
Showing posts with the label Marine Biology

Biblical Creation and the Ceratioid Anglerfish

Anglerfish are denizens of the deep, dark, cold sea. They have, as Tim the Enchanter would say, "Nasty big pointy teeth!" Anglerfish have a bioluminescent lure that dangles in front of them to attract prey. Bioluminescence is when a creature chemically generates its own light; fireflies are actually bioluminescent beetles. They live so far down, the pressure is immense. Scientists find it difficult to keep them alive for research. One type of Anglerfish, the Ceratioid, is a bit of a difficulty for biblical creation: If everything was created very good , why does this happen? Cryptopsaras couesii , Wikimedia Commons / Masaki Miya, et al  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Interesting how what happens to C. couesii is wrongly used as "evidence" for Darwinism. You'll read about that in the link below. This is where it becomes part science and part theology. Yes, everything was very good in the beginning with no death and suffering, but something happened. When Adam sinned (the Fall of

The Painful Portuguese Man-of-War

An intriguing creature of tropical and subtropical waters is called the Portuguese Man-of-War (some render it Man o' War or similar), but has been found in colder waters on occasion. Is it an attempt by Portugal to rule the waves? No, it is not from there. The Man-of-War has a floating part that remains above the water, the rest is submerged. This critter is similar to a jellyfish in some ways, especially those very long venomous tentacles that easily fire off painful stings. It's not so much an it , but more of a they . View from above,  Physalia physalis , Flickr /  Bengt Nyman ( CC BY 2.0 ) Okay, so it's not from Portugal. What about the other part of its handle? It is thought that it has a resemblance to the sails of heavily-armed warships (probably frigates, not galleons) of yesteryear. The upper part acts like a sail, so wind and ocean currents tell it where it's going to go. Although rather small body wise, a flotilla of a thousand of these things cruising along

Sharks in a Volcano: Relevance for the Genesis Flood

It sounds like a sci-fi movie, Sharks in a Volcano , where sharks are swimming in lava and menacing researchers. (Well, Sharknado  had five sequels, so it could happen.) The reality of the situation is something...truly bizarre. The volcano Kavachi is frequently on the prod, erupting and causing new islands to form — most of them do not last, however. Researchers went into this hot, toxic, dangerous place when the volcano had some down time. Sure, extremophiles exist, but they are usually microbes and such. Not this time. Kavachi undersea volcano eruption, NASA Earth Observatory / Jesse Allen & Robert Simmon (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Scientists found sharks, bony fish, and more living in that crater! Darwin's disciples, being what they are, think this can give insight into evolutionary history of such critters. (Evolutionists are frequently surprised by things, then play the "insights into evolutionary history" card.) From a biblical creati

Fact and Fiction about Dinosaur-Age Bacteria

American tax dollars through the National Science Foundation fund the JOIDES Resolution  research vessel, partly named after Captain James Cook's HMS Resolution  which was used for quite a bit of exploring. The acronym stands for Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling . The ship is packed with scientists and crew, and they do quite a bit of drilling for ocean floor core samples. Since the research is international in scope, one particular journey was led by Japanese researchers and explored the South Pacific. What they discovered astonished them. JOIDES Resolution , WikiComm /  John Newcomb  ( CC BY 3.0 ), slightly enhanced They got themselves a passel of bacteria that were "sleeping", and were successfully awakened. (Unlike a predictable science fiction movie, they didn't turn everyone into evil monsters.) Here's where the secular old-earth paradigm kicks in. Those bacteria were in an area that they could not have reached without help.. Assuming

Electric Fish and Non-Evolution

Sharks and rays are in the same biological grouping, which gives us some interesting characters. Manta rays are nice to watch as they appear to fly underwater. Unfortunately, rays have a tendency to be unattractive. They have some interesting and unique traits. There are several kinds of fishes that have electric organs, but none of them are Hammond organs used with amplifiers in rock bands. The organs (or structures) play a vital part in the lives of these fish, including sensory and offensive/defensive applications. Spotted Torpedo, Flickr / Philippe Guillaume ( CC BY 2.0 ) Have you ever seen animated cartoons where a character gets zapped by an electric "eel" and they light up while jumping around? Yeah, those fish can pack quite a punch like the spotted torpedo and others, but they are not closely related. Darwin's disciples unconvincingly evosplain how those structures evolved. It's called the Stuff Happens Law , sort of like: "How did it get that way?"

