
Adjusting Radiometric Dating Results

The owlhoots at the Darwin Ranch have realized that they don't have to play the cards they're dealt, such as doing a  force-fit of recalcitrant data into their worldview . A part of this involves  fundamentally flawed radiometric dating methods giving results they don't like; there are wildly varying results, so just keep drawing until you get the card you want, and keep it up your sleeve until needed. Adapted from images obtained from Clker clipart Rock containing footprints was dated, the date was accepted and published. Uh, oh! Those footprints are identical to those of the sandpiper. Time to retest the rock. They obtained an acceptable result, but the footprints were still problematic, what with dinosaur-to-bird evolution and such, and there are more difficulties involved. And it's not an isolated case. If they were able to be honest about the data, evolutionists would stop being evolutionists and admit that science supports recent creation. Using well-kno

The Evolution of Beauty

Darwin's ideas, loved by many as a "scientific" justification for denying the Creator, are not beautiful by any means. Survival of the fittest, nature red in tooth and claw, evolution as justification for racism , murderous tyrants in the 20th century ,  abortion — no beauty in evolution, Pilgrim. Image credit: Freeimages / Eline van den Berg While there is subjective beauty, such as seeing a piece of artwork that some consider beautiful but I think it would be good for target practice, there are other areas that are not quite so subjective. Darwinistas try to make beauty a utilitarian thing (everything must have an evolutionary function, you know), beauty itself actually defies evolution and testifies of the Creator, who put it here for our  benefit. Creation contains an astonishing abundance and variety of beauty that constantly surprises and delights us. Every individual tree is a work of art, yet trees come in an immense variety of sizes, colors, and shapes.

Evolutionists Use Contrary Data to their Advantage

It's a wondrous thing to watch unbiased, objective evolutionary scientists prove their points by using the complex scientific approach of Making Stuff Up™. Actually, they want to advance their beliefs so much, and are so unwilling to say, "Hey, this data refutes our position!", that they will find ways to say that data actually supports what they are promoting. Square peg, meet round hole. Modified from an image made at (link removed, site missing) The link below will show you how they work with the sudden appearance of marine reptiles in the fossil record, the so-called evolution of the British, measuring the differences between apes and humans, contrived "explanations" of protein evolution, butterfly wing patterns, how homosexual behavior in beetles applies to the rest of the animal kingdom, and more. Darwinists pass this stuff off as "science" in their efforts to sidewind away from the evidence that clearly supports creatio

Better Mining Through Fungus?

At first, I was going to start this article with "fungi to be with", but decided that joke is in spore taste. "Not funny, Cowboy Bob!" Right, I'd better get on with it. There's a ground fungus known as Talaromyces flavus that actually "knows" how to get what it needs when it encounters iron: it essentially mines it. Original image source: Clker clipart The fungus uses acid etching and extraction techniques quite similar to those used by humans. It should be obvious that the Designer of all creation gave it this unique ability to survive. If the trait was a product of evolution, it would never happen because the fungus would be stopped in its tracks (so to speak) and die. What happens when a soil fungus runs into a hard mineral containing precious trace amounts of nutritious iron? A poorly designed fungus might go hungry and languish like a forlorn noodle, but researchers recently found ways that a soil fungus conducts a miniature m

Evolution, Bird Diversity, and Noah's Ark

Even in upstate New York, we can see a variety of birds at the feeder on our patio. My wife likes to admire several kinds, and we have a bit of fun looking them up in books and online. She likes the two kinds of woodpeckers that drop in, and giving peanuts to the blue jays. Jays are smart, too, which fits because they're related to crows and ravens, considered among the most intelligent birds. Malicious Advice Mallard is at it again. In some ways, evolutionists and creationists agree about some elements of speciation. We disagree when it comes to how such varieties came about, and from where. There's no evidence that they came from a common ancestor, and the South American origin story is based on Darwinian presuppositions. We have our presuppositions, too, and believe that speciation of birds that were on Noah's Ark during the Genesis Flood is a better explanation of scientific evidence. This involves the study of baraminology or biblical kinds, terms held in deri

Evolutionists Boxed in with Pandoraviruses

One of the failures of evolution is where to place viruses on Darwin's fictitious Tree of Life. They are living things. No, they are not living things. But they have DNA. So, where do they belong in the alleged "descent from a common ancestor" motif? Pandora by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1879 To make matters worse, some large versions of the virus have been discovered. Are Pandoraviruses dangerous? After all, many viruses cause illnesses. But not all viruses do, even though the Pandoraviruses are more complex than their kid brothers. , They cannot be traced to any cell so (wait for the story)  they probably belong to a separate tree of life.  Yeah, sure. If anything, they've devolved , so like their namesake Pandora, they're a box of trouble for evolutionists. But when people insist on evolution and deny creation, science yields many troubles for them. Viruses in many ways are an enigma to biologists. Debate has raged for years as to whether viruses can even

Sorry, No Twin for Earth

Secular cosmologists and astronomers are chomping at the bit to find a planet like Earth among the extra-solar planets. They get all agitated when something is found in the "habitable zone", but just because a planet is in this zone doesn't mean all that much because there is a heap of other factors to consider . Derived from materials available at openclipart They keep dreaming big, but it seems more like stubborn rebellion against the reality that Earth was created and set in a special place, and not the product of the Big Bang and cosmic evolution. The Kepler spacecraft has found 2,325 exoplanets so far, but there’s still no place like Earth. Live Science chose to frame the news optimistically. Its headline reads, “9 New Habitable Zone Planets! Huge Haul of Worlds Found By Space Telescope.” Exclamation point, even. But it takes more than being in the zone to qualify as an Earth twin. Two other news sites show a sad face at the news: 1st Alien Earth Still El