
Secular Faith in Lazarus Bacteria

Most evolutionists and professing atheists become irate when it is show that they have religious attitudes in their worldviews, but not all try to distance themselves. The account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is well known. Secular scientists, deliberately or unwittingly, mock the work of Jesus by naming bacteria that appear to have "come back from the dead". Mayhaps it is cute, but a person is quite a bit more complicated than bacteria, so the title is misleading. Then there is that religious element. Summoning bacteria spirits, Pixabay / Arek Socha , modified at PhotoFunia These simple organisms have been entombed for long periods, then coaxed into activity by putting them in optimal conditions. Were they really dead? Not entirely. Secularists may have an ulterior motive for studying these things involving life from space (still assuming Darwinian evolution after it supposedly arrived), which would give them something that looks like evidence to use in denying the

Neanderthal Ponderings and Being Human

If you study on it, Neanderthals have evolved in evolutionary history. They were links to our apelike ancestors as portrayed in textbooks and museums. Once some of the presuppositions about apeness were dropped, improved technology was invented, and better research was conducted, they were found to be fully human. What did these guys think about? Well, what do you  think about? What is important to people can often be determined by what they own and how they act. For example, visiting the dwellings of people can indicate what is valued or at least what is interesting to them. The same may be said of Neanderthals. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr / Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) We should know that it is possible to generalize what groups of people think about, value, and provides them entertainment, but to generalize that each individual was the same as the others is the fallacy of division . My interests in music, science, theology, and other things are vastly

Biden Vampyropod Testifies Against Evolution

It seems like a dubious honor to name a fossil squid after Joe Biden, but it also shows the leftist leanings of the secular science industry. (No word if this vampyropod used its tentacles to caress young  female offspring of other critters or if it sniffed their hair.) All that aside, the claims that this is an evolutionary ancestor are the opposite of the truth. Odd that squid fossils are found in Montana, but then, there are numerous fossil beds of marine creatures far inland. This one had (wait for it) well-preserved soft tissues. We are seeing — again — evidence of rapid burial, not the slow and gradual conditions of uniformitarianism. Things get worse... Syllipsimopodi bideni , WikiComm / Christopher D. Whalen & Neil H. Landman ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Old fossil squid compared to modern squid, no appreciable change. It's in the wrong place by millions of Darwin years, so evolutionists have to revise their dogma again .   That's because it displaces squids from being contemp

Moon Impact Model Swims the Luna Sea

We have been through this origin of the moon stuff before, but they keep gnawing on those old bones. Dipping an old bone in sauce may make it taste better for a spell but it is still an old bone. None of the stories make sense, but naturalists need an origin story, so the best of the worst is the impact theory. The story goes that Earth was a molten blob, and another inconsiderate planet came along and smashed into it. Instead of rendering both planets a mess of cosmic splatters, Earth evolved into what we have today, and some stuff formed the Moon. Yes, secularists believe such things, and NASA is sliding downhill with the rest of the secular science industry. Artist's concept of planetary collision, NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) NASA brought this thing to the fore because they were playing with a video game. "That's silly, Cowboy Bob!" I took that term from the article featured below because it fits. Researchers were tinkering with makin

Earliest Human Ancestor X Still Not Found

Chuck Darwin released the wolves over 150 years ago in search of evidence for evolution, especially ancestors of modern humans. While uninformed disciples claim that evolution is "settled science," evolutionary scientists know that it is anything but settled. Sure, they keep finding evidence of early humans, but nothing that can be considered a candidate for Ancestor X, the beginning of all people groups. (Sounds like a "patient zero," the first infected with a contagion.) They have many disputes and no firm evidence — and even some possible racism. It must be admitted that a great deal of evolution is ethno-centric. After all, Darwin's Victorian myth placed his white Englishmen be the pinnacle of evolution, but darker people were less evolved. (I reckon it must have grated on " scientific racists " to propose the idea that humans evolved and spread out of Africa. That is disputed, and some believe the Middle East is the source of humanity. That's

