
Building Blocks of Life by Design

Arguing from their worldviews, Darwinists see similarities between organisms and believe that it indicates particles-to-pathologist evolution. Biblical creationists take a more reasonable approach from their own worldview, seeing similarities indicates common design by the Creator. Changes in the building blocks of life through mutations are supposed to add  information. This does not work, since it has not been observed, and cannot be observed because it takes allegedly millions of years to happen. Also, regulatory DNA is a small part of the big picture, a fact that is hostile to evolution. No, the big picture is in a rather surprising place. The work of our wise common Designer is evident even between our genes. Every time a baby is conceived, his or her genetic blueprint is put to work orchestrating construction of his or her human body. Yet geneticists have found that primate animals share many of the twenty to thirty thousand protein-coding genes in the human genome. Fro

For Fear of Quantum Physics

Quantum physics (a.k.a. quantum mechanics, quantum theory) can be daunting to say the least. It requires a great deal of analytic thought and skill in advanced mathematics and gets into subjects on the subatomic level. (Some people would probably prefer  bronco busting  to doing this stuff.) But it is a valid operational science. Unlike many of the natural sciences, it is mostly untainted by homages to Darwin, since evolution has nothing to do with it. However, quantum physics  is  supportive of biblical creation (Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 1:17). Newtonian (classical) physics covered a great deal of ground, but some things were left unexplained. (There have been people who say that quantum physics  replaced  Newtonian physics, but that is incorrect.) Some of the experts in quantum physics were reluctant to accept quantum theory, but they ended up practicing the adage, "Follow where the evidence leads". This area of science is supported by empirical evidence, although the

Organic Materials Are Evidence of a Young Earth

Here I am, still behind my unregistered assault keyboard, bringing you news that annoys Neo-Darwinists and delights biblical creationists! Ready? Believers in an old earth maintain that our planet is billions of years old, and the fossils they dig up have been around for many millions of years. No wonder they are continually baffled when scientific discoveries contradict their paradigm. If something has been dead, buried, fossilized, it should look  and act  old. Image: Word is spreading, much to the annoyance of evolutionists, that red blood cells, carbon-14, soft tissues and other things have been found in dinosaur bones ( several links about that are here ). With advances in technology, more biological materials from the olden days are being found. While this information frustrates proponents of evolution, it fits right well with biblical creationist models. Do we live on an earth that is 4.6 billion years old or only thousands of years old? The age of our planet

Religious Attitudes in Evolutionism

Uninformed evolutionists believe that Charles Darwin came up with his hypothesis all by his lonesome, and deny that evolution is actually an ancient religion ( Paul debated the Epicurean philosophers in Acts 17 , who were evolutionists way back then). The science aspect had been in the works for years before Darwin popularized it. However, even with the trappings of science, evolution is still religious in nature . Using presuppositions that evolution happened, proponents use that as their starting point when attempting to interpret evidence — especially anthropologists. Of course, many questions remain unanswered, and their speculations often raise more questions than they claim to answer. The real answer is that evolution did not happen, everything was created. There’s something magical about believing in evolutionary anthropology: a sense of numinous awe at how much they don’t know but believe might be possible. A man ponders a bone in his hands, holding it as if it were a

Homosexual "Marriage", Creation, and the Bible

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are about 30 links provided for further reading, curiosity, and research. They can be springboards for people who want to do further research. Each should open in a new window or tab when clicked. I do not endorse every site, or even every article, so I do expect all y'all to utilize your own minds. As most people expected, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) voted to legalize same-sex "marriage" . This has serious implications for Bible-believing Christians , not only in the US, but everywhere. But it's not like the US was the first country to do this, just the latest to date . Let me point out right now that some professing Christians are expressing rage over the ruling. Frustration and righteous anger are understandable (especially when faced with the ridicule and gloating of "gay rights" supporters), but there is no justification for acting in a sinful manner toward homosexuals! Those who demand

Viewing Dinosaurs and Logical Fallacies from the Bunker

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Lots of reading, listening, and viewing for you today. Derek Gilbert allowed me back on "A View from the Bunker" , and it was a combination of two main points. First, we discussed dinosaur soft tissues and other evidence that dinosaur fossils are not millions of years old. Next, we went into an area of special study of mine, logical fallacies . We had some fun, too. The logical fallacies are important so that Christians and creationists are not lassoed by atheists and anti-creationists, and learning about them carries over into other areas of life. I gave several examples from my own experience. Also, I mentioned my article on " Evolution and the New Atheo-Fascism ", which deals with some of the material. Many shows have a fair amount of "show prep" before recording. Not here, it just a little. I prepped myself beforehand, but didn't use my notes all that much. It was more of a free-flowing conversation. Different sh

Evolutionists Should Remain Low-Key About "Loki" Organisms

Advocates of Lokiarchaeota-to-locksmith evolution assume that such evolution is true and backed by observable science. However, they keep searching for missing links to support their conjectures, whether it clinging to the defunct "Lucy" knuckle-walker story, or this instance of Lokiarchaeota as an missing link way back yonder in the single-celled years. Lokiarchaeota (nicknamed "Loki") has them all a-twitter. The "science" is dismal, to say the least. Genomic information is seriously lacking, but that doesn't stop some evolutionary biologists from speculating, making assertions, telling comic-book-style stories, and just plain getting excited about finding another alleged missing link. Darwinists assemble! Pay homage to the god Evolution! Puny god. The evidence supports the real God, our Creator. Single-celled organisms called Lokiarchaeota are making headlines as missing links in our supposed single-celled ancestry. A small fraction of thei