Cloaking the Bobtail Squid

Going into the second half of 2022, my unregistered assault keyboard is clean and ready for action! An idea in the  Star Trek universe was the cloaking device , which made Klingon and Romulan spaceships invisible. The Hawaiian bobtail squid has a camouflaging method that can be likened to the Star Trek  gadgets, and it was in place before the spaceship thing was a gleam in Gene Roddenberry's eye. The little bobtail squid, which at first glance has a resemblance to an octopus, glows in the dark. It is not designed to do that by itself, but instead has help from bioluminescent bacteria. This win-win situation requires an amazing level of specified complexity. Bobtail Squid about to get out of Dodge, NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (site endorsement not implied) These little dumplings start getting the necessary bacteria shortly after birth, having tissues that kill the other microbes; the bacteria they want are already immune. Then it feeds — cultures — the bacteria. W

Miracles and Magic in Whale Cranium Evolution

It is said that one of the best examples of evolution is the whale story, which makes Darwin smile and his disciples light prayer candles in celebration. Except that it is not all that impressive, relying more on imagination than reality. If evolution were true, would they need to use tall tales and deception to keep it breathing? This kind of stuff is rampant. As regular readers have seen, evolutionists use faulty reasoning and bad science to manipulate people into believing their worldview. A new paper evosplains whale craniums. Humpback whale breaching,  NOAA  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Remember, any evolutionary change requires a multitude of gradual changes over long periods of time. There should be evidence to back up their claims. It's not happening, old son. Tales are told with miracles and magic going every which way, omitting important considerations, little to no evidence —then appealing to clades. Those are generally the products of the complex

Whale Sharks — the Biggest Fish

If asked what fish in the sea is the biggest, someone may be suggest the whale. If you want to tease, coax them to say the blue whale. Then tell them that they are half right because a whale is a mammal, but the largest fish is the whale shark. Unfortunately, sharks get bad press, especially after that Spielberg movie. Most are not interested in seeking humans for lunch, but someone says shark  and people panic. Nurse sharks are harmless. While the whale shark has teeth and denticles to spare, it eats much smaller things. Whale Shark, Flickr / Mike Johnston  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Speaking of teeth, whale sharks even have some on their eyes. Well, sorta. Those are denticles — "So if they look the same, are they eye denticle, Cowboy Bob?" Uh, sure. Moving on... Darwinists have floated explanations that just won't wash, but those on the eyes are very modified and used to for eye protection. Also, evolutionists did that thing they have done so often: If they don't understand an o

Oceanic RNA Viruses, Creation, and Non-Evolution

One reason scientists do not know many things is that there is a huge amount to learn, so they select certain subjects for analysis. Sometimes they reject a subject out of hand because it has been deemed unimportant. Scientists can hinder their knowledge by being too limited. The sailing ship Tara  is packed with scientists, and they discovered a schooner-full of RNA viruses in the oceans. This child approves (as if they would care) that these researchers wanted to get additional information, as the more harmful viruses get the most attention. Apollo 17 "Blue Marble" — NASA (usage does not imply endorsement, yada, yada, yada) Studying a few viruses may give them something to lasso for those under study, but, scientists need to saddle up and ride to the top of the hill for a bigger picture. After all, viruses are important. Some folks think all viruses are bad, but that is incorrect. (Some think all bacteria are bad as well, another error.) Viruses known as  bacteriophages c

Sturgeons Make Monkeys out of Evolutionists

Like many fish, Atlantic sturgeons live most of their lives in the ocean, but go up rivers to spawn. Those accessing rivers from the Chesapeake Bay can choose from several. Some scientists were being unscientific, saying that these sturgeons spawn in the spring because that was the consensus. Although sturgeons are endangered, a boatload of them spawn in the fall , not the spring. In fact, old records indicated fall spawning times as well. How could they miss seeing such large fish? Sturgeons have been mistaken for lake and sea monsters! NOAA Fisheries (click the link for some interesting facts, including size and weight) Too bad there wasn't a Chinook Haddock Sturgeon to preach them a sermon and get their attention. Even so, secularists probably wouldn't have noticed because they were locked into oversimplifying and rejecting previous records. In fact, these fish may have spawned both  in spring and fall. Sturgeons are considered living fossils, because the fossils of sturge

