
Showing posts with the label Evolutionism

The False Evolutionary Icon of Walking Fish

Believers in fish-to-physicist evolution have a detailed mythology that they get all gussied up and show off as actual science. In reality, they have loosely connected mythologies that are taken by faith, not demonstrable science. Although some countries claim to believe in keeping religion separate from government-run schools, secular humanism (atheism) by way of evolution is the unofficial state religion for many secularists. Images found at Clker clipart were modified One statement of evolutionary dogma is that life began in the sea. Eventually, we get to where some creatures got ambitious and flopped onto land, evolved lungs and legs, and eventually turned into all land life. Hail Darwin, blessed be!  Except there is no actual scientific evidence for this. Some people claim that certain catfish that use their fins to navigate over land from one bit of water to another, or critters like lungfish , are evidence for evolution. Not hardly! They are creatures with certain abi

How Do You Know It Is True?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The title brings to mind a roomful of intellectuals discussing Kant, Hegel, Descartes, Voltaire, and arguing until they're blue in their mouths. While this article deals with philosophy, it is not highfalutin, impractical stuff. It's because I have learned some important things and want to pass them along, and they're very useful for reasoning. Also, I hope the programming on this site is going to deliver on its "promises" and doesn't distract from the content. Made at , with the text on concrete done using Paint.NET Don't Let the Big Word Bother You People who have read my material before probably know that I get to gnawing on that worldviews bone after a hearty helping of presupposition, as in presuppositional apologetics (a.k.a. transcendental apologetics ) . That is, everyone has a worldview, which is just as it seems: a way of looking at the world, our experiences, beliefs, assumptions, and so on. Presup

Evolution and Teleology

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A spell back, an anti-creationist shared one of these here posts to social media, and complained that I was claiming that evolution uses teleology. The article was " The Spirit of the Origin of Life " and showed how evolutionists themselves are using teleology! The misotheist was a mite upset because evolution is supposed to be through chance, and does not have a purpose-driven life. "What's teleology, Cowboy Bob?" Great timing, I was about to get into that. The word teleology sounds like the study of telecommunications or something, doesn't it? Basically, it means design in nature . Going a bit further, it means that the Creator engineered living things, and the design refutes evolution through intricate specified complexity. Christian apologists have used the teleological argument (or fine tuning, or argument from design ) for God's existence . This child isn't too fond of that argument by itself. Credit: US Depar

Evolution, Atheism, and Intolerance

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When riding the dusty trail of the internet, it's not uncommon to encounter several illegitimate beliefs and manipulations from intolerant atheists and evolutionists. Evolution is a cornerstone of the atheist religion, and not only have attacks on contrary views intensified, evolutionary indoctrination in schools is also increasing. Ironically, proselytizers of evolutionism do not understand it themselves, but they're "certain" that biblical creationists are wrong, and want us silenced. Aside from opposition to the truth, these folks are opposed to critical (logical) thinking, which would put atheism and evolutionism under anatomization and possible rejection. Christians and creationists need to stand firm, become more educated in both Scripture and science, and continue to put burrs of truth under their collective saddle. Atheists are the smart ones? Atheists claim to be more intelligent than Christians, and especially those of us who

The Spirit of the Origin of Life

The problems of the origin of life (OOL) on Earth are astronomically difficult, and one disingenuous rescuing device that the Evo Sith utilize is to claim that OOL has nothing to do with evolution. (We can quickly dispense with that falsehood at this link , and move on.) Despite the insurmountable difficulties, there are still materialists that insist on making the impossible appear plausible. Credit: Morguefile / Alvimann Abiogenesis models are packed with a passel of presumptions, including the "reducing atmosphere" (a concept that has been largely abandoned nowadays) in the failed Miller-Urey experiment , and the experimenters cheated by putting in a trap to remove the amino acids from the environment that would have destroyed them. There are some worse speculations today involving animism. No, it's not praying to animals, but a primitive belief that everything has a spirit . So, some materialists are violating materialism by believing that the spirit of molecu

Evolution and Nature Worship

We frequently see the fallacy of reification , where something abstract is given traits belonging to a person or entity. This sort of thing is done frequently and often for humorous purposes, like when Basement Cat gives me an evil look. No, she can't do that. Or saying that the beach is calling for me. No, ain't happening, sorry. Science, it doesn't, but maybe some scientists say. See? Figures of speech using reification abound in stories and casual talk, but when used in an argument or scientific paper, reification is a fallacy. Proponents of scum-to-skeptic evolution are using the fallacy more and more frequently, indicating that evolution chooses, selects, decides, and so on. It's not infrequent to see an evolutionist making evolution into a puny god.  Pantheon of gods in  The Triumph of Civilization by Jacques Réattu, 1793 Evolution has always been a religious idea from way back, including Greek and Hindu religions. What we have now is mo

Materialism, Evolutionism, and Morality

Today, we have a couple of related items for you. Materialists are unable to account for a sense of purpose, and have no ultimate foundation for morality. Some believe morality has its source in evolution , but that simply doesn't work. They have two minds, seeking a sense of purpose, but also claiming that "reality" dictates that when we die, that's it. Atheists agree to an arbitrary definition of "reality" as materialism with no God. This concept is based on their own presuppositions — as if they had some kind of right or moral imperative to define reality itself. Seems a mite ironic. Another irony is that anti-creationists need creationists to give them a false sense of purpose , as exhibited in their secularist jihads. Made at Atom Smasher Secularists have been doing some research on areas of the brain to see what lights up (so to speak), and are seeing that those who have a sense of purpose — a large-scale purpose — have happier lives. Biblically

Science is a Beastly Business

It's one thing to learn about someone else by walking a mile in his moccasins, it's quite another to work at becoming an animal. A couple of scientists decided to get tax dollar grant money, live and eat like animals, and then writing books based on their "research". (Seems a bit nuts to me.) But they, or anyone else, cannot deny what they are created to be with mere assertion. Nebuchadnezzar by William Blake, 1795 Nebuchadnezzar, a king of the Babylonian Empire , lived the beast life in a much more impressive way — but not by choice, and not in a pretentious attempt at doing scientific research. Ultimately, he gave glory to God . These book-writing owlhoots had no intent at glorifying God. Such "research" is just plain silly, but fitting because secularists believe that humans are just another animal in common-ancestor evolutionism. The AAAS endorses two books where researchers act like animals. Thomas Nagel famously pondered what it would be l

Evolutionism, Cults, and Irrational Thinking

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen If you study on it, you may realize that atheists, cultists, anti-creationists, and others have similar thinking patterns. While much of Western society tends to have an adoration for logic, numbers , science, scientists, facts, and so forth, people are prone to "thinking" with their emotions. That is, some owlhoot comes along and sounds like he knows what he's saying, possibly using expensive words, but there is still some kind of appeal to emotions. Then people end up being deceived. Other biblical creationists and I keep trying to encourage people to learn how to think rationally so they can spot logical fallacies and manipulation. Thi s can help keep deception to a minimum . Ever notice that some people can be excellent thinkers, but when it comes to certain religious matters (and especially evolutionism), they can't think straight ? Before I continue, I want to point out that there are different kinds of common ancestry evoluti