
Showing posts with the label Age of the Earth

Dinosaur DNA: More Bad News for Deep Time

New links added at the end of the post in mid-March 2020.  The atmosphere at the Darwin Ranch could accurately be described as subdued. Creationists have been trying to keep them honest, but evolutionists insist on their materialism and deep time beliefs despite science and logic. They have been faced with numerous refutations across the board, but what has been most devastating involves dinosaurs. Soft tissues were found that could not possibly have lasted for millions of Darwin years. Evolutionists then had to deal with intact skin, blood vessels, and proteins. Desperate rescuing devices ensued . Katie, bar the door! Now they are faced with dinosaur DNA, and not just dubious fragments. DNA cannot last for huge amounts of time. By the way, where did Jack Horner get his doctorate? Just joshin' with y'all, he doesn't have one. The secular science industry is committed to naturalism, and this makes it more difficult for them to find alternative explanations and more exc

Faulty Ice Core Ages and Tephra

As several linked articles on this site alone have revealed, secular scientists put the spurs to the narrative and make unwarranted assumptions. In this example, a key role is played by tephra —  "Is that the old video game with the colored blocks that drop down, Cowboy Bob?" No, that's Tetris.  This is about volcanic ash and debris called tephra.  It can be found in ice cores. Large tephra block in the Antarctic Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Andrew Shiva  ( CC by-SA 4.0 ) Believers in deep time think that layers retrieved from ice cores are strong evidence for their views. However, they have dismissed facts based on their assumptions. (Interestingly, Bill Nye inadvertently supported creationists when he admitted that Greenland ice layers are not necessarily annual.) Layers of tephra were found in ice cores, but secular reckoning is ineffective when these are analyzed. Creation science and the Ice Age due to the Genesis Flood presents a far better explanation of

Seafloor Nodules and Faulty Deep Time Reasoning

Way down where it is mighty damp, the seafloor, are some things called nodules or pellets. Secular scientists insist through radiometric dating that the things take millions of years to form. Like so many other attempts to make the earth seem old, bad logic is necessary. Credit: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) These nuggets — millions of them — are formed when exposed to seawater, but stop when covered by a certain amount of sediment. This raises questions about some of the larger nodules, because according to secularist reckoning, they shouldn't be there. Since they are there and a potential source of materials that humans need, forms of deep-sea mining are being developed. Once again, the narrative supersedes observed evidence and interferes with actual scientific research. Pellets (or nodules ) composed of various metals, such as manganese and iron, often litter the ocean floor. These nodules form when c

Age of the Earth and Nuclear Fission Dating

We have examined radiometric dating on this site many times, and the article linked below provides some information that is inconvenient for those who believe in deep time. The age of the earth is calculated this way by testing meteorites , not rocks on Earth. However, the dating methods are unreliable. Assembled with graphics from Openclipart It should raise the suspicions of almost anyone that there are numerous dating methods used on rocks. This is because they are not consistent and have results that vary wildly with one another, and there are numerous assumptions that must be made . Creation scientists have done their own calculations and shown how secular systems are flawed. Further, a Genesis Flood model is a far better fit for the facts. Have you ever pulled apart a large mass of taffy and watched it break into two approximately equal masses? This is an illustration of what happens in the subatomic world when a 238 U or 235 U atom undergoes splitting, or fission. Nuclea

Genesis Timeline Re-Confirmed by Chromosome Study

Despite the assertions of Darwin's Flying Monkeys™, there is a great deal of evidence for the Genesis Flood and the young earth. Interestingly, it is not only found in geology, but also in biology. With the known rate of mutations,  genetic entropy  shows that humans could not have been around as evolutionists claim. Research supports the biblical timeline, and a recent study re-confirms it. Credit: Unsplash / Matthew Kwong The Y-chromosome is more genetically stable than the X-chromosome. It was studied more extensively than before, and the results provide strong confirmation for the 4,500-year biblical chronology going back to the bottleneck of the Flood. Based on biblical chronologies, we can determine that the global Flood recorded in Genesis occurred about 4,500 years ago. After the Flood, the earth was repopulated by Noah’s three sons and their wives. So we should find genetic signatures of this timeline in human DNA. While a number of previous studies by both secular

