
Fish Engineering Stymies Evolutionists

Despite their pyretic adoration of goo-to-guppy evolution, materialists are frequently stymied by examples of the Master Engineer's handiwork. Their louche " it evolved " excuses are based in faith, not empirical science. We will look at evolution-defying metabolism, body design, and dodging predators. Don't carp, the linked articles are short. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / 5snake5 ( CC0 1.0 ) Evolutionists presuppose that life began in the oceans, and that our distant ancestors were fish. Therefore, onward and upward evolution would show more advanced traits in land dwellers than in fish. As we've seen many times, you can't find something if you don't look for it — or if you're not thorough. A complex metabolic process was discovered in fish that "should not" be there. A complex metabolic process called Chaperone-Mediated-Autophagy (CMA) was thought to be a recent evolutionary development in land vertebrates as it was only previously

How to Fold Rocks

The best way to fold layers of rock is to grab on with both hands and push down. No? Well of course not, those are rocks, not sheets of paper. If you saddle up and ride out Utah way to Dinosaur National Monument, then take a look around near the Quarry Visitor Center, you will see some impressive rock folding. Do you wonder how that happened? Credit: US National Park Service (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It takes a tremendous amount of force to do this. Ask uniformitarian geologists how it happened, and you'll likely get some song and dance about millions of years. That's convenient. However, folded rocks are found in large areas all around the globe, and rocks have an unfortunate habit of breaking. They had to be soft and pliable at some point. The truth is, it is conditions , not time , that cause rock folding. These necessary conditions can be found in creation science models of the Genesis Flood. That's hard evidence for a recent creation.

Those Marvelous Martian Mud Volcanoes

When discussing volcanoes, people are likely to mention explosive eruptions, plumes of hot lava, ash from Mt. Tambora giving the world a " year without a summer ", and so on. Perhaps some will think of the secret base of Ernst Stavro Blofeld , which later erupted in real life . Not all volcanoes project lava. Possible mud volcano on Mars, Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Univ. of Arizona Out yonder in our solar system are volcanoes that present water vapor, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and so forth. Jupiter's moon Io spews lava. It is interesting that there is increasing evidence that Mars had volcanoes that erupted mud, and Mars has landforms that are presumed to have been carved out by water. Some very interesting research and models have been conducted using conditions there. Ironically, secular geologists have no evidence of water on Mars to cause mud volcanoes and landforms, but deny the global Genesis Flood on our planet which is mostly water. Tens of thousa

Denying Bad Science for Good Reasons

Those of us who have the impudence to point out flaws in Darwinism, ask questions about COVID-19 lockdowns, want evidence contrary to global warming/climate change examined — we are chained with the epithet "science deniers". That is false. We appreciate and use science, but have this nasty habit of thinking for ourselves and denying dubious and even bad science. Josef Mengele, the Nazi Angel of Death, is in the center Original public domain image run through PhotoFunia Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ occasionally trot out the so-called persecution of Galileo Galilei by the Roman Catholic Church in their false claim about the war between science and religion. The Galileo affair was not as simple as atheists like to pretend , and many people are surprised to discover that it was a struggle of science vs science. True science has not suffered persecution from putative Christian organizations. There is the false science of directed panspermia (life came from outer space)

Wolfe Disc Makes Secular Cosmologists Howl with Rage

"Houston, we have a problem." "Whazzat?" "I say again, Houston, we have a problem." "This is Tom the Trucker in doing the 'breaker 1-9' thing in Omaha, sorry. Can I help anyway?" "That DLA0817g Wolfe Disc is fouling up our naturalistic cosmology!" Credits: Original, DLA0817g Wolfe Disc Artist Impression NRAO / AUI / NSF, S. Dagnello Then I used Big Huge Labs for the billboard effect Tom proceeded to point out that the scientists, rooted in presupposing naturalism, called the discovery "a challenge" because it didn't fit the Big Bang paradigm. They also said it appears to be quite a bit like our own Milky Way galaxy, but they only have inferences about its appearance, and it took three years after its discovery to learn that Wolfe rotates. That's not supposed to happen. Also, Tom pointed out that the phrase, "Houston, we have a problem" had its source with the Apollo 13 mission, but tha

T. Rex Research and Pack Hunting

Those Jurassic Park/World movies took many liberties which included the speed of Tyrannosaurus rex and the increased size of the velociraptors . In their defense, the movies are money-making ventures to provide entertainment, not education. Also, new research on the critters came later. I have another rescuing device to offer. When we go to movies, watch television, or even when reading novels, we have to suspend our disbelief and accept that reality. The dinosaurs in the Jurassic flicks were modified dinosaurs, so T. rex was fast and velociraptors not only taught their young, but were much larger than the turkey-sized versions that were fossilized. But that's just for fun and we have some interesting research to ponder. Calculating body mass, bone density, comparison to living animals, and other factors, Tyrannosaurus rex was probably not entering foot races and jumping contests. A fall would probably be fatal, so it wouldn't be chasing after the other dinosaurs w

Date Selection and Radiometric Dating

Except for fundamentalist evolutionists, many people know that radiometric dating is tenuous at best. It involves a number of assumptions, which is bad enough, but there is a passel of circular reasoning and cherry-picking of data to fit deep time presuppositions. The same is true in radiocarbon dating. Credit: Freeimages / Pedro Simao Some hominid remains were discovered in Portugal, and secularists commenced to assigning dates to the rocks. However, the standard used was predetermined to give researchers the deep time that they wanted to have. They also had results that were the opposite of what they wanted, and inconvenient dates were simply rejected. Very unscientific and dishonest. A recent Neanderthal study in the journal Science mixed detailed archaeological finds with stories about human origins. As is typical, the report’s age assignments for fossils fit evolutionary time instead of the Bible’s much shorter timeline of thousands of years. Its age-dating exercises revea