
Neanderthal Genes and Allergies

Can you imagine a cowboy working the Montana Territory with allergy problems? All that dust, animal hair, hay and such — may as well go back East. When you commence to sneezing, your immune system is trying to protect you. Sometimes it gets a mite overwrought and reacts to things that are not necessarily threats, and for some people it goes into hyperdrive with a severe allergic reaction. Where did this come from? Image credit: David Castillo Dominici at Scientists aren't exactly sure how allergies develop and what can be done about them. They do know that we have two types of immune systems, the innate and the adaptive. A study was done tracing some genes back to the Neanderthals, which were passed along when these "archaic" but fully-human people interbred with modern humans. However, there is no rational reason to think that genetic information came about through the random processes of evolution. Our immune system was created to do a job.

Serial Cells Frustrate Evolutionary Ideas

Although biology is foundational to amoeba-to-man evolution, it is not supportive of the concept. Increasing knowledge of biological functions supports what biblical creationists have been saying all along: life was intelligently designed by God, who is revealed in the Bible, and evolution has no part in the matter. Background texture from Image*After Serial cell differentiation is a system-intensive process require a great deal of energy from an organism. This is to keep certain cells from proliferating too rapidly, and is a hindrance for mutations. Single celled organisms replicate as fully functional cells, and they maintain cellular integrity through a system of direct epigenetic inheritance, or ‘cell memory’. Some tissues in multicellular organisms proliferate in the same way. However, the majority of tissues in adult multicellular organisms don’t. Most tissues in mature multicellular organisms replicate via a method called serial differentiation.2 Cells go through a se

Born That Way? Not Scientific!

I was born this way, and have no choice in how I am. You must accept me. Can't help it if I'm a biblical creationist white heterosexual male. Interesting how my claim does not carry any weight or is not considered to be true , isn't it? But gay rights activists claim that they have no choice in their sexual orientation, so we have to accept (and even celebrate) the approximately five percent or less of the population that claims to be homosexual. But there is no science to support this view. According to their own material, it's a matter of choice, not genetics. For that matter, if there was a "gay gene", it would be a mutation, and therefore , unnatural. Assembled with graphics from Clker clipart. How did we get to this point? There has been no dramatic increase in those who claim to be homosexuals, despite the way news and entertainment media make it appear that they are about half of the population. Years ago, homosexuality was considered a mental

Eye Variety and Evolution

There's no shortage of tales to tell by evolutionary owlhoots for the sake of propping up their presuppositions. What does the variation in eyes throughout living things tell you? Simple answer first: the variety of eyes tells you that there's a variety of eyes. National Geographic  people are saying that they can reconstruct the history of evolution based on computer programs and speculations. Evidence for evolution? That'll be the day! Cats' eyes have a tapetum lucidum that reflects light back through the eye so they can see better in the dark. Part of the story is that "convergent evolution" (a theoretical excuse that is used when there is no actual evidence) for eyes happened at least 40 times. Also, evolution is given a demigod status here, too, exhibiting creativity and thrift. Not hardly! This evolutionary storytelling is also an example of ignoring certain data and alternative explanations. The best explanation is that the Creator designed diff

Scientific Paper Recalled for "Inappropriate Language"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Evolutionist owlhoots are showing their blatant bigotry when a paper in PLoS One  used a bad word four times!  No, it wasn't ****, ****, or even ************, but it was far worse: the "C word". That's right, someone dared to say "Creator" — and they did it more than once. Researchers said that the human hand was the product of the Creator's design. Katie, bar the door, our propaganda mills are threatened by truth! Image credit: morgueFile / GaborfromHungary The use of the word "Creator" was not done to prove the existence of God or creation. That was not the reason for the paper, which was written from a naturalistic perspective. The Evo Sith were outraged, throwing down on PLoS One , demanding a retraction.  So they got one. Here is the retraction , which is mighty strange, since  the article is still there . This is a blatant illustration of what creationists have been saying for a long time, that secula