How Shrimp See in the Deep Blue Sea

Anti-creationists are known for pseudo-intellectual posturing with dysteleology (claiming something was poorly design, so there is no God), but they use false comparisons. Clinton Richard Dawkins and others railed (out of his area of expertise) that the human eye as badly designed, and no amount of science and reason refuting such claims  will be considered by their disciples. They even compare our eyes to those of critters and criticize the Master Engineer. Because atheism. Our eyes were designed for our environment, other eyes were designed for other environments. You savvy that, pilgrim? Whiteleg shrimp image credit: NIH NLM (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The design of shrimp eyes is extremely intricate and irreducibly complex. The eye reflectors are comprised of nanospheres, and those are optimal for reflecting light so these critters can see in low-light conditions. Humans want to indulge in biomimetics to imitate this, but it would be a huge project requirin

The Pinniped Seal of Approval for Defying Evolution

There are three family classifications of pinnipeds, which are walruses, sea lions, and seals. These oceanic carnivores account for one quarter of all carnivores on Earth, and these eat a variety of marine animals. Pinnipeds have a variety of movements in water and on land. Believers in universal common descent evolution say that the three families, like whales, had land ancestors that did an about-face and evolved some more to live in the sea. Other evolutionists disagree, saying that genetics does not support a single ancestor. Atlantic Grey Seals, RGBStock / Elvis Santana The fossil record does not support any kind of pinniped descent with modifications. Sure, there is evidence for variety, but not evolution — which is what biblical creationists expect. One weak attempt to find a fossil link between seals and their land-based ancestors was simply an otter. Question Evolution Day is February 12 For that matter, fossils of monk seals are the same as their living counterparts. The evi

When Whales Eat Underwater

Consider whales. They spend their lives on the water and resemble fish, but they are animals. Air-breathing mammals. The largest animal on Earth is the blue whale, and it eats mighty small shrimp-like critters known as krill . When a baleen whale eats those little things, they do what is called lunge feeding and take in a huge quantity of them. They also gulp down water, and blast it out through the blow hole up top. Have you ever wondered how they eat without drowning? Blue whale image from NOAA Fisheries (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Whales eat underwater many times each day, and a large number of functions for closing off airways and such happen automatically. Obviously, we be submerged and eat successfully. Something else that cannot be done is for those jaspers who invoke evolution as empirical science to be able to give us evidence for this alleged evolution. Some people think and ask questions, and don't just gulp down what "scientists say."

Symbiosis at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park

If folks saddle up and ride to Florida, head way south into the Florida Keys. The Spanish word cayo  means "little island". The Keys are an archipelago, and U.S. Highway 1 takes you to Key Largo ( Cayo Largo , long little island). Then head out to  John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park . There are plenty of activities year round. Boating, walking, hiking, and so on. But the good stuff for our purposes happens underwater. People who do snorkeling and diving can get a good look. Flickr / Matt Kieffer  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Symbiosis  happens with mutually beneficial relationships, but things that happen in coral reefs are a mite surprising. Corals tend to be on the tiny side for the most part, and the living parts (polyps) generally eat zooplankton. Meanwhile, single-celled algae called zooxanthellae have a symbiosis with corals. Another fascinating bit of symbiosis is what are called cleaning stations. Big fish queue up and let little fish swim into their mouths and clean their teet

Living Things Engineered for Change, Part 3

This post features the third part in a series by Dr. Robert Carter, first two of which were made available in this post . I thought he was done, but he had some more to discuss with us. In this article, he discusses a model for the created kinds, baramins , of Genesis. Darwin's "Tree of Life" simply does not work. Biblical creationists have pointed out that created kinds are like an orchard, or branching trees in a forest. Dr. Carter believes that this concept should be developed another way. Corals extend tentacles, NPS / A. Bourque (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Many secularists get furious — furious , I tell you — that creation scientists reject  their  classification system (which materialists stole from creationist Carl Linnaeus and modified to fit atheistic naturalism), and are working on baraminology , the study of created kinds . No, creationists do not believe in the "fixity of species" (no speciation, everything stayed the same). T

