
Sauropod Storytelling is Evoporn

Rusty Swingset is working with his masters in the secular science industry to award a prize. It would be a visit to Deception Pass and the Darwin Ranch itself. (This child thinks that Dr. P. Martin Sander wants to win it and do horseback riding, mayhaps see the Winkie Guards and their supervisor, Lisa Myworries.) He did a tremendous favor to science itself by writing about how sauropod dinosaurs evolved, and he made it open access. Be still, my beating heart! We can learn what Darwin's acolytes know. Brontosaurus, Flickr /  Chobist  ( CC BY 2.0 ) What does this boon to the betterment of science actually say? Words related to  evolve  are used excessively and without need. (I reckon it makes the material sound more sciency and all that good stuff.)  Part of my sarcasm is because there is actually no evidence of dinosaur evolution, but a passel of myths . What do we learn from Dr. Sander? Where is the logic, for crying out loud? Does he succeed in making evolutionists feel good? The

Giving Attention to Evolutionists and Atheists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Materialists dominate the media with naturalistic propaganda for atoms-to-atheist evolution. Not only that, internet atheists try to bushwhack Christians and creationists, demanding equal time on our sites, social(ist) media, and so on — but not extending the same courtesy to us. Secularists have their peer-reviewed scientific journals, but biblical creationists and Intelligent Design proponents are not allowed to present scientific information for their views in them. It may be baffling to some creationists looking on that we present their own words instead of shunning them. What  is the deal ? Christians cannot hide or shield their children indefinitely from atheism and evolution. Instead, we must face it and learn how to properly deal with it. I'll allow that arguing with atheists is a difficult thing, and there are several reasons. One is that many professing Christians are woefully uninformed of what the Bible teaches, nor do they know what and why  they

The Holocaust and Darwinian Scientists

People are able to analyze in detail the numerous records, narratives, and all sorts of documents to learn about the evils of Nazism. They may think that Adolf Hitler dreamed up all sorts of ideas and implemented them when he came to power, but that is not the case. No dictator, rescuer, or movement on a large scale ever happens spontaneously or in a vacuum. The groundwork has already been laid. Charles Darwin did not invent evolution, but capitalized on ideas of his grandfather and others, all the way back to ancient Greek philosophers and Hindus. Hitler was also an opportunist, and Darwin was a big part of the Nazi plan. Auschwitz Gateway Sign, Pixabay / Krzysztof Pluta People are enamored with celebrities, and that is abundantly clear in the modern Western world. They seldom have knowledge about the subjects they rant about, and fans unthinkingly embrace whatever is being promoted. Similarly, scientists and intellectuals espoused Nazism even before Hitler became a part of it. (That&

Babylon, the Tower, and very Ancient History

Try a different kind of relativity. Kingston, New York has a corner in town where four buildings exist that were built around the time of the Revolutionary War. Quite a bit older than apartment complexes in the area. St. Augustine was established in 1565. Pretty old, but that would make someone from Europe yawn because they have some very old areas. Rome, Italy is thought to have been founded in 753 BC. Do we have a winner? Not yet. Take a look at Jerusalem, that  is old! But then...Babylon. Tower of Babel  by Lucas van Valckenborch, 1594 Babylon is the oldest city. Period. The Bible is the primary historical document, and Genesis tells us that after the global Flood, people weren't interested in obeying God and dispersing around the world. Nimrod was a bad dude  (even worse than Corn Pop ). He was a tyrant, organizer, city founder, and built the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was the Devil's quockerwodger . We have the Bible as history, and there are other historical and archaeologica

The Evasive Okapi

Some critters are confusing, plain and simple. Especially for a believer in universal common descent evolution. There is the platypus (of course), wombat , hoatzin , aardvark , and more. An animal that is not so well known is called the okapi (oh-KOP-ee). This beastie caused serious confusion in the beginning. Harry Johnston was intrigued by reports of a creature in Africa, so he wanted to take a gander at it himself. His efforts took a setback when he was told that prints were found, but they did not match up with what he was expecting to see , so he did not lead the group on a search. (That kind of blinkered thinking hinders evolutionists even now.) The story surrounding the search for and discovery of the okapi would make a great movie. Okapi, Flickr / cuatrok77 ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) The okapi wants to be left alone. Also, it is not widely distributed. Those are two reasons it was unknown outside of that part of Africa for so long. Based on skin samples and descriptions from the native