Meteorite Patterns and Storytelling

The way most people understand science is often called operational  science, dealing with things in the present. This is contrasted with historical  (forensic) science, which uses things found in the present in an attempt to reconstruct the past. Which do you think applies to patterns in meteorites? Widmanstätten pattern in Gibeon meteorite credit: Flickr / James St. John  ( CC by 2.0 ) By the way, the distinction between these two types of science was not  "made up by YECs" as some anti-creationists asseverate. The distinction has been around for quite a few years . There is something called a  Widmanstätten pattern that is found in iron-nickel meteorites. Let's engage our think bones for a few moments. What do you have? A meteorite with a pattern. When does it exist? In the present, like us. How do those patterns with the long name form? That can be determined by other metals that have been heated and then cooled. Do these pattern in meteorites take millions o

Assuming the Rocks Look Old

"How much more riding do we have, Luke?" "About two more days. Nice scenery, though." "Lotsa rocks in nice layers. They sure do look old." "How do you know that they're old? You need something to compare them with, you know, and there are no tags giving their ages. Now let's get these horses some water." Credits: Grand Canyon from PIXNIO , run through PhotoFunia We are told that rocks, layers, and so on look  old because people assume  that they are old based on deep time presuppositions, but there needs to be a reference point. Rocks are rocks. Radiometric dating? More assumptions, and different methods yield wildly differing ages . There are people in my experience that look old because I also know people who are young. Here in the Kingston, New York area we have buildings from the Revolutionary War that look old near buildings that were constructed much more recently. (In Europe, you can see structures that are much older

Microbes, Methane, and the Young Earth

If your wagon train ends up near Siljan, Sweden, that you made a heap of wrong turns. But you might want to check out that lake. It's part of the Siljan Ring,  which is part of a crater area. Scientists found microbes feasting on the oil and giving off methane. Credits: Wikimedia Commons / Vesta  / NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone listed above) Avoid telling climate change cultists though, they would probably try to regulate and tax microbes and get Greta  (who seeks to give her life meaning in activism, which will ultimately fail ) to yell at us some more. While research and new discoveries are often interesting in and of themselves, in other ways they are not all that exciting. In this case, microbial communities have been discovered at far deeper levels than those near Siljan. In addition, this find also supports creation science evidence for a young earth. Scientists have reported the presence of methane-producing microbes living deep b

Carbon Dating and the Biblical Timeline

Mockers reject the biblical timeline for several reasons, most of them superficial. Some will say that there were civilizations in existence thousands of years before the Old Testament was written, but scoffers accept questionable sources while rejecting biblical material out of hand. Sumerian kings were listed as living thousands of years, and the Egyptian chronologies are in doubt . Add to questionable history the inaccurate results of carbon dating, and mockers have their biases confirmed. Triceratops image source: Good Free Photos Elsewhere, we considered dealing with discrepancies between secular geology and the global Genesis Flood . This post brings up related material. Although most readers probably know this, carbon dating does not work for deep time or the age of the earth. It only works on things that are or were organic. That means dinosaur bones and pottery discovered in rock layers that are assumed to be millions of years old can be tested, but they yield far youn

Creation Science Stratigraphy Supports the Genesis Flood

Over at the Darwin Ranch, that bunch is a superstitious lot. It is considered bad luck to honestly search for and report on evidence that supports creation science, as it is bad for old earth beliefs and evolution — and their grant money. Especially regarding things related to geology. You know the cliché: "We have the fossils, we win", then folks link to atheistic and evolutionary sources to confirm their biases. Add to this the common lie that creationist scientists are not really scientists, and the Big Lie propaganda tactic is in full gear. Then the disciples of evolution light their prayer candles and chant to their pagan pseudoscience gods that people forget how to think and use search engines. When people do look up the credentials of creationists and the facts on the Flood, then every day is Friday the 13th at the Darwin Ranch. Meanwhile, secular scientists who want to simply go on about their jobs look at the antics of the Darwin death cult and go on with their a

