Biological Machines Ignore Labor Day

In the formerly United States, today is Labor Day. Although labor unions like to claim credit for that holiday, its origins are uncertain. Be thankful that those ultra-tiny biological machines inside of us do not go on strike, demand and eight-hour workday, or even a day off.

It is interesting that details have been found on or in living things that are small replicas of things people have designed. Designers were probably quite surprised to see that their proud achievements have already been put into place with specified complexity by the Master Engineer a very long time ago.

Some say living things only appear designed. A glance at machines and  factories inside us show the folly of that idea. Design by the Creator is shown.
Gears and sprockets, Pixabay / Miguel Á. Padriñán
A motor in cells called RuvAB works on junctions that form during genetic recombination. The class of motors has many that operate in a rotary mode. Authors say that the machine evolved ("Hail Darwin! Blessed be!") but as is typical, they offer nothing of substance on how it evolved. To read about this machine, visit "Molecular Machines Labor 24×7 Every Day." We have a related topic to consider next.

There are misotheists who keep the mantra, "Things only appear designed, but they are not" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Such a mindset strikes this child as anti-science. Evidence clearly shows that living things are designed, many with irreducibly complex features. Consider the factories inside us that are not only complex, but show that they are designed for efficiency. Just one of these marvels should prompt someone to say, "That ain't evolution, that was put there by the Creator." All these things work together to illustrate the genius of the Master Engineer!
A well-designed factory will consider more than the functions that must be performed. To optimize productivity, engineers will design up front how the functions fit together in space. The shape of the factory, to maximize efficiency, will have the functional units arranged such that the output of one unit feeds easily into the input of another. This minimizes delays and maximizes production. What should one think about finding such design in a protist — a single-celled organism?

The rest of the article is rather technical, but people with a strong background in microbiology may like it. If you want to glean some information, see "Compact Factory Optimizes Shape for Efficiency — A New Level of Intelligent Design in Life."