
More About Dinosaur Extinction

February 12 is Question Evolution Day! In the previous post , I mentioned that there are many theories about the extinction of the dinosaurs. The reason for this is that scientists find different theories (dino)sorely lacking. Some of them are so ridiculous, they are probably put forth as jokes. Part of the problem is that these scientists are operating from an evolutionary worldview. Perhaps they should be acting like scientists and examining the evidence without their presuppositional blinders? Like their secular counterparts, creationists posit their models as well. The flood model seems to answer quite a few questions without playing fast and loose with the facts. Dinosaur extinction is still a major enigma of earth history. In this review article, extinctions in the geological record will be briefly mentioned. Many of the imaginative theories for the extinction of the dinosaurs will also be presented. Within the uniformitarian paradigm, the meteorite impact theory, once

Dino-Sorely Extinct

"Question Evolution Day" is February 12! The most common theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs is that they died. Case closed. Oh, more specifically? The second most common theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs is that an asteroid impacted the Earth 65-70 million years ago. Scientists are not unified on this, however, because it does not explain why other reptiles still lived. Other theories have been put forward , including parasites, blindness and chronic constipation. Most theories about dinosaur extinction are based on uniformitarian assumptions that the earth is ancient,  life evolved and their extinction was long, long ago. What happens when C-14 is used on dinosaur collagen, a substance that should not exist after such a huge period of time? The discovery of collagen in a  Tyrannosaurus-rex  dinosaur femur bone was recently reported in the journal  Science . Its geologic location was the Hell Creek Formation in the State of Montana, United States of

Sediment and Stratigraphy

February 12 is Question Evolution Day! One of the largest flaws in evolutionists' "logic" is the circular reasoning of the fossil record. How old is the fossil? You can tell because of the rock layers that contained it. How can you tell how old the rock layers are? Because of the fossils in them. The so-called geologic column only exists in textbooks, not in nature. Aside from the blatant question begging, this method of dating fossils also makes unwarranted assumptions about the uniformity of original conditions. Stratigraphy, the basis of geological dating, was founded in the seventeenth century on three principles proposed by Nicolas Steno: superposition, continuity, and original horizontality. Successive observations and experiments show that his stratigraphic model was not in line with experimental data, because it overlooked the major variable factor of sedimentation: the current and its chronological effects. Experiments simulating the formation o

What, ANOTHER Missing Link Hoax?

Evolutionists seem to be so determined to prove that evolution is true that not only will they resort to fraud, but they will fall for hoaxes. This should not happen if scientists used due diligence instead of ideology. Or is it the desire for continued funding? Anyway, it keeps happening... It was only a short time ago that Ida was being hailed as the  eight wonder of the world !  [Emphasis added]. Sir Richard Attenborough of Jurassic Park fame gushed, “Darwin would have been thrilled” and “This little creature is going to show us our connection with the rest of the mammals.” Sir Richard went on to say, “Now people can say ‘okay we are primates’ show us the link” and “The link we have said up to now is missing – well it’s no longer missing.” Why am I not surprised that we are saying goodbye to Ida?  The title of my rebuttal article concerning this much heralded discovery of an extinct lemur nicknamed Ida says it all. It was titled  The New Missing Link: The Next in a Long Lin

Paleoenvironments and Worldviews

Creationists are accused of being biased when interpreting data. Surprise! So are secular scientists. Since I learned that no scientist is completely neutral and objective (being human and all that), I see this basic fact reinforced over and over. Here is an example: Dr Kathleen Benison, geologist at Central Michigan University, USA, writes in response to Michael Oard’s article Beware of paleoenvironmental deductions (1999). Dr Benison was the principal author of the study that Michael Oard was commenting on, and this exchange presents a penetrating look at the influence of worldview on how geology is interpreted. Dr Benison writes: No, to see what Dr. Benison writes, and Dr. Oard's response, read the rest of "Paleoenvironments and the Bible, The role of assumptions and worldview in geological interpretation" he re.

More Peer Review Club Action

"Peer Review", the convenient cop-out for evolutionists to dodge actually examining the evidence for creation and Intelligent Design. Sure, let's submit creationist material to evolutionists for their opinions. Makes perfect sense. Yes, the biased "good old boys" club that promotes favorites and suppresses those who are not exactly on the inside track. Bad news, Buford: Non-evolutionists have peer review as well. But it does not meet your presuppositions. Hey, want an example of what happens when...? What happens when an editor of a technical biology journal decides, along with others, to publish the first peer-reviewed technical article that casts doubt on Darwin and lays out the evidence for an intelligent designer?  In the case of Richard Sternberg, a Smithsonian research associate and former managing editor of the independent journal called the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington , it meant being cast out of the prestigious

Evolution Discussions

For about two years now (or thereabouts), I have been listening to many podcasts for Christian apologetics. One of those is a radio show and podcast in southern New Jersey called "Evidence for Faith". Keith Kendrix and Kirk Hastings have discussions on various topics and conduct the occasional interview as well. I have "participated" by writing the occasional letter, and they have read portions of the letters on the air. (Keep your ego in check there, Cowboy...) Since then, we have had some good communication, and I have even reviewed and recommended a book by Kirk Hastings called What Is Truth?  (On a side note, one of my more vituperative atheist "haters" sent them a letter, telling them what a bad man  I am. This was revealed to me in a telephone conversation with Keith, who thought it was without merit.) By the way, they gave a shout out for " Question Evolution Day / Academic Freedom Day — February 12 ". Thanks, guys! So anyway. Th

Wilfull Ignorance Is Not Science

Time and again, I get hit with the plaintive bleating of fundamentalist evolutionists that, "All the facts support evolution", "Creation and Intelligent Design do not have facts", "There are no facts for creation" and similar nonsense. News flash: It is not a case of "my facts are better than your facts" because nobody owns the facts. A fact is a fact, evidence is evidence. It is the interpretation of the facts that are at issue. For that matter (brace yourselves now), goo-to-you macroevolution and creation are equally religious and equally scientific. They are both belief systems about the past, interpreted through science frameworks based on worldviews. When evolutionists insist that "scientists start with the facts and follow where the evidence leads", they are either misled or dishonest; nobody is unbiased. That flies in the face of human nature, Nellie. Phylogenetic Tree (modified) However, evolutionists are so pass

Video - Question Evolution Day!

This video, and additional information, can be found here . 

Video: Evolution DOES Attempt to Explain the Origin of Life
