
Searching for Space Aliens Increasingly Preposterous

Once again, the hands at the Darwin Ranch over at Deception Pass have been gnawing on the peyote buttons. Huge amounts of money are being spent on SETI and other efforts to find their imaginary friends: space aliens. They reckon that if intelligent life is out there, wants to be found, and has a hankering to talk with us, that would justify their faith in evolution and rejection of the Creator. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach (click for larger) After all, since life cannot happen by chance here, so it must have happened out there and made its way here later. That does not solve the abiogenesis problem. I heard a phrase that applies: they're just kicking the can down the road. The SETI people are acting like a cult, using intelligently-designed equipment to search for signs of intelligence from creatures that were supposedly not formed by intelligence. A "study" suggests that aliens might be purple. Why is that? What is the evidence, since nobody has

Evil and Worldviews

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When people use the word evil, it can have different meanings. Angry atheists can call Christians evil for exposing their bad logic. Sometimes, people are referred to as evil simply because they do not like someone else. If you think on it, such casual references take away from what can be considered as genuinely evil. Today we are going to look at two kinds of evil in California — one is moral, the other is natural. Credit: NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) First, there is the murderous rampage in Thousand Oaks. As of this writing (you may want to search for updates as information is gathered), a shooter planned his murderous attack where he killed twelve people before killing himself. Most people will not have a problem referring to this as evil. The next item to be referred to as evil is the abundance of fast-moving wildfires. News reports include words like "ruthless" and "

Taking Up Space — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen On Saturday, October 20, I had just finished reading a Western novel, which I do from time to time to "decompress". Shortly after lights out, Steven J. Wright sent me a message that I discovered the next morning. He wondered if I would do a review of his new novel, Taking Up Space, which was going to be published very soon. (After all, I wrote about his novel The Deception back in twenty aught thirteen.) I warned him that I would have to mention things I did not care for as well as positive, and he was okay with that. This child saddled up with some free ebook reading material under no obligation to give a glowing review. So, that's the disclaimer as well as a personal anecdote. Most folks don't know that I am writing up a review for a book, video, or whatever. This was an interesting experience. I was corresponding with Mr. Wright and giving him progress reports as well as some thoughts along the way. Although you have seen some book r

Ichthyosaurs Provide Genesis Flood Evidence

Before we commence to showing how ichthyosaurs are frustrating for Darwin's disciples and deep time proponents, I found out that something useful has been reissued. My Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ is kept in a glass case most of the time, but it shows signs of wear. Now trolls and other purveyors of evoporn can all have a new version! Image furnished by Why?Outreach (click for larger) Now, down to business. A somewhat baffling critter during dinosaur times was the ichthyosaur, which resembled dolphins and reptiles. There were several different kinds, and their name is Greek for "fish lizard". Dinosaurs had no evolutionary past , and their aquatic pals were also problematic, so instead of admitting that the logical explanation is recent special creation, evolutionists tried to come up with ancestors for ichthyosaurs. They failed , and not even their decoder rings could help. In reality, ichthyosaurs are examples of the design work of the Master Engineer

Imitating the Rainbow Weevil?

Mention a weevil to a farmer, and you are likely to hear about how certain kinds destroy grain . You may have had them in your stored food . Even so, studying science and creation can provide some amazing insights into the work of the Master Engineer, and the rainbow weevil of the Philippines even inspires imitation. Because it displays all the colors of the visible rainbow in its spots, researchers want to examine it for applications (biomimetics) in areas that involve optics. These rainbow spots are the product of complex cell structures, which defy evolutionary explanations. The beautiful glossy rainbow weevil from the Philippines is unique for the spectacular rainbow colored spots on its thorax and forewing. These circular spots produce all the colors, and in the same order, as those found in a rainbow in a series of successive rings. Many insects exhibit the ability to produce different types of colors, but it’s unusual for one to exhibit such a vast spectrum. Researchers

Our Stupid Evolutionary Ancestors

If you study on it, you might realize that human evolution scenarios are insulting to our intelligence. According to Darwin's disciples, our alleged ancestors were on this here planet for a mighty long time. They must have been dense as fence posts because they basically did nothing since they arrived — didn't bother to invent fence posts, even. Or develop agriculture . That goes against human nature , old son.  Image provided by Why?Outreach , caveman insert from openclipart and modified Evolutionists make a number of excuses when spinning yarns about our ancestors. Have your intelligence insulted and accept it because evolution. Ignore the fact that Neanderthals never were the dim-witted creatures that evolutionists pretended, but were upgraded to fully human (but "archaic") humans. Some of these tinhorns actually try to make climate change a factor in evolution. Kind of makes you lose your faith in Darwin, doesn't it? We were created recently, and the f

The Next Ice Age

Some of us are old enough to remember when people were on news programs and interviews discussing the impending, irreversible ice age. They talked about how bad things would be, doom and gloom, all that nonsense. Then they changed their tune and started talking about global warming and ignoring important evidence so cultists like Bill Nye and his followers could spread fear and push for globalization. Al Gore was getting money and attention, but was way off in his predictions . Under the global climate change moniker, they can have it all: global warming and an ice age. Credit: Pixabay / Natalia Kollegova Secular scientists and compromising old earth Christians believe that there have been several ice ages in the earth's past. However, they cannot agree as to methods and mechanisms for it, especially since an ice age cannot be caused simply by colder temperatures. They cannot give a reasonable prediction of coming disasters. The most common "evidence" is found