Rescuing Dinosaur Protein Preservation

The hands at the Darwin Ranch are trying to cook up another rescuing device to avoid the young earth implications of dinosaur soft tissues and proteins. Soft tissues in dinosaur bones have been a cause of consternation among believers in deep time. The toast idea was crummy from the get-go, but that does not stop determined evolutionists from tweaking it for dinosaur proteins, nosiree! Made at PhotoFunia with an image on Pixabay by Ralph While Maillard reactions are just ducky when they put a crust on toast and do tasty things with food, the very nature of the effect requires somewhat high temperatures. (By the way, the L in Maillard is not pronounced.) Desperate evolutionists try to explain the preservation of proteins through this process, but thinking people are able to easily determine four reasons that this preservation explanation can be relegated to the fake news trash can. If secular scientists started from the fact that the world was created recently, they would be mo

The Remarkable Formation of Pyramid Rock

Tourists who head over to Melbourne, Australia sometimes get a notion to visit Pyramid Rock on Phillip Island. This triangular mass is interesting to geologists — especially Genesis Flood geologists. It was not built by human hands, but by several factors including volcanic activity. Cropped from an image on Wikimedia Commons by  Pavel Å pindler  ( CC by 3.0 ) You can see the different colors. For the most part, we are seeing basalt perched on granite, which involves different volcanic activity. Secular geologists would agree with biblical creationists that a whole heap of erosion happened, but not on the timeframe or circumstances. Uniformitarian geology does not work, but the activity of the Genesis Flood provides an adequate explanation. The boardwalk to the lookout gives an excellent view of the black basalt columns crammed along the base of the steep cliff. The same columnar jointing is visible in Pyramid Rock in the distance, as well as in most of the headlands and wave p

The Fading Magnetic Field is Important

One of the numerous facts used by biblical creationists that indicates a young earth is the decay of the magnetic field . Secular owlhoots know that this has been happening, but they try to salvage their deep time beliefs with assorted and unprovable concepts. They also try to wave it off as unimportant. Image credit:  NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) After all, it's been there for billions of years, they think, and are apparatchiks for the Darwin Party. If the Bearded Buddha needs huge amounts of time, they'll find it for him, you betcha! Some are implying that it will be somewhat inconvenient, but ignore other important facts. Also, they have their uniformitarian paradigm (slow and gradual processes), assuming  that the decay rate will not increase later. Our Creator put that magnetic field up there to take care of this here planet that we call home. Earth’s magnetic field is vital for life, but it is decaying. To keep it going billions of yea

St. Davids Dragon

If you happen to venture into Wales and want to see some ancient cathedrals, head west over to the county of Pembrokeshire. Before you ride into the sea, look for a small city (the population is just under 2,000) named St. David's. There is a cathedral that has something of interest to biblical creationists. Credit: Freeimages / John Noble St. Davids Cathedral has been existence since the 6th century, but like other cathedrals, it had repairs and upgrades over the years. In the late Medieval upgrade, folding seats were installed that feature a critter that looks quite a bit like a sauropod dinosaur. Regular readers know that there are historical accounts of dinosaurs (previously called dragons), indicating that despite the claims of Darwinists, they lived at the same time as humans. But this one has a mix of fantasy with reality, so we commence to doing some reasoning. This starts with the fact that the artist could not have seen fossils or reconstructions in museums. Its

Tunnel Valleys and the Ice Age

A few weeks back, I met up with Rusty Swingset and his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde (who was not quite herself) before they headed back up to the Darwin Ranch near Deception Pass. They were discussing tunnel valleys, something I had never heard of before. Turns out some are a few days' ride (a few hours by car) from me. Finger Lakes image credit: NASA Just south of Lake Ontario in the state of New York is a region called the Finger Lakes. You can see why (besides, "Clawmark Lakes" could seem a mite scary), since there are about eleven of them going pretty much north and south, and quite narrow. How did they get there? Tunnel valleys like this are in many places when Earth wore an ice hat. More specifically, areas that were glaciated. Rapid meltwater during the Ice Age carved them out, but the timing details are sketchy. Some uniformitarian geologists think these happened over several ice ages, but they cannot provide evidence. More likely, the flows were catastroph