Enigmatic Clastic Pipes and Flood Geology

Ever see those rocks sticking up, especially in the American Southwest? They vary a great deal in size and are consistently vertical. Those are clastic pipes . Quite a few are found at the Kodachrome Basin State Park , but they exist around the world. Uniformitarian (gradual processes over long periods of time) geologists are baffled by clastic pipes, since clastic rock is comprised of pieces of other rocks that were broken and re-formed. They have several competing speculations on how the pipes formed. Some suggest they also exist on Mars . Clastic pipes at Kodachrome Basin State Park, Pixabay / Aline Dassel Deep-time views are inconsistent with what is observed, and would require some unlikely scenarios in numerous places. (That is, clastic pipes are not a one-off anomaly in a specific region.) Creation geologists agree with their secular counterparts that earthquakes played a part in their formation, but they would have had to have been extremely strong. Also, there is a great dea

Keeping Track of Time with Calendars

People are accustomed to consulting a calendar on the wall, and often electronic versions complete with reminders. A quick internet search can reveal the most popular songs the year you were born, and the same with movies. Time can be fun in some ways. The Gregorian calendar we currently use was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in February 1582. It replaced the Julian calendar, which was an improvement over the Roman version. (It has some problems that need adjusting.) Protestant and Orthodox countries did not want to conform , but eventually had to admit the new calendar was better. Calendar, Unsplash /  Eric Rothermel In the first book of the Bible, God told us about the passage of time: There was evening and morning, day one...the second day...the third day...and so on. On the fourth day, he created the sun, moon, and stars. Those were put in place to be used by us to mark the passage of time. We read that people kept track of time and told us how long Adam and others lived, so they

Magma Chambers and the Age of the Earth

Once again, a uniformitarian (slow and gradual processes over millions of years) assumption was challenged by researchers who wanted to give something a closer look. Volcanoes have a habit of blasting out lava, erupting for centuries all the way down to a year or so. Some eruptions are more like geological indigestion and do not send sonic waves around the world. Where do they get all that magma, anyway? (Magma is molten rock, and when it is sent through the earth's crust, it is called lava.) Geology is a historical science, and there are magma chambers  below the earth's crust. Magma builds up there until eruptions occur. Lava Toe Forming at Kilauea, US Geological Survey / Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The Yellowstone supervolcano has a pair of sizeable magma chambers that are detected through seismic tomography , which brings to mind the procedures used in medical CT scans. Radiometric dating has failed scientists, who trus

Telling a Just-So Story of Fish Skulls and Evolution

Something that amazes this child is how Western society claims to value reason, but Darwinists are allowed to give us Just-So Stories and fact-free assertions ( like this one ) about our origins. Creationists challenge them and show where their logic and science are lacking. Occasionally, other evolutionists step up as well. Mayhaps it is because folks are buffaloed by the perceived authority of scientists so they accept such pronouncements. When told how fish evolved into walking four-limbed critters, no evidence is produced. Now they build on stories with misplaced science involving fish skulls. Would this kind of "evidence" stand up in a court of law? Now these yahoos are comparing the skulls of fish with tetrapods. They presuppose fish-to-fool evolution, then think their observations support it. However, there are distinct differences and other factors that belie their claims. This is because the Creator made fish and tetrapods and humans and everything else in six days j

A New Reformation Using Creation

Years ago, I was in an Untied Methodist Church (misspelling intentional) and my father was the pastor. The theology was liberal (but far worse now). There was a program where laypeople came in and gave some talks to spark the congregation into a closer walk with Jesus. We got wound up and started our own programs, but the excitement eventually faded and the church was essentially the same as it was before. One problem was that it had a weak foundation. Another was that church leadership did not uphold the authority of the Word of God. Something similar happened with the Reformation. Wittenburg church door, Wikimedia Commons / AlterVista ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Martin Luther was not trying to overthrow the Roman Catholic Church, he just had some issues that needed to be addressed. Catholicism needed to be reformed, but the Reformation resulted in Protestantism and people believing what the Bible said. Scripture, not Pope or priest, was the final authority. Science was growing and thriving bec