
Showing posts with the label Religion

Religious Attitudes in Evolutionism

Uninformed evolutionists believe that Charles Darwin came up with his hypothesis all by his lonesome, and deny that evolution is actually an ancient religion ( Paul debated the Epicurean philosophers in Acts 17 , who were evolutionists way back then). The science aspect had been in the works for years before Darwin popularized it. However, even with the trappings of science, evolution is still religious in nature . Using presuppositions that evolution happened, proponents use that as their starting point when attempting to interpret evidence — especially anthropologists. Of course, many questions remain unanswered, and their speculations often raise more questions than they claim to answer. The real answer is that evolution did not happen, everything was created. There’s something magical about believing in evolutionary anthropology: a sense of numinous awe at how much they don’t know but believe might be possible. A man ponders a bone in his hands, holding it as if it were a

Science, Evolution, and the Religious Experience

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In a previous article, I discussed how people idolize scientists and the religion of Scientism is gaining popularity. Many people will blindly accept what "scientists say" because of their unfounded high view of science and scientists ( that article is here ). Regular readers may recall that my father was a pastor in a liberal church. I asked him why we did so many ritual things (which I disliked), and he said that people need a "religious experience". Although I still reject that for a church setting, I see truth in that in other areas. Scientism, atheism, and other worldviews tend to be sterile and clinical; even atheists are garnering a religious experience with their own churches. Although many Darwinists and atheists hate this fact, evolution is a religion. It started way back yonder, long before Darwin plagiarized Erasmus Darwin and others, back to the Epicureans , and possibly older views. Charles Darwin didn't come up wit

Higgledy-Piggledy Evolution and Atheism

Almost from the beginning, there have been people who wanted to find ways to deny God. With increasing ferocity over time, such denials have reached the irrational level of attempting to deny that God exists in the first place. One of the cornerstones of the religion of atheism is evolution, which is itself an ancient pagan religion that has been given a veneer of "science". You can have all the axioms you want, old son, but when they build on arbitrary assumptions, you have not really built anything scientific. (For that matter, there are owlhoots that try to confuse you by conflating "evolution" and "science", then they can mislead you by saying that creationists are "anti-science", which is a flat-out lie.) Atheism has its own origins mythologies that are just as incoherent, unscientific and irrational as atheism itself. But people foolishly rebel against the Creator, putting their faith in false reason and conjectures about origins. Onl

The God of Evolution Gives Us Faces

The blind-faith religious nature of evolution shows itself in many ways: Icons, celebrity scientists revered as high priests, fanatical devotion ( thou shalt not speak ill of evolution, nor or speak ill of Darwin's anointed, lest ye be upbraided on unimportant forums and in spam ) — and especially the way evolution has been made into a kind of deity with intelligence and the ability to make choices ( fallacy of reification ). Keep an eagle eye out for it, and you'll see in various press releases and quotes from evolutionary scientists how evolution seems to be a living being. That fits, since evolution itself is an ancient pagan religion (see " Evolution: An Ancient Pagan Idea ", " Evolution is Religion, Not Science ", or ask some pagans at " Pagan Evolution ") . Blessed be the god of evolution, I reckon. Making evolution into a being shows in some circular reasoning and just plain bad science regarding faces. Evolution decided to make hum

Goal-Oriented Evolution

When reading or listening to evolutionists, some of the metaphysical elements of their worldview becomes apparent. Evolution itself is often spoken of as if it was an entity, with volition to select and even direct the changes in organisms. This is a form of pantheism. Evolution is not a being or a force. (There is only one Creator, and evolution was not his method of creation.) Nor can any creature decide to evolve another feature — or evolve itself into something else. No animal can plan ahead how it will evolve, so why do some evolutionists talk like they do? “ 500-million-year-old creature was on the way to evolving jaws ,” Sid Perkins titled his short article in Science Magazine, accompanied by an artist’s conception of “ one of the world’s oldest known vertebrates ”—a Cambrian creature named Metaspriggina from Canada.  The thumb-sized swimming creature possessed “ eyes, muscle groups and the support for gills ,” the article says; the upward-pointing eyes were “ large and

