Misportraying Atheists as Driven by Reason

Back in 2013, an article in Psychology Today portrayed atheists in a positive way. There was an undercurrent of victimhood where these nice folks just want to go about their business and just happen to disbelieve in God and the supernatural. They do not bother others.

One problem atheists have is that those who are not so militant read and hear the propaganda from angry misotheists. That would explain how a co-worker reluctantly told me that she is an atheist, acting like she expected some kind of personal attack. It is the professing atheists who are on the prod.

Although they portray themselves as moved by science, evidence, and reason, very few show skill in those areas. It is interesting that a discussion can be civil until evolution is not shown reverence. Then the fangs and claws come out because atoms-to-atheist evolution is foundational to their worldview. After all, they need a creation myth to go with their belief that reason brings some kind of salvation. Take a warning from the French Revolution.

When Christians point out that we are not shoving religion down the throats of others and that it is done by atheists and evolutionists, denial ensues. Never mind what we have seen and experienced — including how creation and design are streng verboten in academia and scientific journals.

Christians are commanded to love our enemies, but I'll allow that atheists often make that mighty difficult. Sometimes they demand that we prove that God exists using empirical scientific evidence. That is illogical. When given evidence for God's existence, they still deny it.

"Did you read the article?"

"I don't read creationist **** because I know it's wrong!"

Then we see it is time to walk away. Otherwise, people like me can act in an unchristian manner because of the irrational and hostile manner of such folks.

This was completed on 9 March. The next morning, I was given additional material so I'll just put this here. Atheopaths fancy themselves our intellectual superiors by fallaciously believing that atheism makes them smarter. So...why the need to troll Christians and creationists on social(ist) media? In addition, and probably more important, there is a paucity of original thought. On the morning of 10 March, I woke up to an individual's trolling raid. All of his comments were bigotry and ridicule, and I've read the same things hundreds of times. Not a way to gain respect, Poindexteer.

Another difficulty is when authors of big-name materialistic publications portray atheists in a sympathetic, flattering manner that is not based in reality. Atheists and authors should still be told about John 3:16 and the rest of the gospel, even when showing love is difficult.

A recent [this article is from 2013, remember] article by Bruce Grierson in Psychology Today, “The Atheist at the Breakfast Table”, shows dolls of Mom, Dad, Darwin and monkeys, and suggests that “nonbelievers [in God] are growing in number, but you might not know it because they may be in the next pew with their kids” (italics added). In other words, the article restates what believers, especially creationists, have been suggesting for some time: that the evolutionary worldview is coming into popular culture so much that it is having an effect on the belief of many churches, parents, and children. From a Christian perspective, such an unbelieving and one-sided evolution-supporting trend is negative, especially for young people, and it can lead to unspiritual thinking and consequences in other areas of society, too.

The rest of this can be found at "Atheism, evolutionism and families."