
Microraptor — Another Extinct Bird

When I was in town with Hammond Suisse and Roland Meadows, we encountered Rusty Swingset and Cliff Swallows. It was a mite surprising to the three of us to see both leaders of the Darwin Ranch at the same time. They were all a-twitter about a Microraptor. It is uncommon for a fossilized critter to have identifiable stomach contents, and this time it was a mammal foot. There is not much to go on to determine its eating habits, however, and there was a variety of foods. Microraptor, Flickr / Marcia O'Connor ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ), modified at photofunny , plus speech bubble Although it came from China, it is not a  fraud like  Archaeoraptor .  Microraptor  is a genus, but there are disputes among paleontologists. Some do not buy into the dino-bird thing. Also, evolutionists cannot account for the origin of feathers, let alone, flight feathers... Many factors to consider when they tell their tales. Something else to keep in mind is Archaeopteryx , which was a true bird despite futile atte

Evolutionists and their Love of Abortion

A few years ago, I noticed that atheists tend to be political leftists and approve of many behaviors that are against the commands of God. Particles-to-politician evolution is a tenet of atheism, so they fight red in tooth and claw to defend and promote it. To be blunt, evolutionism is a death cult, because advancement up the tree of life happens because of death. Things die and new ones evolve. You savvy that? Like people in various religious cults, people involved seldom consider in depth what their organizations believe. Bassinet, Freestocks / Joanna Malinowska While society is deteriorating, the murder of unborn children is gaining ground. It has been said that abortion is a sacrament to Democrats and other leftists. Many people know full well that they are ending lives (they admit it), and they do not care. Some are proud of the number of abortions they've had! That's depravity. Those people need to humble themselves and repent to Jesus Christ. Two things I've said bef

Knee Joints and Alleged Evolution

Some of the most common physical ailments in people are found in the knees, and this child has had some. The patella (kneecap) on the left knee was fractured after slipping on ice. Kneeling has long been painful. This time, the right knee. I may be undergoing surgery as you are reading. Something something torn meniscus something. Partly from age and mild arthritis. Unofficially, a great deal of strain on it in the workplace contributed. Some Darwinists claim that knee joints show poor design, therefore, there is no Creator. Human knee, Wikimedia Commons / BruceBlaus ( CC BY 3.0 ), modified at home and then  PhotoFunia We tend to take for granted, what our knees do for us. They bear the load (sometimes far more than they were designed for, put that box of donuts down), bend, stop suddenly, and more. F'rinstance, you are walking along at a brisk pace and suddenly remember that you forgot something. Plant  your foot, pivot , push , twist , complete the turn. You may even run back t

Seashells and their Engineering

A while back, I took a day to visit the seashore. Shortly after arriving, I located the booth where Sarah sells seashells by the seashore and we talked about various things. Sara's sister Suzie sells seashells by the seashore in Australia, and she's doing well. Sarah is a merchant, so she puts in a great deal of time searching for good specimens (often snorkeling for seashells as well) and even finds ways to make them memorable. Jewelry, coffee table displays, and all that good stuff. Seashells, Morguefile / jade If you study on it, there are basically two different types of shells. Crabs and their kin have one kinds, but most of what we find on the beach are made by mollusks and are composed of calcium carbonate. The Master Engineer designed these creatures to make their homes while they live in them, constantly growing and working. Shells are strong and (I believe) made colorful because of God's desire to give us that pleasure. Darwinists are once again at a loss to expla

Desert Scorpion Hunting and Masterful Engineering

Scorpions have a reputation for being fierce killers, but only a few deserve it. Most are like snakes, wanting to go about their business, only striking at humans when they feel threatened. Few have venom that is dangerous, but this child still prefers to keep them at a distance. Some folks  consider them pests  (even though they eat other pests). In warmer climates, desert scorpions have their limits and will enter homes to cool off in the air conditioning. Much obliged, Pard! The dangerous bark scorpion is fond of climbing, so that is a problem in someone's home. Scorpion, WikiComm / Marshal Hedin ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified at remove bg , Pixlr Apparently nobody knows why they show up under UV light, but that is to our advantage. Another interesting fact is that scorpion venom is used to fight cancer . In the Southwest of the formerly United States, the Mojave Desert claims territory in four states. Desert scorpions go out at night to hunt for food. Physicists can describe the e

