
Flood Legends and the Biblical Narrative

Unbelievers spread boilerplate criticisms of the Bible among each other, acting as if they had smoking gun refutations available. It is common to have misotheists refer to the Bible as "fairy tales" and "myths written by bronze age goat herders", but those claims are nonsense. Honest, intelligent people may wonder if mockers have actually read fairy tales, myths, and the biblical account. It is not necessary to consult a literary scholar to see the differences. We have a couple of articles on the Genesis Flood to consider. Storyteller  by Anker Grossvater, 1884 / Source:  Wikimedia Commons A spell back, we looked at three articles regarding some marked similarities in Flood legends of the Americas . What was interesting is that while there were absurdities and changes added over time, many had basic points in common with the Bible. This indicates that the true story became legends told by descendants of Noah and the families of his sons. There are claims that the Ge

The Purpose-Driven Darwinist

It seems reasonable to assume that people who have been schooled, earned doctorates, and obtained jobs in the secular science industry would know about particles-to-paleontologist evolution would understand their own paradigm. While any area of science will have disagreements, evolutionists are as organized as ball bearings in a blender. They do not know how evolution works, forgetting that it is supposed to be blind, pitiless, and indifferent; teleology is  streng verboten . They appeal to purpose anyway. Mostly made at  PhotoFunia  (click for larger) Before we look at the misuse of the concept of evolution by those who should know better, let's take a look at how misotheists have a faulty understanding of the concept. As we have seen many times, those who are in rebellion against God will accept and repeat practically any platitude that seems to support their views. For example, a vehement misotheist who not only hates God, but is a bigot against Christians (especially biblical c

Darwinian Terrorism and False Gods

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Today is September 11. Many of us remember the cowardly Islamic terrorist attacks that happened twenty years ago. This article is not intended to diminish the horror and sadness of that time, but will point out that those who serve false gods have committed acts of terror in totalitarian regimes. I was working in the receiving area of a large office supply store when someone came to us from the front area. He told us about the planes crashing into the towers and Pentagon, and said that we are at war. Mostly made at PhotoFunia , cropped This jasper had a weird sense of humor and I thought it was a sick joke. When I realized he wasn't kidding, I hurried to the nearest computer and went online. Pictures were not good, and then the internet was frozen for us. I couldn't grasp the enormity of the World Trade Center, and the fact that the Pentagon was hit alarmed me. Later, people watched far too much television. I was worried about my girl getting to wrapped

Brook Trout Extinction — Why Care?

The noun  brook  is generally understood to mean a small stream or creek, but the verb is not in common usage nowadays. It is basically a synonym for tolerate . The fish known as the brook trout do not brook warm water very well. Supposedly, survival of the fittest is a law of science. Brown trout in that small Jabez Branch tributary  are doing fine, and don't care about the brook trout. Why should we? Besides, brook trout as a whole are not going extinct. Flicker / James St. John  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Before people start carping about my seemingly hard heart, it should be known that a view of let it die because of survival of the fittest and pleasing the puny evolution god Natural Selection is consistent with Darwinism. This happens on a large scale (such as eugenics) as well as a "law" of nature. If evolutionists want $1 million USD spent on that area for those fish, they are being inconsistent with their own worldview! Trying to help them is entirely consistent with a creat

The Non-Evolution of Consciousness

Back in 1976, the late Bernie Kliban, famous for odd drawings including the "Cat" series , had a comic called People Humiliating a Salami . It is funny because inanimate objects do not have self-awareness. A computer does not get angry about what programs a user opens, and an MP3 player has no objection to repeating the same song a dozen times. Humans have self-awareness, and some animals have a bit. Scientists, like regular people, have wondered about the location and origin of consciousness and the soul . Credit: Pixabay /  Pete Linforth While it is a reasonable assumption, the mind is not the brain . The mind uses  the brain, and obviously, the mind cannot exactly work well if the brain is seriously injured or removed. Let's accept the idea of "the brain is the mind" for the sake of discussion. Materialists deny the spiritual nature of man as well as the Creator, so they attempt to explain things using evolution. An article in the July 2021  New Scientist  at

So Dinosaurs Were Fake All Along!

There comes a time when everyone has to cowboy up and face the failings, and this is mine. It turns out that not only have many others and I been deceived, but I have been deceiving my readers in my misguided zeal. Dinosaurs never existed. Playtime is over. Now we get to more serious but still almost unbelievable material. Although I have heard of them, I never met someone who claimed that dinosaurs are not real. The reasons for thinking this get...truly bizarre. Unsplash / Katie Smith I have to stop for a moment and say that this post almost went to Biblical Creation and Evangelism . It ended up here because, although it has to do with theology, biblical creationists emphasize critical thinking skills. To believe the outrageous idea that dinosaurs were never real, one must believe conspiracy theories on an absurdity level of September 11 "truthers" and Flat-Earthers. In all three cases, thousands  of people would have to keep secrets very well, and not have consciences that

Stony Meteorites Stymie Secularists

Using uniformitarian  ideas  (slow processes over long periods of time), secular scientists have tremendous difficulties explaining the origin of stony meteorites (chondrites). Those other meteorites contain a great deal of metal, while chondrites are made of fine-grained chondrules.  Secularists claim they provide clues to the origin of the solar system, but that is just whistling in the dark. There are several stories told around the campfires at the Darwin Ranch about where the solar system came from, and Sherwood Tellit spins a find yarn about the accretion theory  and chondrites. Image Credit: NASA / Bill Ingalls (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Since none of the theories about the origin of the solar system are plausible, scientists pick the best of the worst — the " best in field fallacy ". Then they confirm their biases and interpreting data to make them fit. (Meteorites are considered remnants from the formation of the solar system and less contami