
Young Ganymede has its Faults

"Breaker breaker 1-9, izzat you, Ganymede?" "That's a big 10-4. You on my back door, Callisto?" "Yeppers! A few dozen of us moons have noticed you cracking wise." "I admit to having a few faults, good buddy." Okay, I was playing with citizen's band radio chatter stereotypes and the fact that in the American dating system, today is ten four. Roger that? Anyway, we have seen many times that the solar system does not act the age assigned to it by secular scientists. For example, Pluto and it's system are not what they expected. Also, the moons of outer planets show youthful activities , flustering believers in cosmic evolution. Now we will take a look at Ganymede. Ganymede as seen from the Juno spacecraft /  NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This bad boy is the largest moon of Jupiter and is about the size of Mercury. Like other planets and moons, it defies cosmic evolution and testifi

The Tower — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Back in 2013, The Rain  by Chris Skates and Dan Tankersley was published. It is a biblical historical fiction about Noah, his family, society at the time, and building the Ark. We were taken through the Flood and the eventual landing on the mountains of Ararat.  The narration traded off from Japheth's first person account and a third person narrative.  My review is here . I did not know that the authors had written The Tower  in 2014, so it was several years before I downloaded the ebook. First, I reread The Rain, then I got to this one. Both books use abundant artistic license, putting personalities and actions to names we see in Genesis while taking care not to overstep the truth of Scripture. Noah's wife and the wives of his sons are given names that are extrabiblical. The Tower  begins some years after the Flood. (The Bible does not mention Noah and his wife having additional children, which is highly unlikely). This book describes the families and t

The Cenozoic: Caustic for Evolution

According to proponents of molecules-to-miner evolution, the fossil record reveals an orderly progression of life forms changing from simple to more complex over long periods of time. That is the sanitized version presented in schools and proclaimed out yonder at the Darwin Ranch. In reality, there are fossils in the wrong order and many observed facts give lie to evolutionary stories. The Cenozoic is not friendly to evolution despite the claims of Darwin's disciples. Many mammals appear in the Cenozoic, giving superficial credence to evolution. Coal mining at Powder River Basin in Wyoming Flickr / BLM Wyoming ( CC BY 2.0 ), usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Darwin's abominable mystery (not to be confused with his abdominal mystery, which involved a bad burrito and global warming) was the sudden appearance of flowering plants (angiosperms). That owlhoot knew all along that the fossil record was unfriendly to his speculations, but he sold it anyway. That's w

Children are Wired Differently

Just like when we surprised people that science confirmed men and women are different , it may come as a surprise to some that there are stark differences between adults and children. Most people know that children are not miniature adults. If you study on it a spell, there are some things about the differences that are quite remarkable. They can do things adults cannot, with more enthusiasm and energy. The Master Engineer built differences into adults and children. Playing child photo from FreeDigital Images /  nenetus , modified at PhotoFunia Designers of artificial intelligence cannot build robots to learn like children. Also, kids generally can't sit down and muzzle up, focusing on one subject for a long period. That's adult stuff, but young'uns are taking in all sorts of information. Physically, their are able to hear sounds differently, have higher metabolisms, are born with more taste buds, and other differences. Kids are typically lighthearted, energetic, unaware of

Living Things Engineered for Change, Part 3

This post features the third part in a series by Dr. Robert Carter, first two of which were made available in this post . I thought he was done, but he had some more to discuss with us. In this article, he discusses a model for the created kinds, baramins , of Genesis. Darwin's "Tree of Life" simply does not work. Biblical creationists have pointed out that created kinds are like an orchard, or branching trees in a forest. Dr. Carter believes that this concept should be developed another way. Corals extend tentacles, NPS / A. Bourque (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Many secularists get furious — furious , I tell you — that creation scientists reject  their  classification system (which materialists stole from creationist Carl Linnaeus and modified to fit atheistic naturalism), and are working on baraminology , the study of created kinds . No, creationists do not believe in the "fixity of species" (no speciation, everything stayed the same). T

Fake Science Weaponized Against Christians

Some of the things pointed out previously can be seen continuing to happen, as secularists use what they call science against Christians and creationists. We have seen that opinions and speculations are often falsely presented as facts. Materialists will assert that their atheistic view is "reality", Darwin's disciples often claim that evolution is  science, global climate change caused by humans is "settled science". Christians, scientists, and creationists are demonized in many ways , including as "science deniers" because we oppose faulty science and logic. Unsplash /  Kelly Sikkema The public has a love/hate relationship with science, not really understanding much about it (often viewing it with suspicion), but using "science" as a weapon when convenient (see " Science in Name Only "). If the spectral monolith of Science (as an entity) is invoked as an authority, "Science says...", then something is assumed to be true

Metallurgy in Old Testament Times

Believers in universal common ancestor evolution believe that humans back in the thrilling days of yesteryear were not very bright, what with having recently swung down from the trees and all. To go along with that, misotheists like to use the astronomically stupid remark that the Bible was written by Bronze Age goat herders. That remark embarrassed a professing atheist . Someone told me  illiterate  Bronze Age goat herders wrote the Bible. When I challenged him to explain how illiterate people could write, he conveniently redefined illiterate .  Pixabay /  Jean Louis Tosque Those Stone/Copper/Iron Age designations are a fabrication  for the convenience of evolutionary storytelling. (They may have some use related to economic practices.) The idea that the Bible authors did not know about iron is spread by sidewinders who have no knowledge of the Bible, and probably have no desire to understand or discuss it accurately. It's unthinkable that we were created by almighty God, and inte