Columbia River Basalts and the Genesis Flood

In architecture, entablature  is that area above the columns and below the roof , often found in classical buildings. The word has a slightly similar meaning to geologists. It involves basalts cooling from magma underwater,  forming above what are termed colonnades . This may seem unrelated, but up yonder in the Northwestern (formerly) United States, the  Glacial Lake Missoula flood that carved out the Channeled Scablands  plays a big part in the upcoming discussion. Not only did it make the Channeled Scablands, it revealed some of the volcanic basalt.  Columbia River, Pixabay / kxp13 Before Ice Age floods, there was volcanic activity that formed a flood basalt  that covered a huge area. Clues about the geology and the way lava cooled can be taken from the textures, and indicate that lava was traveling underwater. Entablature and other features in the Columbia Plateau are numerous, so secular geologists cannot plausibly explain what is observed. They should honestly consider geology mo

Creationists and Ice Core Research

Proponents of deep time circulate their talking points (or so it seems; there is a great deal of similarity), and one of these is that ice core layers prove that the earth is old. Simply counting layers is not useful . Many ice cores have been drilled in eastern Greenland and the Antarctic. Biblical creationists do not shy away from challenges, putting their Bibles over their heads and simply chanting Scripture. No, creation scientists meet them. Although they do not have the funding of the secular science industry, they can analyze available data. EastGRIP ice core, Wikimedia Commons / Helle Astrid Kjær ( CC BY 4.0 ) It is interesting that creationists agree with their secular counterparts in the results of ice cores in the upper layers. In the lower layers, however, come the problems. Secularists presuppose deep time so Papa Darwin can have those years to work his magic. Biblical creationists presuppose a young earth. Each group interprets data according to their worldviews. While t

A Misidentified Fossil and the Naturalistic Worldview

The hands at the Darwin Ranch were dispirited, and the baker Stevia Dolce told me she was feeling the mood. She even tried baking some pastries favored by the hands, hoping those might pep them up some, but with little effect. What could cause this? A misidentified fossil. It was supposedly from 550 million years ago, from the Precambrian rock strata. The original discovery caused something that seems to be happening quite frequently: Rewriting the geology textbooks. This time, regarding the Indian subcontinent. Not happening after all. Indoor beehive, Flickr / Lynne ( CC BY 2.0 ) The fossil was later identified as something made by bees, not the fossil of some ancient animal. It is modern, and it is a beehive impression. Stung by the news, secularists are still trying to present the cave in which it was found as very old. Such scientists seldom question their beliefs in deep time because they are working in accordance with their worldview. Constant evidence that should cause thinking

Adoption and DNA Surprises

The science of genetics, pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), shows that the differences we see in people are from a relatively small number of genetic variations. One may think that people from opposite parts of the globe would have radically different DNA. Nope. What is featured below contains an interesting story about how a Christian couple adopted two children from Asia. There were several instances of Providence involved, as well as love. In addition, this family agreed to have some DNA testing — with surprising results. Family in sunset, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann The parents are of European descent and the adopted children are from East Asia. The differences in the mitochondrial DNA tests were surprisingly small. This fits with what they Bible tells us: We are all descendants of Adam and Eve, and that there are no races. We also see even more evidence that the world was created recently. At some point in your life, you’ve probably wondered about your heritage. . . . Thank

Eats like a Bird?

Saying that someone eats like a bird indicates they do not eat much at all, butthe saying has no basis in truth. Some birds eat huge amounts of food, relatively speaking and depending on the kind of bird . Try being like a chickadee and eating 35 percent of your body weight. Not happening. Different birds have different needs; they were designed for variety. Some like seeds, others like carrion (interesting ecological niche to be on the Clean-Up Committee), insects, and as expected, worms. There are some that have surprising items on their menus. Red-bearded Bee-eater, Wikimedia Commons / JJ Harrison ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Bee-eaters have a way of rending stingers ineffective while feasting. This means that they don't have to deal with the venom that should kill them! Then there's the roadrunner that has a taste for rattlesnakes... These show the work of the Creator, not Darwinism. But are the diets and dining of birds really so inconsequential and insignificant? As ICR’s Dr. Frank