
Science In Name Only

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are a few acronyms ending in -INO, which means In Name Only. RINOs (Republicans), (CINOs) Christians, and others. SINO will not work here because sino means Chinese (based on the Sinae , the Latin word for China). Mayhaps ScINOs? You can study on that and get back to me if something works, okay? People are suspicious of science at times, then they change horses in midstream and adore it. Especially if they think that scientists are paragons of virtue and impartiality, and will use their brilliance to solve le problème du jour . I disremember when, but one of the responses to a public opinion survey was something like, "Scientists will make a pill for it or something". Blind faith. Modified from an illustration by Sidney Paget used in "The Adventure of the Empty House" A term that has received abundant usage is virtue signaling . It is commonly used for people who are trumpeting their support for political and social causes, but can al

Mutations not so Random After All

If you study on it, the dogma of randomness  crops up frequently among believers in minerals-to-microbiologist evolution. That fits in well with their materialistic views and insistence in the totally unscientific, subjective, and absurd claim that things only appear  to be designed but are not really. Otherwise, misotheists would have to admit that there is a Designer. Biblical creationists believe that this is the God of the Bible. Materialists evosplain that through billions of Darwin years, mutations, and lotsa luck, we have the amazing diversity of life we see today. Of course, those mutations had to be beneficial according to their schemes. In reality, most are harmful (or at least neutral) and accumulating dents. Credit: Pixabay /  Gerd Altmann The study of genetics (pioneered by creationist Gregor Mendel , peas be upon him), is no friend of evolution. In fact, that field of science continually refutes evolution. (Indeed, genetic entropy refutes both evolution and deep time!) C

Van Leeuwenhoek Consigned to the Flames by Secularists

It is amazing how secularists, who live by a survival of the fittest mentality, impose their alleged moral standards on people who lived hundreds of years ago. Although they excuse the racism and sexism of Charles Darwin  because he was a product of his time and culture, some historical figures are attacked and no excuses made. Not that anyone should excuse any actual bad behavior by Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, because all we have is a passel of allegations, inferences, and incomplete research that are far too common among secular scientists. Was he given this "science research" treatment and maligned because he was a Christian and a creationist? Asking for a friend. Recently, I wrote " How to Conduct Insufficient Research ", which parallels some of the shoddy work in the secular science industry that is passed of as meritorious. In this case, they wanted to examine two of Tony's microscopes. After all, he did tremendous scientific work, and they wondered about his

Legends of the Flood in the Western Hemisphere Part 3

We have been pondering legends of the Great Flood in the New World, beginning in the area of the continental formerly United States in Part 1 , then we headed way up north in Part 2 . This time, we will turn around and go down Mexico way, and even further south. Nick Liguori is the author of the book  Echoes of Ararat , and also of this three-part series.  As stated previously, there are many cultures from antiquity that have Flood legends with many things in common despite the degradation of the stories over the centuries. Machu Picchu, Peru image credit: Pixabay /  Poswiecie I am once again asking you to consider the fact that the legends had notable similarities, especially that there was a deluge. Not death by army ants, tremendous winds, giants, fire from the sky, or other things. Water. Most of these were punishment for the wickedness of humanity, though some were because one of the "gods" was offended. Still, such diverse cultures that were widely separated had similar

Permian Problems and the Genesis Flood

Continuing the monthly series on how the fossil record is a hostile witness against particles-to-paleontologist evolution. For true believers things get...truly bizarre. Rocks that contain fossils are sedimentary, and there is a passel of fossils in the Permian strata. It should be pointed out (even though people already know this) is that there is not a line of demarcation between layers. Indeed, some layers are "missing" from assigned progressions. Secular scientists use rock layers as indicators of the age of the earth, expecting the fossils they contain to present simpler life forms to more complex. Also, since some life forms disappeared from their assigned strata, these scientist postulate mass extinction events. Since they are locked into their erroneous presuppositions, they are constantly being amazed that fossils overlap in the "wrong" strata, that some reappear in higher-level strata — and that some creatures are still living today. The Permian layer is e

Powerful Plants and Flood Recovery

Although it may take quite a while, plants find the nutrients they need. They also have a habit of growing and reclaiming land and getting into the foundations of buildings. I remember one time when the sewage for a house had backed up because a tree root had grown into the pipe. Plants are persistent things. They also play a big part in biblical creation science models. It is reasonable to use what is observed today regarding living things and expect that they acted much the same way in the past, yes? Creationists present evidence for the Genesis Flood, but it is understandable to wonder how plants played a part in the earth's recovery in the aftermath. Banding in quartzite image credit: Flickr / James St. John  ( CC BY 2.0 ) By the way, I really despise alphabet/Google/Blogger with a passion. This site may become an archive, so eventually the excitement may very well be at  Creation Cowboy  if I can get the hang of the interface. Back in 1980, Mt. St. Helens provided evidence fo

Fake Thinking and Moon Landing Conspiracies

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  An article was suggested at The Question Evolution Project on Fakebook, and it was something I was able to build on. There are conspiracy theorists who believe that the Apollo moon landings were faked, and are passionate about their opinions. I have noticed that Flat Earthers join their ranks. (The ones who infuriate me are the 9-1-1 "truthers" who say it was an "inside job", attacking the integrity of thousands of people.) There are numerous sites that refute the moon landing conspiracies, but I wanted to use this one in particular. Buzz Aldrin salutes the flag, image credit: Neil Armstrong / NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There is no need for me to cover all the points in the article that will be linked below. This article complements " How to Conduct Insufficient Research ", the lunar conspiracy people have something in common with Darwinian thinking. One of the first logic errors used by fake moon land