
Creation Virology and COVID-19

Addendum added 4-09-2020   At this point in time, we are all learning about the virus that is known scientifically as SARS-CoV-2. People are wondering why it has been so difficult to deal with, but it is unique and that is why you will often hear the word novel associated with it — everyone is learning. Despite the claims of one owlhoot, COVID-19 is not the end for creationism . In fact, a creation approach is crucial in understanding the virus. Original image from the CDC, then modified with FotoSketcher Darwinian medicine is not only foolish, but downright dangerous . Some people are claiming that this virus is evidence for evolution, but that is completely false . In the original very good creation, viruses, bacteria, and other microbes were prolific and our Creator had a purpose for them. Creation virologists point out that many (if not most) viruses are beneficial. Interestingly, there is disagreement as to whether or not viruses are living things because they do have D

Fooling with Radiocarbon Contamination Claims

Secular scientists have been stunned — stunned , I tell you — when C-14 has been found in diverse items (including diamonds) that they claim are millions of years old. For a mighty long time, their presuppositions prevented them from bothering to test these things for radiocarbon. Credit: GoodFreePhotos / Thorn Yang I'll allow that there are some things we simply know and do not feel a need to check; I know that when Basement Cat goes down the steps, she will not float to the ceiling because she's not equipped to defy gravity. When it comes to the age of the earth and things in it, believers in deep time do not actually know the facts (and some question those assumptions ). It is inferred, then they presuppose that previous assumptions are correct and that oil, diamonds, and so forth cannot have radiocarbon in them. But they do. That is because the earth is not billions of years old, and the best explanation can be backtracked to the Genesis Flood. Circle the wagons!

Evolution and Chimps Swaying to Music

Another example of molecules-to-monkey research that could prompt responses of apathy, laughter, or even rage. Mayhaps people should  be angry at the way their tax dollars are wasted in risible attempts to link humans and apes in their fetid family tree. Chimpanzees sway to music. Big deal. Credit: cropped from an image at Pixabay by  Gerhard Gellinger Rhythmic music can evoke swaying in chimpanzees, therefore, evolution. (Did playing rap cause them to treat females with disrespect or even violence? Asking for a friend.) The chimps swayed to both random and rhythmic beats, but humans are none to keep on random beats. Not that they make and play their own instruments or hum a happy tune, or bothered to ask Piltdown Superman to play the drums. Serious difficulties with the research and bad reasoning don't do anything to solve the music question that bothered the Bearded Buddha himself. Know why? Because we did not evolve from a common ancestor. Instead, we were created separate

Pigments Ages of the Imagination

Believers in deep time are constantly denying facts as well as principles of science, giving them false confirmation of their biases. For example, despite all the dinosaur soft tissues and other remnants , the discovery of dinosaur DNA , and more, materialists have a "Whaddya know, that stuff does  last millions of years!" approach. The same thing is happening with the "oldest" biological pigments. Credit: Pexels /  Sharon McCutcheon  We've seen science denial (after all, the narrative trumps observed evidence) in the colors of dinosaurs and in dinosaur eggs . While this post is not about dinosaurs, these examples show how secularists clutch their pearls and deny inconvenient facts. It is no surprise that they believe the impossible about other biological pigments (perhaps they studied under Joe Biden at the University of Pennsylvania or something). Cyanobacteria were apparently the culprits that led to colors extracted from marine black shale, but the

So Mother Earth is Punishing Us with COVID-19

When riding the trails of social media, it is not surprising to find some mighty strange ideas about COVID-19. An actor thinks that Earth is punishing us for our environmental crimes. Idris Elba is promoting a pagan view of Earth as a living thing , which has grown in popularity even in evolutionary circles (see " More Gaia Paganism in Evolution "). Earth is not an entity, old son. Earth image from Clker Clipart blended with COVID-19 image from the CDC It is interesting that Elba is "race conscious" by stating the obvious: black people can get the virus . His worldview probably excludes the biblical fact that there are no races . Ethnic groups, sure. But we're all the same race. It is amazing to this child that people foolishly look to uninformed but highly opinionated celebrities for medical and political advice. Since Earth is not a living being, it cannot decide to make a virus to punish us. Elba does not indicate how he knows that the pagan

Scorpion Evolution Fake News

We have seen numerous examples of research that claims to support universal common ancestor evolution that did nothing of the kind. Add to this the fact that the vaunted secular peer review process is fundamentally flawed , and this scorpion evolution story is a tragicomedy. Striped bark scorpion image credit: National Park Service (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There are 1,750 or so known species of scorpions, but only a few have venom that is deadly to humans. Even so, this child will not be guessing, leaving the handling to the experts. These predators often blend in well with their surroundings, but they are known to make their way into places they don't belong. Be sure to shake out your shoes and boots in the morning if you sleep in those areas. A fossil was found that had the same kind of inner workings from hundreds of million Darwin years ago, but was essentially the same as those today. The researchers promptly utilized the complex scientific

The Making of Fjords

When thinking of fjords, those inlets with cliffs or steep sides, many people think of Norway. Sognefjord up thataway is probably the most famous, but they are found in several other parts of the world. The way they formed is rather involved, the product of the Genesis Flood and glaciers. Sognefjord, Norway image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Worldtraveller  ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) Uniformitarian geologists have their ideas on how fjords were made. (No, Slartibartfast was not involved, nor was American industrialist Henry Fjord). Secularists tell you that glaciers carved them out, but a better explanation can be found by using a creation science Flood model. The fjords were not carved out by the glaciers, but tectonic action and tremendous amounts of water laid the groundwork (heh!), and glaciers also played their part. Today’s feedback is a question from C.O. of Norway about the origin of fjords. Did the ice form the fjords or were they already there and the ice then filled them?