A Nice Day to Consider Saturn

Sometimes we may wonder why the names of planets were chosen after some very unsavory characters. Kronos was a Greek titan, son of sky and earth (Uranus and Gaia). In a violent coup with the help of Gaia, he overthrew Uranus which caused giants, fairies, and nymphs to form. He later ate his own children, but was forced to cough them up years later — none the worse for wear. False-color image combination of Saturn Credit: NASA / E. Karkoschka (University of Arizona) His rule was not much help against the Romans, who conquered and also merged Kronos with Saturn . Except for varying accounts of mythology, a nifty evolution-defying planet and its helpful moons, and the name of a day of the week, this sidewinder is pretty much forgotten. Misotheists say that the Bible reads like "fairy tales" or "mythology", but I lack belief that they are intellectually honest when making such foolish comparisons. No need to put on a saturnine countenance as we will now l

Lunar Water Cannot Last Billions of Years

My soda was warm, so I wanted to stop by the moon and get some ice. I stopped by one of the hidey-hole craters and it was gone, having been smashed and scattered by a meteoroid or something. Another error for deep time, ice on the moon is not forever. Sure, these perspective things can be overused, but this one is pretty good. Credit: Unsplash / Valery Sysoev First they find water on the moon which threatens one of their lunar origin theories , now this. Water ice gets tucked away where it is hidden from sunlight and the solar wind, and it is supposed to last a mighty long time. However, secular scientists did not take into account all the activity up there that spreads the ice around and causes it to get out of Dodge. Rescuing devices like comets and the like seem weak — desperate, even. The truth is that the earth, moon, and everything else were created a few thousand years ago. The water detected on the moon by orbiters can only last thousands of years, not billions. A

Young Deep-Space Objects

We have seen numerous examples of how Earth and the rest of our solar system are younger than secular cosmologists expect, so it should be interesting to take a look out further. Current cosmogony has the universe clocking in at a tad over eleven billion years old , but the observed evidence does not support this. M72 globular star cluster, credit: NASA , ESA, Hubble, HPOW Cosmic evolution as well as real science depends on certain laws and rules. When observed data are recalcitrant, secularists circle the wagons and deploy rescuing devices that make things worse. The article featured below presents an overview of four examples of how deep time and the facts are not on good terms. Secular astronomers claim our universe is unimaginably ancient—almost 14 billion years old. Yet the Bible clearly teaches that God created the universe in the relatively recent past, about 6,000 years ago. A previous Impact article described how observations in our own solar system are much more con

The Early Bird was Fossilized

Way back when, Archaeopteryx was considered the oldest bird fossil for quite a while. Archie was also considered a transitional form, part reptile and part bird. Unfortunately for owlhoots riding for the Darwin brand, this critter caused them a heap of problems. Then came the next bird and things became worse. Protoavis image via Wikimedia Commons ( CC0 1.0 ) Archaeopteryx was studied many times and it was finally agreed that it was a true bird. Even so, it was in the "wrong" place in Darwin years, convoluting evolutionary timelines for alleged dinosaur-to-bird evolution. While Archie is better known (Betty, Reggie, Veronica, Jughead, and the others were not fossilized), Protoavis was discovered and less discussed because it is considered the oldest bird fossil, but this bird is more bird than the other bird. They have these problems because of their uniformitarian presuppositions. The Genesis Flood and a recent creation paradigm provide better explanations for wha

The Culture of Death and the Climate Change Cult

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is a follow-up to some aspects if my article on education and indoctrination, " Evolutionists Stoking the Fires of Censorship Again ". People are unskilled in using the most basic logical principles and "think" with their emotions. They are used by manipulators who seek to further their own agendas. This is very prominent in atheism, fish-to-fool evolution, leftist political views, and global climate change. Credit: / ponsulak The world is going to end! Katie, bar the door! Oh, you never opened up from the last big scare? Never mind. Alarmists have been predicting catastrophes and even the end of the world for decades, but have a perfect record of failure . In the 1970s,  alarmists were saying that a coming ice age was inevitable (for example, see the video " In Search Of... The Coming Ice Age "). That switched to global warming, spearheaded by Algore and his  discredited predictions . Now they'