
Filtering Out their own Noise

Another word that can be used in a variety of ways and depends on context is noise . It may be rap "music," trash collection at 5 AM, or other annoying sounds. However, noise may not always refer to sound! Some critters emit odors of their own but need to sniff out things without being overwhelmed by their own. Remember neurons , for which Darwin's acolytes cannot explain the origin? Biological noise canceling happens at that level. It works in a similar manner as noise cancellation in headphones, where a receiving neuron sends information to the sending neuron to cancel the noise. Elephant fish, Wikimedia Commons / F.E. Clarke , 1866 (public domain) Experiments were conducted on mormyrid fish (such as the elephant fish), which can emit and receive electrical currents. It sends out pulses, but must be able to tune them out when necessary signals are returned. Of course, credit is given to evolution and not the Creator who designed these systems. It would be interesting if

Geological Dating Confused by Assumptions

There are numerous problems with the standard version of geology. It is based on uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes; the present is the key to the past), and observed facts do not fit their paradigm. Replying to a recent post about unconformities (a problem well known in secular geology), one jasper stated that unconformities are only a problem to people who do not understand geology. That is like the absurd, "People reject evolution because they do not understand it." Unfortunately, geology is tainted by a dedication to furnish millions of years so that evolution can happen. Creek in canyon, Pixnio / Maysam Yabandeh Charles Lyell sought to free the science of geology from Moses. Actually, secular geology needs a reformation to free the science from Darwin! Like biological evolution, secular geologists tap dance around observed problems in procedures, including dating methods. When necessary, secular geologists have appealed to catastrophic processes happening with

Woodrow Wilson: Racist, Eugenicist, Darwinist

In American politics, progressive  has different meanings. In modern times, it includes special consideration toward black voters coupled with the "soft bigotry of low expectations" — you cannot succeed without leftists. Woodrow Wilson was a progressive American president who was blatantly racist. Like many today, he "progressed" away from the US Constitution. There are people of the "cancel culture" motivation that want to rewrite history, erasing people who had any racist tendencies whatsoever to be expunged from its pages and pull down their statues. Some people on the left like Wilson as well as Charles Darwin are still adored, inconsistently excused as "products of their times." Woodrow Wilson, 1912, Library of Congress , modified at Pixlr The culture was important, as the Civil War still lingered in the minds of many. Woody was no friend of the Reconstruction efforts, believed in the Lost Cause of the Confederacy , and worked to reverse eff

Galápagos Tortoises and Natural Selection

The voyage of the Beagle  where Charles Darwin gathered inspiration to add to his evolutionary conjectures would have been a dream cruise for many folks (his father paid for it). If someone took a notion to meet Charlie on the Galápagos, he would have had to saddle up and ride west from Ecuador. Except that horses cannot swim that far. Some of the giant tortoises have shells that kinda sorta resemble saddles, however, so there you go. Those are found in the uninhabited smaller islands of this group of volcanic islands. For being a great scientist, Charlie dropped the ball on making detailed observations of these critters. Giant Galapagos tortoise, Flickr / Sara Yeomans ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia On a side note, all tortoises are classified as turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. Tortoises don't spend all that much time in water . These critters were once plentiful, but are now endangered. One reason is that whalers and others discovered that they were good eats.

Biological Machines Ignore Labor Day

In the formerly United States, today is Labor Day. Although labor unions like to claim credit for that holiday, its origins are uncertain . Be thankful that those ultra-tiny biological machines inside of us do not go on strike, demand and eight-hour workday, or even a day off. It is interesting that details have been found on or in living things that are small replicas of things people have designed. Designers were probably quite surprised to see that their proud achievements have already been put into place with specified complexity by the Master Engineer a very long time ago. Gears and sprockets, Pixabay / Miguel Á. Padriñán A motor in cells called RuvAB works on junctions that form during genetic recombination. The class of motors has many that operate in a rotary mode. Authors say that the machine evolved ("Hail Darwin! Blessed be!") but as is typical, they offer nothing of substance on how  it evolved. To read about this machine, visit " Molecular Machines Labor 24×

