Competition and Evolution

Maybe the main reason the owlhoots at the Darwin Ranch cheat at cards and at science is because they believe their own philosophies: competition, survival of the fittest, and that sort of thing. The strong survive, one critter gets to eat, the other one starves, the survivors propagate the species. People believe these things because they trust what "scientists say" — even without evidence, and even when scientists are wrong. Scarlet Tanager image credit: Morguefile / AcrylicArtist (Rodney Campbell) There are times when we see animals fighting over what they consider their stash, even though there's enough food available for everybody. But there are other times when they will help each other out. Sometimes it's a one-on-one thing, gotta watch out for your own kind and so forth, but there are also baffling instances of symbiosis, inter-species assistance where both parties benefit. Such things refute Darwin's idea, and show that the Creator has design plan...