
Eel Biting and Evolution

Once again, observational science is corrupted by evolutionary conjecture. Eels and their kin have a variety of methods of consuming their victuals (correctly pronounced like "vittles", by the way). Some use suction and don't chew, some bite and chew, others have a combination of both methods, and so on. Some researchers think that the ability to chew is something that evolved (like other methods of dining), and re-evolved.  That'll be the day.  Then they were speculating that it's important information about how mammals evolved.  Never mind that there is no observational evidence or plausible models, they just bolster their just-so story with conjecture and call it "science". Never occurs to them that creatures were built that way by their Maker, does it? Actually, the biblical creation model makes more sense, even at a glance. Aquatic animals face some special challenges as they eat, for they must get their food into their mouths and swallowed

Evolution Propaganda, SETI, and Closed Minds

Like any totalitarian worth his salt knows, target the young with propaganda. Current evolutionist trends include having children write rap songs about the origin of life (we told you that the OOL is not separate from evolution, the American Association for the Advancement of Science approves of the children's lyrics). They are also using comic books and zombies. Well, sure, use something trendy to lasso a child's interest. When Christians tell their children that God is the Creator and life has meaning, atheopaths call that child abuse. But when Darwinistas promote their "you're a product of mindless evolution and life has no meaning" view, that's "science". Sure, makes perfect sense to some people, for some odd reason. There are some concerns about SETI making contact with alien intelligence because they may not be such nice fellas to ride the trail with ( as I discussed here ). "Don't worry, by the time they get the signals, figure

Complex Internal Biological Systems

Think about American cowboys and cattle drives for a moment. The process was engineered for a purpose. After the Civil War until about 1895, Texas cattle had to be rounded up and moved to railroads in Kansas so they could be sold and shipped for meat processing. They had to communicate to organize the whole thing, which involved hiring drovers , getting horses, supplies, the chuck wagon and cook, purchasing equipment, and so on. Then there was communication throughout the long, dangerous process. Don't forget the marketing communication at the end. Pixabay / geralt On a modern level, communication systems within a computer are far more complicated and efficient, and Internet communication among networked computers make the cattle drives pale in comparison. In each case, if there is a breakdown in communication, the work doesn't get done. Inside living cells, there are levels of communication that are far more complex and efficiently engineered than anything we could i

Catastrophe for Uniformitarian Geology

Evolution's True Believers™ circle the wagons when someone shows flaws in their "the present is the key to the past" paradigm, and insist that long-term gradual processes are true. This happens despite observed evidence, not because of it. Geologists themselves will reluctantly put their beliefs aside for a spell when they can't get around the evidence. Deitfoss / Pixabay / mirluc Geologists of the biblical creation persuasion believe that the Genesis Flood shaped much of the world's surface features (one model is called " Catastrophic Plate Tectonics "). But evolution requires long ages, and having a lot of water in a little time is the opposite of their flood geology of a little water in a lot of time. When secular geologists see evidence for catastrophe from their own sources, they unenthusiastically make some allowances for such processes, even though they don't understand them. Europe’s biggest waterfall likely formed catastrophical

Increasing Disarray in Evolutionary Timelines

February 2015 in the USA. We had Groundhog's Day, and today is Friday the 13th. What other irrational practices can we endure? I know! Atoms-to-anthropologist evolution! Evolution's advocates spruce up their version of historical science like they were going to get awards at the county fair. They can get awards for storytelling, sure, but for real science? Not so much. Deniers of Darwin are ridiculed with nonsense like, "We have the fossils, we win!" Not only does everyone have the same evidence, but secular interpretations of fossils and other evidence continually changes — for the worse, in their case. True science is changed according to the evidence and observations, and theories can be thrown away when they're shown to be full of errors (except evolution, of course, that's kept despite its flaws). Artifacts from ancient humans are found "older" than they should be, so the timeline gets pushed back. Existing materials are recalculated,

Book Review — Defending Genesis: How We Got Here & Why It Matters

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I was pondering which horse to saddle up and ride for Question Evolution Day (since every day is QED for me), Tony Breeden came along at the right time and said that he had a new book coming out, Defending Genesis: How We Got Here & Why It Matters . That title is singing my song. "But Cowboy Bob, he writes science fiction and stuff!" Yeah, well, so did C.S. Lewis and others. Tony has been writing nonfiction for years, and my favorite of his sites is " Defending Genesis " (no surprise that I like that one). He spearheads " Creation Sunday ", a response to the efforts of deceptive atheist Michael Zimmerman to get Christians to compromise with evolution. Breeden has interacted with a variety of people, from obstreperous atheist stalkers to enthusiastic supporters and those in between. Defending Genesis is written in a conversational style for the most part, and has some humor throughout. There are 22 chapters plus

Ape and Speech Essence

Everyone has a starting point by which they interpret what they observe. Proponents of molecules-to-man evolution interpret their observations in one framework, and biblical creationists have a far different approach. Unfortunately for evolutionists, their paradigm continually disappoints and puzzles them. Pixabay / James_Valma (modified) Everything supposedly can be explained through evolution, but speech itself has been problematic. Observers were excited when an orangutan made purposeful sounds to communicate, so this supposedly points to the evolution of speech. Except that this one is an exception, and that it was raised in captivity. I reckon they won't learn that evolution fails to explain anything because evolution isn't true. We were created with the ability to speak, and that's the gospel truth. Only human beings speak. The syllables and words, phrases and sentences people use to speak their minds all over the world consist of rhythmic sequences of co