Further Whale Evolution Deception

Proponents of universal common descent evolution have a passel of stories to tell, but they have nasty habits of circular reasoning (assuming evolution to prove evolution), neglecting basic facts, and making a passel of assumptions. When scientists say that they have evidence, look for examples. Anti-creationists take the material without using critical thinking skills or asking questions, then tell biblical creationists, "Proof of whale evolution! Take that , creationists!" Not hardly! Watch for evolution of the gaps (they hope information will be found) and speculations. Freeimages /  Kym Parry The just-so story of whale evolution goes back to when life supposedly evolved in the oceans, had innumerable beneficial mutations and natural selection, then something took a notion to go back into the sea, had additional mutations and natural selection, and out popped whales. Latest tweaks for the story involve speculations about how nasal passages moved during evolution and that t

Darwin's Disciples Blowing Smoke on Living Fossils

Descent with modifications evolution is presented in sanitized versions, omitting or even misrepresenting inconvenient facts. Presenting both sides of the equation can get someone virtually horsewhipped, such as in this example . Sometimes, facts against evolution are glaringly obvious. (Out near the Darwin Ranch on Peach Road lives one of the workers who was driven insane by the truth. He keeps mumbling, then screaming, about living fossils.) Charles Darwin himself admitted that living fossils are one of many problems for his speculations. His acolytes are blowing smoke on the problem. Mostly made at PhotoFunia Presupposing deep time and assigning dates to fossils and rock layers, paleontologists find fossils of various organisms that are essentially unchanged from their living counterparts. They get tagged with the moniker living fossils . There's a passel of them, not just a few here and there. Since evolution is used to explain everything (logically fatuous, so it actually expl

Diving Into Coral Reefs

There is much attention given to space exploration, but it seems to this child that the ocean gets short shrift. As with biology and outer space, there are many discoveries coming to light from the world down under the waves. Consider the coral reefs. Corals are mostly found in marine environments (except for the "impossible" coral reefs at the mouth of the Amazon River , of all things). Michigan's state stone is the petoskey , which is fossilized corals that are now extinct. Just thought I'd mention it since I lived in Michigan my first 40 years. Palmyra Atoll, NOAA photo by  Erin Looney Corals confound Darwin's disciples . These tiny animals act like plants and build their own homes. Those homes eventually turn into coral reefs, which are amazing ecosystems that only cover a small percentage of the ocean floor. Lots of mutualism (symbiotic relationships) happen in the reefs. They not only benefit a huge amount of marine life forms that homestead there, but are i

Bad Day for Vampire Squids?

Once again, I realize that I got into the wrong business. You do not have to be a scientist to use their principle of Making Things Up™, and it seems like it would be easy to get paid to publish in a secular journal by pretending to do science and fudging the data. These owlhoots in the secular science industry are a vexation, pure and simple. A fossil of two squids having the last bad day of their lives showed one being predatory-like on another, then both were buried. An abysmally absurd excuse, "distraction sinking", was invoked to explain their final situation. That one really takes the rag off the bush . Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Citron ( CC-BY-SA-3.0 ) The two squids were presumed to be evolutionary ancestors of the vampire squid from Hell ( named because of its superficial resemblances to vampire stereotypes of old), but evidence does not support this speculation. Also, "distraction sinking" because they were fighting over lunch, sank, and died is (I say

Sea Sponges Inspire Building Materials

There is something I say frequently because it is worth emphasizing: It is the often-observed fact that the more we learn about nature, the less "simple" it becomes. People in the thrilling days of yesteryear thought that cells were simple, but advancements in technology and scientific understanding left that notion behind. This happens frequently. Despite the bleating of atheists and other anti-creationists, evidence that the Master Engineer designed living things (as well as space, the laws of physics, logic, and so on) is increasingly abundant. It is galactically foolish to claim that living things  appear  designed, but are actually not. Glass sponge  Euplectella aspergillum image credit: NOAA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) A "simple" glass sponge called Venus' flower basket is obviously not designed, but it is the product of time, chance, mutations, random processes, luck, and so on. That's why scientists are drawing inspiration fr