
Ham — Deified by Egyptians as Horus

Some comparatively recent history, say, within two hundred years such as  Butch, Sundance, and Ethel is disputed . For that matter, there is dispute about the tall tales of Paul Bunyan. Some say there is no historical basis, others say Paul was a combination of two actual lumberjacks . It is a fact that the Bible provides accurate history, and no claim has ever been overturned by historical records or archaeology. Biblical people were real, not myths, allegories, fairy tales, or anything like that. Threads of history and culture relate to Noah's son Ham and his relationship with Egypt. Horus, WikiComm / Eternal Space ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ), modified with PhotoFunia and others Repeated verification of biblical records over such great amounts of time add support for the divine authorship of the Bible. You've heard of the Egyptian god named Horus, right? Mayhaps seen the Eye of Horus symbol, too. Sometimes he's a falcon, other times a dude with a falcon's head, or other manif

Naturalism, Theistic Evolution, and the Real Problem

Since universal common ancestor evolution is taken for granted and asserted in all kinds of media, a Christian may be strongly tempted to think it must be true. Why not simply say that God used evolution and avoid the ridicule? That brings a prairie-schooner full of problems. Professing Christians are often afraid to take a stand for creation because they think science has proven evolution and an old earth. It is better to " just preach the gospel " and leave that other stuff for the scientists. Not hardly! Things get worse from there. Public domain images, with background and glow effect from Pixlr Atheists and other evolutionists reject evidence refuting evolution and affirming recent creation. When Christians compromise, they are showing disdain for the authority of Scripture and their lack of science knowledge. They are abandoning the biblical worldview and bedding down with the naturalistic worldview! It has many flaws, but compromisers are unaware or ignore them. Chris

Deep Time and a Dorset Cliff Collapse

Humans are a strange bunch. In January of 2023, a huge amount of rock collapsed from a cliff in England onto the Bridport beach. People were warned to stay away afterward because the cliffs were unstable, but they went there anyway for pictures, walking the dogs , and such. This golden cliffs area is a part of Dorset, which is also considered a part of the Jurassic Coast. It is famous because of fossils. Since it is a tourist destination, people were able to get videos and photographs of the rockslide. East Cliff, Dorset in 2016, Flickr / Andrew Bone ( CC BY 2.0 ) This area is the setting for Broadchurch , a British crime drama. While nothing happened, the film crew was criticized in 2014 for filming too close to the cliff . The cliffs have had rockslides before, and people get concerned after the area receives heavy rainfall. That was what they think caused the two-stage 2023 collapse. Things that are supposed to have existed for millions of years, such as cliffs, landforms , coastli

Planetary Ring Theory Anomaly

Saturn pleases us when the angle is just right and we can be amazed by its series of rings, but there are other planets that have rings as well. It took powerful telescopes to finally see them. The story goes that smaller bodies get too close to planets and break apart, forming rings. Way out yonder is a minor planet, a trans-Neptunian object, called Quaoar. That name came from a deity of indigenous people in the area that is now southern California. (I reckon it is preferable to one of his other names, Chinigchinix.) Smaller than Pluto, it has a moon. And a ring system ? Quaoar, NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Cosmologists please themselves with their Just-So Stories about solar system formation and cosmic evolution, but those don't withstand scrutiny. Naturalists need tales that reject God the Creator, so they keep them despite their inadequacies. One of these is how rings form. Since a ring system was found around Quaoar where it "s

Misportraying Atheists as Driven by Reason

Back in 2013, an article in Psychology Today  portrayed atheists in a positive way. There was an undercurrent of victimhood where these nice folks just want to go about their business and just happen to disbelieve in God and the supernatural. They do not bother others. One problem atheists have is that those who are not so militant read and hear the propaganda from angry misotheists. That would explain how a co-worker reluctantly told me that she is an atheist, acting like she expected some kind of personal attack. It is the professing atheists who are on the prod . Although they portray themselves as moved by science, evidence, and reason, very few show skill in those areas. It is interesting that a discussion can be civil until evolution is not shown reverence. Then the fangs and claws come out because atoms-to-atheist evolution is foundational to their worldview. After all, they need a creation myth to go with their belief that reason brings some kind of salvation. Take a warning fr

