
Cosmologists Hunting Space Ghosts

It's been sarcastically said that Christians believe in something even though you know it isn't true, which is a straw man definition of biblical faith. If you study on it, however, that same definition may rightly be used for evolutionary cosmologists. They have a whole heap of blind faith. Image credit:  NASA / WMAP Science Team modified with Clker clipart. Use (or abuse) does not imply endorsement by anyone for anything anywhere around these parts.  One of the most famous ghosts of space is dark matter. It hasn't been detected, but secularist Big Bang cosmogony requires its existence. "Evidence" has been presented, but that is based on materialistic presuppositions, inferences, and ignoring other possible explanations for what is observed. Another ghost is antimatter. This, too, is elusive, so some scientists are trying to get help from recalcitrant neutrinos. The irrelevant thesis  fallacy was invoked: "It could all have been so different. When

Did Some Dinosaurs Re-Evolve?

The United States had a federal program called the Works Progress/Projects Administration for employing people from 1939-1943. (I knew a guy who had been on it, and he referred to the WPA as "We Putter Around".) They did mainly construction work such as roads, but some excavated fossils. In 1940, an odd dinosaur fossil fragment was found by WPA folks, and it was reexamined recently. Modified image of an ankylosaurus postage stamp from Central Africa in my collection. It was called ankylosaurus because it would bite you on the ankles, making them sore. The fossil had a dome head like several others, and had significant features in common with them. But the fragment was separated from its cousins by millions of Darwin years. Many other similar body types have been found separated by layers, so the idea is that they evolved more than once, or "somehow re-evolved". Not hardly! If these scientists bothered to look at the geologic evidence of the Genesis Flood, t

Plucking the Spider Strings

We may not always appreciate spider webs, especially when walking into them unexpectedly, but they are actually marvels from abilities given to the critters by their Creator. They are strong , and have different kinds of threads for different purposes . Further analysis of the webbing has shown some additional fascinating details, including how webs are similar to musical instruments. Spiders adjust them like a musician tunes the strings of an instrument, gaining a great deal of information. Two reports are discussed in the link below. The first one is a nice change, scientists doing science, but the second has baseless homage to evolution. Amazing how God gave spiders the ability to make such intricate webs, isn't it? Spider webs are so finely-tuned, they are like musical instruments that the creatures can strum or listen to. Here’s an article showing how science can be reported without Darwinese. In “Tuning the instrument: Spider webs as vibration transmission structure

Mammoths and Creation Science

Mammoths were big elephant-like critters that lived way up north during the Ice Age, got quick-frozen and were encased in ice a zillion years ago. One was heroic but cranky, named Manfred. At least, that seem to be the public perception. Actually, there were several different beasties that looked like elephants. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Honymand / CC BY-SA 4.0 There were varieties of mammoths, one of which was the woolly mammoth — not to be confused with the larger mastodon, and not to be confused with the Christian rock band Mastedon ("video" below). Mammoths are a bit of a puzzler for proponents of muck-to-mammoth evolution, as are modern elephants, since evolution is presumed, not demonstrated. Another area of stress is the Ice Age. Uniformitarian views are unable to explain it, but biblical creationary scientists have plausible models based on the Genesis Flood. The aftermath of the Flood, genetics, speciation, natural selection, the biblical created k

Naturalism is not Conducive to Science

Secularists have been somewhat effective in portraying a "war between science and religion" and giving the impression that if someone is going to be a scientist, he or she must have a worldview that is rooted in naturalism. That is, no non-atheists need apply. Such propaganda utterly false, and one example is the dishonest use of the Scopes "Monkey Trial" . Image credit: NASA (use does not imply endorsement of site contents) If you study on the propaganda and do a little research, you'll see that it's ridiculous. The founders of modern science were Christians, and many of those were biblical creationists . Science depends on methods that are repeatable, testable, observable, and so forth. An atheistic worldview is incoherent, with random processes of evolution as one of it's main foundations. You can't do science that way. Meanwhile, there have been and still are many people who believe the Bible and do science quite well. Many people today

Evolutionists Blunder on "Bad Design" Claims

More and more, we can see that molecules-to-meteorologist evolutionists have some serious problems with logic and prejudicial conjecture. Case in point: bad design. The human eye is badly designed, so God didn't intelligently design it, so it must have been evolution. I reckon such a claim is not the product of intelligence. Logic and science don't work that way, old son. First, the fallacy of bifurcation in the "either God is a bad designer (or doesn't exist), therefore, evolution did it" idea. No third possibility? Anyone? Bueller? Okay. There's the fact  that people talking about this are not ophthalmologists, no do they go beyond a superficial examination to support their anti-God tunnel vision. (When it comes to theistic evolutionists and other false teachers who corrupt the Bible, it's called "proof texting". Very similar to what's happening here.) Another possibility is that they simply do not want  to see that the eye is well-de

Lunar Face Lifts?

The stereotype of aging movie stars and high society types is that they go to a cosmetic surgeon and get their faces lifted so they can look younger. Seems that our old pal the Man in the Moon has been doing that all by his lonesome (with the help of meteorite impacts) for quite some time. Giordano Bruno crater image credits:  NASA / Goddard / Arizona State University The moon is hit by meteorites, and secondary craters are formed when the debris comes back down. (Not a good place for housing, since there are quite a few rocks zipping around up there. Earth gets to slow them down and burn off many in our atmosphere, giving us tons of dust every day .) New observations have changed a passel of ideas about the age of the moon and other things. Sorry, deep-time advocates, but the age of the moon has been reset way back — the universe was created recently. New study of craters shows that moon’s surface gets churned every 81,000 years, not every million years. “I like it when theo