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Texas Evidence Supports Global Flood Hypothesis
MorgueFile |
People who are locked into a uniformitarian, old-Earth, evolutionist viewpoint constantly have to deal with (or attempt to simply dismiss) evidence that does not support their presuppositions. Case in point: An Arlington fossil site has a mix of land and sea creatures that support creationist scientist Michael Oard's hypothesis regarding the Noachian flood.
A new cache of fossils found in Arlington, Texas, contains plenty of clues that are best explained by Noah's Flood.
More specifically, the circumstances surrounding these remains match a hypothesis proposed by creation scientist Michael Oard that describes how swamp plants and land creatures could have mixed with sea creatures several months into the year-long Flood.
According to Scripture, five months passed after the Flood began before its waters had completely covered the earth (Genesis 7:24). By then, all air-breathing, land-dwelling creatures not on board the Ark were dead or dying. According to Oard, the interiors of continents may have been the last land areas to be submerged after being repeatedly washed by successive wave-like surges. Water and land levels fluctuated, and desperate, starving creatures made their last stands on temporary barren mud flats.
Grave news for evolutionists. You can read the rest of "Chewed Dinosaur Bones Fit Flood", here.