Doubts on the Authorship of 2 Peter

Admittedly, this post is a departure from the usual fare of this weblog. It is because Christians need to know about not only evidence that supports the authenticity of the Bible (such as historical records and archaeology), but dealing with attacks on it as well. Taking a critical view of many things is helpful, but when this approach is coupled with a scoffing attitude, almost nothing can penetrate such a mindset. A person like this presumes the worst about possible evidence against the Bible. Apostle Peter statue, Pixabay / Dog Warrior , edited at removebg , then cropped The Second Epistle of Peter was met with suspicion because it did not read like his previous epistle. Liberal scholars who tend to disbelieve the authority and authenticity of the Bible brought several assumptions to the table. Peter was lacking the intelligence that is exhibited in the second epistle, they claimed. There are several explanations to remove both of these doubts. People have different writing styles f

Darwinists, Leave those Hospitals Alone!

There is a personal and coincidental reason for my interest in the article featured below. Today is 8 March, and I am recovering from knee surgery. The article came out on the first, and my surgical testing was on the second. When someone has a reputation for repeatedly fouling things up, do you want to entrust that person with something extremely important? Of course not. The same can be said for an ideology. It has been shown repeatedly that evolutionary thinking has been harmful to medical science, yet Darwin's acolytes want it entrenched. Original operating room photo at Pexels / Anna Shvets , then modified* Apparently, secularists are repeatedly given a pass: Racism in medical research Vestigial organs/structures such as the appendix are not vestigial Declaring not-understood DNA to be "junk,"  which has been refuted The false claim that antibiotic resistance proves evolution Fake science to support evolution in COVID-19 research We have also seen that secularists o

Anoles and Fake Evolution News

Darwinists do not really know how evolution works, and some of them admit it. This is a kinder explanation for why they make claims observing evolution when it is not there. It is also more realistic than saying an evolution consortium is being deceptive, although there are Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ who go on the attack with lies and manipulation. In this case, anole lizards (some are wrongly called chameleons) are  in the news again , and there are wrong claims of seeing evolution happening. Puerto Rican crested anole, iNaturalist /  Annika Lindqvist  ( CC BY 4.0 ) A video that was almost embedded at the end of this post was going along nicely. Then they just had to sneak in evolutionary propaganda at the halfway point. Dismissed. Now back to our subject at hand. "Oh,  goodie ! The Puerto Rican crested anole has some new traits!  Hail Darwin, blessed be !" Does that make you feel better, sister? First of all, creationists have been pointing out for many years that variat

Scientists Admit to Rapid Burial of Scelidosaurus

Scelidosaurus was a weird thing, plain and simple. It went on all fours but the front legs were shorter than those in the back. Mayhaps its contemporaries would see it when it was standing still and think it was crouched and ready to spring, but no, it was just built that way. It is known for being mostly complete and several have been found in the British Isles — except for that one that is found way over in Arizona. The first one was found in 1858. Scelidosaurus harrisonii, Wikimedia Commons / 5of7 ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) That premier specimen was sent to Richard Owen (who gave the world the word dinosaur .) He figured it was a land creature, but was washed out to sea and quickly buried. Paleontologists are coming around to that way of thinking, especially because of such excellent fossil preservation They will not accept the Genesis Flood as the most rational explanation. If someone has a plan that consistently fails, does it make sense to continue using it? Not hardly! Secular scientist

Artificial Intelligence and Replacing Humanity

The word Luddite  has been misappropriated to simply mean people who fear change brought about by computers, robots, and the like. It was a movement early in the Industrial Revolution because people were afraid of losing their jobs to machines. Today, there are many speculations about Artificial Intelligence and what will happen. Will robots and AI take over and either destroy or enslave humanity? Not hardly! There has been a spate of material on this subject recently, and I have assembled some of it for your education. Human, robot, and artificial intelligence, Pixabay /  Gerd Altmann A very old joke involves people in an airplane hearing an announcement informing the passengers that the flight was completely automated. The computer recited how wonderful it was, then the announcement ended with the reassurance, "Nothing can go wrong <click> go wrong <click> go wrong <click>..." The joke shows that people are suspicious of computers, robots, and AI. Fears an