
Showing posts with the label The Question Evolution Project

Darwin Day Religiosity and Question Evolution Day Summary

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is about the religious nature of evolutionism, reactions of anti-creationists to the fifth annual Question Evolution Day , a discussion of some behind-the-scenes aspects of QED, and more. Spreading the Word A few years back, a reporter asked me if there were "supporters" for Question Evolution Day. I figured that he meant famous people or organizations. In the past, I had several interviews on radio and podcasts , usually about QED. This year, I increased my efforts to obtain interviews or at least mentions on sites and things. Of the twenty or so contacts I made, most did not bother to reply. (That's a mite disheartening, since most of them agree in principle with the purposes of QED.) One gave a brusque brush-off, one waited too long to reply, another got the notion to do an interview when time was short, but there was no time, what with conflicting schedules and all. There was only one interview, but it was a good one

Big News for The Question Evolution Project!

The purchase is final for our headquarters building. We have already moved in and made it comfortable. No, we are not going to vacate the other buildings that we are using for regional offices and warehouse space (partly because relocating upsets the velociraptors), but at least we have a central location. I can't live there (legally), so I'm still in the trailer park. Here is the picture: The fun continues at full gallop, as we also have purchased commercial property for a gift shop. That's right, a gift shop. You can get your Uncle Pilty keychains, TQEP magnets and a corral full of other goodies. We've even installed a cheese, coffee and tea bar! Here it is: Here is the manufacturing plant that makes our merchandise: "That sounds great, Cowboy Bob! How can I find out more?" Glad you asked, old son. For further information on this momentous event, including hours and locations,  click here . To read an important message for today, click on

Anti-Creationist Intolerance Helps Show the Importance of Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For many years, I have long contended that people are bombarded with goo-to-you evolution as if it was a fact. Darwinian evolution is not confined to college textbooks and academia, it also permeates our literature, entertainment, animated cartoons, everyday speech, politics, sports, and more. In addition, Darwin's Cheerleaders are so intent on protecting their fundamentally flawed worldview from scrutiny, they resort to sneaky word games such as equivocating "evolution" into "science", so that when we say that we oppose evolution and affirm creation, we're "science" deniers.  Anti-creationists are also very evangelistic, although many of those owlhoots don't even know what they believe and why, they just "know" that evolution is true and we're wrong. Somehow. Two of their favorite tools are badgering and ridicule, and those are often intertwined. A politician says that he rejects evolution, and left

Piltdown Superman and 2015

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Happy New Year! Not that I think there's anything special about changing calendars or New Year's celebrations, but it's a good time to stop and plan. Some of my readers may know that my goal is to get these written and scheduled from 3-7 days ahead of time. But that's short-term planning, I reckon this is about longer-term planning. A side note for people who like to make resolutions: Don't get carried away. If you make a big list, you'll probably get discouraged trying to do too much. If you make a big list, fine, but I suggest that you do just do a couple of resoultions. In a month or three, do a couple more. Where was I? Oh, yes. I'm back behind my unlicensed assault keyboard, bringing you evidence that refutes the fundamentally flawed evolutionary worldview, and supports the reality-based biblical creation evidence. The big attention-getting holidays are over with (including Thanksgiving for Americans), and there's no

Question Evolution Day 2014, The Evolution of This Creationist

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Taking a different approach on this Question Evolution Day . This article will have some thoughts, feelings and testimony. I am on record for saying that I became interested in creation science long ago, and enthusiastically learned it. For a while, I was presenting it in churches with both scientific evidence and the theological importance. Ken Ham was working with the Institute for Creation Research back then, and I attended seminars and presentations. I met Ken, Duane Gish, Henry Morris, John Morris, Don DeYoung and others. Also, I had an impromptu debate with a couple of evolutionists that had a lasting impact on my naïve approach — I tried to convince them through evidence. Due to various reasons, I put God on the shelf for about fifteen years. Long story, too long to repeat here. During my backslidden time, I was investigating Buddhism, involved in politics and doing other odds-and-ends on another Weblog. But I had not rejected God, and would e

Audio-Video Podcast 15 — Why Question Evolution Day Matters

Creation science is a very hot topic these days!  The debate between Ken Ham and Bill "I Play a Scientist on TV" Nye will happen very soon,   Creation Sunday   is coming, movies about Noah and the Ark are going to be released (including   a creationist version with the real account ), the   Genesis 3-D  movie   is in the works, a recent survey shows that   people are not accepting evolution nearly as much as atheists would like , a site lamented that   2013 was "a terrible year for evolution" . And there's   Question Evolution Day . Question Evolution Day   is, on the surface, about basic human rights: We can say that we question (or reject!) evolution, and should be able to do so without loss of intellectual, academic, professional, speech and other freedoms. But it is important on deeper levels, including why it is important theologically and that evolution is a foundation to the religion of atheism — both of which are fundamentally

Audio-Video Podcast 14 — Poisoning the Well

Poisoning the Well is a surprisingly common informal logical fallacy. People will try to influence others before someone has a chance to be heard. It can include other fallacies such as the ad hominem ("to the man"), genetic (based on the source of information) and others. It is subtle and common, and frequently experienced. Libel, slander, idle gossip and so on all can lead to poisoning the well. Atheopaths, anti-creationists and other assorted trolls use this attempt at manipulation as a matter of course. The MP3 can be downloaded here .

Hitler and Question Evolution Day

We know that Hitler was an evolutionist , and no, he was not a Christian . Other tyrants were atheist evolutionists . (Today's vitriolic evolutionists are scary in their own right.) Some of those re captioned Hitler things are hilarious, and I had to try my hand at it when I got the inspiration to have him upset about Question Evolution Day . It's nice that there's a template for it . Takes some time to get it right, though. Oh, and the actor that played Hitler? Excellent work. So anyway, this video is just under four minutes.

Audio-Video Podcast 12 — Atheopath Proves Us Right!

An atheopath attacked changed my plans. Got up this morning with the full intention of giving another talk about one of several informal logical fallacies that I've been wanting to present. Instead, we had vapid mail. The third annual Question Evolution Day is coming February 12, and this bastion of logic inadvertently proves us right. It's amazing how rocket surgeons like this think they're so frightfully clever, but it's easy to dismantle what passes for logic on their home world. This episode has an extended version of the "Atheopath Follies". The MP3 version is available to download here . Before I show you the video, I want to tell you that Jimmy Cretin came back and tried again: