Secular Assumptions Ruin Archaeometric Dating

Dating methods are fraught with problems. Secular scientists admit it on occasion. Also, the conflicting results and poor reasoning are brought to the fore by biblical creation scientists. Historical records are suspect because victors often write history, and in ancient times, often embellished the stories.

Archaeometric dating is a reasonable idea at first glance. Ancient artifacts often contain bits of iron, and when it is heated (such as when cities were burned), the conditions of Earth's magnetic field are shown. Sounds like a plausible way to calibrate a dating method.

Clay brick inscribed with the name of Nebuchadnezzar II, WikiComm / Dr. Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin (CC BY-SA 4.0)
It doesn't work. Secular scientists make a number of assumptions, primarily uniformitarianism ("the present is the key to the past") and deep time. The magnetic field of the earth was stronger in the past, but there were times of great changes in it. Observations and models of biblical creation science are rejected out of hand, so secular scientists are missing out on important data to consider from the effects of the Genesis Flood on the magnetic field.

Also, the Bible is an accurate historical record, but they shunned it. Known flawed historical records were preferred instead. Biblical creationists maintain that the Bible is without error. Even if secular researchers did not want to believe that it is without error in the original manuscripts, they should consider its record of reliability.
The archaeomagnetic dating method is explained in the context of a recently published study. That study claims to calibrate that dating method using clay bricks from archaeological sites in Mesopotamia that can be dated according to the kings’ names inscribed on them from a period of early human history, which is difficult to date by other methods.

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