Fish Venom and Creation

Several years ago, I stopped into a sandwich shop in East Lansing, Michigan. Things had changed a bit since the last time I was there, and one of those changes was the cute little pickle they speared with a toothpick and shoved into the sandwich. Okay, I'll start with the pickle. That was how I learned about a jalapeño pepper on a stick. It took many years before I came close to them again, and made sure that small pickles were indeed small pickles. Unpleasant surprises are educational. Great Barrier Reef Near Whitsunday Islands, International Space Station, credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) In a similar manner, a fish commences to chowing down on a fangblenny, a fish the size of your finger. Munchie discovers that the fangblenny is one of many venomous fish in the deep blue sea and gets himself bitten from the inside. Although there's no pain from the venom, it causes his jaw to drop open and the fangblenny swims away. Later, Munchie decide...