The Missing Microbes of Mars

Secularists are still gnawing on that bone of extraterrestrial life, and they have not given up on Martian life. Most naturalists know that there is no chance for abiogenesis on Earth, so they look for it elsewhere, wasting our tax money in their efforts to show that the Creator is unnecessary — or does not even exist. Apparently nobody is holding out hope for finding signs of complex life forms or an advanced civilization in the distant past; they seem to think it would make Earth unremarkable. Microbes are a different matter. Mars, NASA / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Although not advanced life, microbes on Mars (or anywhere else up yonder) are thought by naturalists to support their beliefs if they are ever found. There are numerous fantasies masquerading as science about the unobserved distant past of Mars, including how it was a really swell place. Building a Just-So Story upon another, mayhaps there was microbial life underground. Yeah! That'

Dinosaurs Getting Makeovers

My prospector friend Stormie Waters and Ruby Slippers wanted a break from working on the upcoming nuptials for Ruby, so they stopped by my spread. We were talking about this and that, when what to our wondering eyes should appear but Rusty Swingset. Rusty is the foreman at the Darwin Ranch, and he even brought his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde (who was not herself again). Like I have said before, creationists and evolutionists can meet up, visit a spell, then shake hands and part friendly. They were in the area, and Rusty wanted some firearms advice. Velociraptor skeletal cast, WikiComm / Jens Lallensack ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) After we talked about that and cleaned his shootin' iron, discussions turned into just chin music. My ears pricked up like a cat's when Jacqueline idly mentioned that Rusty was helping evolutionary scientists give makeovers to dinosaurs. While paleontologists can learn a great deal from fossils and skeletal remains, there are serious limitations. Some fossils ar

Animal Rights and Criminality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  It seems reasonable to assume that most thinking people would laugh at the idea of animals being granted human rights and personhood status, but it is happening (for one example, see " An Elephant is now a Person? "), and is increasing. ( Even rivers are getting personhood status !) Non-humans are being given rights that include the ability to have legal representation — to file lawsuits. It is common to file on behalf of people  with reduced mental capabilities since they are human, after all. As much as Basement Cat had a unique personality and awareness of many things, she did not show advanced cognitive abilities. She did not know catness . Horses fighting, Pexels / Kenzhar Sharap The article that inspired this one pointed out that certain cognitive tests were given to animals to see if they were self-aware. Interesting, that would mean that only the most rudimentary tests would be used. Some can recognize themselves in mirrors. Some cannot, so tha

Evolutionary Word Salad for Powered Flight

When using an airplane, people know that the plane did not just happen by chance. It had to be designed by engineers, tested, certified for safety, and so on. They know that there are requirements for it to get off the ground and back down safely. Meanwhile, believers in universal common descent assume evolution to be true and then work from there; it is a given. It is not questioned by most secular scientists. Some people want to know how powered flight in four lifeforms came to be. Owl in Flight, PxHere Time and time again, evolutionists simply provide evoporn. The phrase word salad  is used to describe nonsensical speech by people who have certain mental illnesses, but it is now used in other ways. It is accurately describes how evolutionists "explain" things many times. The last few posts on this weblog have illustrated the lack of empirical science and logical thinking of evolutionists based on their worldview. Admitting the Creator engineered powered flight in several l

Secular Scientists Unable to Explain Mongolia Dinosaur Graveyard

Not so long ago, we discussed how secular scientists were baffled by a mass burial site over Nevada way for decades . Their latest effort at explaining what was observed was so bad, it was insulting to thinking people. What about this  Sinornithomimus dongi herd in Inner Mongolia? Some bones were discovered years ago. A team did some excellent detailed work at excavation. The evidence led into the base of a hill, and they retrieved over twenty-five of the critters. They were in the same rock layer, facing the same direction, and were well preserved. Sinornithomimus Scale, Wikimedia Commons / Slate Weasel (PD) Biblical creationists can easily explain what is observed through Genesis Flood models, including how they were trying to escape, the poses of the deceased, the fact that their conditions testifies to rapid burial, and even how this herd was all juveniles. As in other cases, secularists are locked into their worldviews, presupposing naturalism and not even considering the glob