically (and biblically), there ar

Early Human Tools? No, Horses Made the Tools

Imagine my surprise when I found out I was locked into my cabin and had to crawl out the window. It turns out my pony had fashioned a kind of padlock to keep me confined. When confronted, he said, "I'm sorry, Wilbur!" I keep telling him my name is not Wilbur. As seen before, purveyors of evoporn tell us that ancient humans were not yet intelligent. Because evolution. Evolutionists are surprised when ancient humans showed brilliance. But their primitive tools were chipped rocks? Pixnio / Marko Milivojevic Resonating with their cognitive dissonance is that it appears these primitive stone tools attributed to brutish early humans were from the activity of horses. Whoa! Other critters are known to make rudimentary tools as well, so how many alleged tools were from them and not man? Evolutionary presuppositions interfere with science, and you can bet your saddlebags that there would be fewer embarrassments if scientists began with a creation view, and that our Creator made hum

Lucy Lived Life in the Trees

Despite protestations of Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ on the internet, knowledgeable people admit that  Australopithecus afarensis — Lucy — has been controversial from the get-go. Despite models in museums (dishonestly showing white eyes, which cannot  be known), the science is sketchy. In fact, among the bones were gathered and selected was one belonging to a baboon . Further analysis goes against the desires of evolutionists, showing that Lucy was a tree-dwelling ape. She ( possibly a he and could be called Lucifer ) was not built for strolling on land. Modified from a public domain image at  Wikimedia Commons Although the bones were scattered over a wide area and found in different layers (plus the fact that the skeleton is mostly incomplete), the evolutionary narrative takes precedence over conducting serious science. Hail Darwin! Blessed be!  However, thinking people who want accuracy are willing to examine the evidence and see through the charade. The link to humans simply wil

The Heat is On for Savanna Chimp Evolution

A paper passed peer review, but it should have been bounced back. The story is that savanna chimpanzees differ from their forest brethren, and they should be studied to learn about human evolution. Mayhaps that is why it passed: because evolution. Remember, evolution explains everything according to secularists, but it is so flexible, so malleable, it explains nothing . Darwin's acolytes use "selection pressures" to evosplain some of their conjectures, but it is murky. Even so, they use it in discussing these chimps. Wikimedia Commons / Burgers' Zoo / Mira Meijer  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) If those so-called selection pressures still exist, other chimps should be forced to evolve into social(ist) media fact checkers or even something useful. Notice that these pressures are not identified, so that makes it easier to say that they affect chimpanzees on the savanna, but not those that live in the forest. This peer-reviewed paper ignored facts, used the Big Lie of DNA similaritie

Ant Brains and Human Evolution

Except for entomologists, I reckon that most people dislike ants. Especially carpenter ants, hammering and running power tools in the walls at all hours of the night. You certainly do not want to pitch your tent over an anthill. But God did not consult anyone when he made them an important part of the ecosystem. They aerate soil, clean up dead things, disperse seeds, are predatory to pests, and are mighty tasty to other critters.  We cannot live without them . Darwinists decided to study their brains to determine human brain evolution. Freeimages /  Dimitar Tzankov Ants have about 250,000 neurons in their 600 μm (micrometer) brains, and humans have somewhere around 100 billion neurons in our brains. Sure, the comparison is just screaming to be made. Makes perfect sense. Actually, it does  make sense to fundamentalist evolutionists in some strange way because we all supposedly evolved from a common ancestor. These jaspers presuppose evolution (no matter how ludicrous they sound) to prov

Failed Evolution of Language Study

From a universal common descent standpoint, freshly-evolved humans were stupid and attempts to communicate were through grunts and gestures. Since evolution is an irresistible force of nature (except when "stasis" is invoked), languages must have evolved as well. Attempts to find a linguistic "tree of life" consistently fail. Tena, tatou ka heke atu, ka whakapoauau i o ratou reo i reira, kia kore ai ratou e matau, ia tangata, ia tangata ki te reo o tona hoa. De "Weinig" Toren van Babel  by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563 Language itself speaks (heh!) of recent creation and the biblical timeline , but materialists are locked into their evolutionary paradigm and refuse to consider this fact.  让我们下去变乱他们的语言,使他们彼此言语不通。 A recent study on language evolution was not able to support evolutionary presuppositions, but they threw in a lot of speculative terminology. Allons, descendons et brouillons là leur langage pour qu’ils ne se comprennent plus entre eux! Researche

Out-of-Africa Story Upset by Arabian Artifacts

The tale told around the campfires at the Darwin Ranch about human migration from Africa is a fable, but still believed by some folks. It has been faltering for quite some time, and genetics supports the biblical creation timeline . There is further bad news for the Out-of-Africa (OoA) tale from Arabia. The Middle East was not like it is now. (For that matter, the Sahara had some nice swimming holes long ago.) Our ancestors — the real ones, not alleged apelike things — did the human nature thing and traveled there. Middle East satellite image / Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA / GSFC (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Of course, we know from the Bible that Israel was a desirable place, so it's no surprise that people went to other places in the region. They left behind indications of living there, whether just passing through or setting up homesteads. Darwin's disciples are trying to save face and dizzying themselves by trying to spin evidence

Dragon Man and other Human Evolution Follies

Just a few days ago, Cliff Swallows (assistant foreman to Rusty Swingset at the Darwin Ranch) was in town, and he commenced to sharing how the ranch hands were mighty confused about some recent findings that apply to human evolution. Although your run-of-the-mill believer in universal common descent thinks this is an established fact, that is not the shape of things in the secular science industry. In fact, knowledgeable and honest paleoanthropologists will admit it. Recent announcement about skulls require the rewriting of the evolutionary story. Again. Main image courtesy of Why?Outreach (modified), "Dragon Man" insert modified from an original by Gary Todd at Flickr What's up with the skull found in Israel? It's claimed to be an ancestor of Neanderthals because of how they interpret data based on deep time and naturalistic presuppositions. This "ancestor", based on very little information, lived and interacted with modern humans. Also, the skull size is