Deep Skull Causes Deep Trouble

If you head down south in Asia, south of Vietnam, Burma, and such, you'll reach an ocean and get your feet wet. Lots of islands and island nations down thataway, and you can find the third largest island in the world: Borneo. A skull was discovered in a Niah cave a few decades ago, and an evolutionary anthropologist examined it, and some jasper got the notion to call it "Deep Skull".

Niah Cave skull was reexamined, but now the timeline needs revising.

This skull was classified, and people accepted the pronouncements that it was of a teenage boy from further down south, below Australia, of Tasmania. Other evolutionists were satisfied, since an authority examined some skull fragments and treated his words as ex cathedra. The dogma for that part of the alleged human evolutionary timeline was established.

Rein 'er in there, Hoss! Maybe they were thinking how many papers passed peer review that could not be replicated, or someone simply got the notion to give the skull a modern examination. Whatever the reason, the skull research gave evolutionists several problems. Not only wasn't it a teenager from Tasmania, but it was a better fit being a granny from the neighborhood. They're "excited" because there's "a lot to learn". Maybe, if you drop the evolutionary presuppositions and admit that humans were Created, not evolved, you savvy? Evolutionists believe in chance. Flip a coin: it's heads. They lose again.
In 1958, the remains of a human cranium were discovered in Niah Cave on the island of Borneo, in Sarawak, Malaysia. Dubbed ‘Deep Skull’, it was ascribed an age of about 39,000 years, making it “the oldest modern human discovered in island South-East Asia”. It was examined by the prominent British anthropologist Don Brothwell whose conclusions formed the basis for what became the dominant paleontological thinking ever since, namely, that Deep Skull:
  • Was that of a teenage boy;
  • Had its strongest resemblance to the indigenous people of Tasmania (Australia);
  • “Lay within an evolutionary lineage to the ‘Negritoids’.”
However, recently University of New South Wales Associate Professor Darren Curnoe and a team of researchers have re-examined Deep Skull.
To keep reading, click on "Niah Cave’s ‘Deep Skull’—Teenage boy or elderly lady?" The video below doesn't need sound.