Mythical Critters and Scoffers

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen An interesting and timely question prompted this article. Earlier, I wrote again about how facts alone can be incomplete . Giving information and evidence is good, but addressing worldviews and presuppositions are very important, and can give a more complete answer to a question or challenge. To briefly recap, everyone has a worldview based on presuppositions (things they assume to be true). When presented with evidence, we naturally use our worldviews to interpret it. When someone has an anti-Bible bias, he or she can easily reject evidence supporting the Bible (and especially biblical creation science). Cockatrice drawing by Oliver Herford, 1912 at Reusable Art Here is the question that I was given this morning (writing this the day before I publish it) at The Question Evolution Project on Facebook : If you can't make out the text in the picture, he wrote, "Hey again. Question for you. In Isaiah when it mentions cocktracies and saty

Yes, Evolution is Religious in Nature

Evolutionism is a worldview in and of itself. Also, evolutionary philosophies are foundational in the religion of atheism . Science philosopher Dr. Michael Ruse insists that creationism is religion, not science . Then he admitted that evolution is a religion  — which may cause him a bit of cognitive dissonance discomfort. Hopefully, for his sake, this is not the beginnings of Dissociative Identity Disorder as he comes to terms with the truth of creation. Ruse is correct, evolution is religious. In fact, analysis shows that microbes-to-microbiologist evolutionism is effectively a religion. But I am going to take this a step further than my  associates in creation ministries and say that, due to the suppression of evidence, documented fraud, indoctrination in worldviews at the expense of education and critical thinking skills, logical fallacies, astonishingly dishonest attacks on creation science and Intelligent Design — evolutionism is not only a religion, but a religious cu

Video - Question Evolution Day!

This video, and additional information, can be found here . 

Everything from Nothing

Fundamentalist evolutionists get angry when we point out that they have faith that everything came from nothing. "Nobody believes that!", they falsely claim . There is more evidence that the religious nature of evolution holds to that belief. Evolution professor Lawrence Krauss is now saying that the universe, and everything in it, came from nothing. Not only that, but there are probably billions and billions of universes that have spontaneously arisen. Occasionally a universe happens to have all the right properties for life to arise spontaneously within it, and that would be us. Krauss, a theoretical physicist and head of The Origins Project at Arizona State University, is not the first evolutionist to defy the age-old wisdom that something does not come from nothing. World-famous physicist Stephen Hawking popularized the idea in a recent book he co-authored entitled The Grand Design . Krauss and Hawking use gravitational theory and quantum mechanics to

Evolution and Willing Deception

Laypeople who are devout evolutionists are a gullible lot. That's right, I said it! Especially the ones who troll the Internet, looking to harass non-believers . Their sources of information include outdated textbooks (where the alleged "ancestors" of man that have been discredited, reclassified, revealed as outright fakes and so forth), popular evolutionary propaganda sites and publications that only reveal the acceptable side, as well as their own willingness to be deceived. I have received comments about this site being "wrong". Why is it wrong? Because some wandering evolutionist fundamentalist said so.  (Even more interesting is when a fellow told me that the article that I linked was completely wrong. It turns out the link was broken; he had never read it! On Twitter, this is an example of #Liar4Darwin.) Most of the time, these pop evolution propaganda readers only bolster their emotional reactions and enthusiasm, but not actual science learning. They ce

Not Only Christians Oppose Darwinism

The claim that all, or most all, Darwin-doubters are fundamentalist Christians is commonly found in both in the popular and professional scholarly literature. Ohio State University Professor Tim Berra averred, “Creationists, for the most part, are fundamentalist Christians whose central premise is a literal interpretation of the Bible and a belief in its inerrancy” (Berra 1990, p. viii). Professor Douglas Futuyma, in his classic work attacking all Darwin-doubters, mentioned Christian fundamentalists or the term fundamentalists in connection with those who have problems with Darwinism over 14 times on pages 5 to 7 alone. He concluded that the Christian “fundamentalists assault” on science involves the challenge to evolution that was “mounted by religious fundamentalists [adversely] touches us all” (Futuyma 1983, p. 5).  Futuyma then adds, “according to the fundamentalists, physicists are wrong” and all “geology is under siege” by Christian “fundamentalists” and “in the