Mutations not as Random as Thought

It is a core tenet of fundamentalist evolutionism that mutations are entirely random, and those who doubt the concept risk losing their jobs in the secular science industry. This and other key beliefs are strictly enforced. Except there have been a few secular renegades who dared to say that mutations are not  so random after all. It reached a point that scientists even had a conference discussing the fundamentally-flawed assumption of pure randomness in mutations. Now Darwinists are having to deal with the evidence in preference to the narrative. DNA mutation, Pixabay / swiftsciencewriting Unfortunately, evolutionists take a materialistic (atheism) viewpoint, so they reject the fact that the Master Engineer has programmed mutations into living things! He didn't just leave creatures on their own to take their chances. Epigenetics, programmed mutations, and more make it possible for organisms to survive and thrive. Honesty is good for the soul…especially when the evidence against yo

Music and the Human Mind

Some years ago, I remember the Highland Festival in Alma, Michigan. The football field was full of bagpipers and the marching band. The lone piper began "Amazing Grace," and then all those other players joined in. The sound went through me and I was moved to tears. Festivals like this are gatherings for competitions in Highland games, dancing, and the pipes. Later, I saw folks at their trailers playing impromptu songs with folk instruments and having a great time. To me, that is the spirit of  music. Celtic music in the pub (modified), Flickr / James Lloyd ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) The word music  can mean different things to different people, such as snobs who seem to think the only real music is classical, country, or whatever their preferences. Music needs some basic elements, else it is rhythmic chanting (such as rap). Whether we realize it or not, music involves mathematics — especially the intricacies of classical. There are vibrations throughout the universe, something Easter

The Surprising Seahorse and Backward Breeding

A spell back, I mentioned that Lisa Myworries from the Darwin Ranch took some time to visit the beach and bring back seashells and sand dollars . Roland Meadows and I were in town yesterday to get a few things. Lisa and other hands from the ranch arrived to get some supplies. We talked for a while and I learned that she likes to do snorkeling, was amazed by the seahorse. She saw a few that had anchored themselves to objects by their tails, and wondered why these things are considered a kind of fish in the first place. Seahorse, Unsplash / David Clode Would you do me the honor of being monogamous throughout the breeding season? Actually looking  like a typical fish is not a requirement to be classified as one. The seahorse has a resemblance to a horse, especially its head. They are not strong swimmers, but use that tail to hitch a ride or stay in place. One of the strangest traits (I wonder if this is an example of the Creator's pranks on naturalists) is that the female deposits the

No Sign of Evolution for Neurons

Neurologists confidently put their pinky fingers to the corners of their mouths when announcing that humans have one hundred billion  neurons. Those nerves obtain information from the outside world so the brain can sort it out and direct muscles. They communicate with other cells via synapses. Ever strike a match and hold it too long, then yelp and throw it away when you got burned? Neurons are involved. Also, it may come as a shock to learn that there is an electrical component to neurons. GnRH neuron, B. Ian Hutchins and Susan Wray , public domain Believers in baryon-to-brain surgeon evolution presuppose everything evolved from simple to complex. It was thought that neurons evolved from cells called choanocytes  because of superficial similarities between them and nerve cells. Interestingly, although there has been a marked increase of late in fossilized soft tissue, there is not enough to attempt to trace the alleged evolution of neurons. They conveniently overlook living fossils —

Genome Maintenance Designed, Mocks Evolution

Believers in descent with modifications evolution often claim that genetics (pioneered by Gregor Mendel, peas be upon him) supports evolution, which is false. Sure, with good spin doctoring, genetics can appear  to support it, but not really. Then we have genome maintenance. Imagine if you will that you have been given a maintenance job. You are given your uniform and shown to your special area with the supplies you need. This indicates that the supervisor anticipates what will be needed to effect repairs. This faulty analogy also applies to genetics. DNA and mechanic* Everything was fine at the beginning of Creation, but the Master Designer knew it would become corrupted and systems would break down. The blind, mad, gibbering fake god Evolution has no coherence or foresight, but God does and he put systems into place to offset the damage. Without them, humanity would already have become extinct. Our entire intellectual culture rests on the unscientific foundation of evolutionism. Evol