Another Dinosaur Feather Fiasco

Know why Darwinists keep seeing things that aren't there? Because they want to. Many times, there has been one "evidence" for evolution after another brought out of the corral and shown off to adoring spectators, only to find out that there's nothing to it after all. Feather from Clker clipart Those proclaiming dinosaur-to-bird evolution keep imagining feathers, but they have the blinders on as to seeing other explanations for "proto-feathers". To be consistent with their own viewpoints, they should be considering the fossil evidence against such evolution in the first place! If Darwinistas would do their research a bit more thoroughly, they wouldn't be rushing to erroneous conclusions quite so often. For that matter, the evidence really  shows that birds and dinosaurs were each created separately — and more recently than evolutionists want to admit. A recent claim of a newly discovered “feathered” dinosaur has pushed the controversy over bird

Jumping Gene Study Supports Post-Genesis Flood Speciation

Time to do some thinking, as the article featured below has some rather technical material in it. Ever hear of jumping genes? T hey don't actually jump. Rather, they move around a bit under certain circumstances. Retroelements are found in DNA, traveling in the chromosomes of their hosts. They were thought to be "junk" because of evolutionary thinking. As before, so-called junk has been found to have a purpose. "Retroelements" image composed from items found at Clker clipart. The genes of a certain wallaby were sequenced, and the findings seem to support rapid speciation as postulated by biblical creationists. They were doing what the Creator programmed them to do from the beginning. Yippie ky yay, secularists! Jumping genes or transposable elements (TEs) are present in virtually all life forms, from bacteria to humans. They are short DNA sequences that can move from site to site in the chromosomes of their hosts. They have been divided into two grou

Secular Astronomers do NOT Have Things All Figured Out

Take the trail toward Deception Pass and you'll most likely come upon the Darwin Ranch. The hands there have been a mite cranky lately because they depend on billions of years to justify their worldview, and the news hasn't been too good as of late. Especially regarding astronomy and cosmology. We're all star stuff from the Big Bang, you know — a star died so you might live, and all that kind of thing. Their stargazing friends have made pronouncements of how everything came to be (never mind the lack of observable, testable, repeatable evidence), and those people have been getting humbled these past few years. More so in recent times. Here are four reasonably short articles to 'splain, Loocy. Saturn / Image credit: NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute Hot Jumping Jupiter! You might jump too if you were as hot as some of the exoplanets detected elsewhere in the universe. What's frustrating to astronomers who presuppose evolution is that these seem to be the

Interview of Raymond Damadian, Inventor of the MRI

Remember how Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy insists that acceptance of molecules-to-medical doctor evolution is essential for the advancement of science? Other Darwinistas make this ridiculous remark as well, which has been refuted many times. One of the examples that Ken Ham used in his debate with Nye was Raymond Damadian, biblical creationist and inventor of the magnetic resource imaging machine. Possible image source: Answers In Genesis . Used under Fair Use provisions. Sometimes, atheopaths will say something like, "You shouldn't be using the computer because it was invented by an atheist!" To answer a fool according to his folly so he's not wise in his own eyes, we can say, "Hope you never need an MRI, because that was invented by a Christian who is a biblical creationist". Besides, the "father of the computer" was Charles Babbage , who was a Christian. Dr. Damadian was interviewed on Real Science Radio. There is some interesting pers

Debate Challenges

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Let it be known that I am challenging Dr. James White to a formal debate. The topic will be the validity of debating, and I will be taking the position that they are worthless. Hold on a moment while he stops laughing at how the "debate" was over before it began because I refuted myself.  Dr. White has done a passel of formal and other kinds of debates on various topics with many people, and I've learned a great deal about the debate process itself. (Want to see him in action? Here's the a debate with Dan "Don't Quote From My Books Even Though They're For Sale in the Foyer" Barker .) Dr. White has discussed the debates on " The Dividing Line ", and that's good and bad. Good because he is giving helpful information, and bad because I cannot give chapter and verse on where he said something I'd like to quote (unless I'm taking notes like I did here ), but taking notes is usually too impractical. I thou