African Continent Shows Evidence of Global Flood
Geologists see evidence of the global biblical flood, but they are locked into their uniformitarian interpretive framework, so they have trouble reconciling the actual data with their presuppositions. All of the land on Earth was covered with water.
"Where did the water go after the flood?"
Into the ocean basins is the short-form answer. Actually, the hypothetical continent of Gondwana supposedly broke up and the water flowed into the ocean basins in that scenario as well. This is borne out by observations as well, as the continents "rose".
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"Karoo Landscape" image credit: Freeimages / Dominic Morel |
Into the ocean basins is the short-form answer. Actually, the hypothetical continent of Gondwana supposedly broke up and the water flowed into the ocean basins in that scenario as well. This is borne out by observations as well, as the continents "rose".
Once the waters of the Flood had completely inundated every piece of land on the earth, they began to recede, and they continued to recede for a period of about seven months, until the continents were dry. Where did the waters go? They flowed into the ocean basins which were widening at the time, or deepening, or both.
You can read this in its entirety and proper context, "Geologists see effects of Noah’s Flood in Africa", here.
Geologists actually catch hints of this event but their interpretive framework, especially the dates they have assigned, prevents them from making the connection. For example, they speak of a time when the Indian and Atlantic Oceans were ‘born’—of the break-up of Gondwana. The ‘birth’ of these oceans provided the place for the waters to go:
The break-up of Gondwana began with the opening of the Indian Ocean along the African east coast, heralded by the eruption of basalts and rhyolites of the Lebombo region.This is the first hint of geological changes to the ocean basins, needed to receive the floodwaters. According to their evolutionary thinking it was some 180 million years ago, but in reality that translates to about ‘half way’ through the Flood.