Young Deep-Space Objects
We have seen numerous examples of how Earth and the rest of our solar system are younger than secular cosmologists expect, so it should be interesting to take a look out further. Current cosmogony has the universe clocking in at a tad over eleven billion years old, but the observed evidence does not support this.
Cosmic evolution as well as real science depends on certain laws and rules. When observed data are recalcitrant, secularists circle the wagons and deploy rescuing devices that make things worse. The article featured below presents an overview of four examples of how deep time and the facts are not on good terms.
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M72 globular star cluster, credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble, HPOW |
Secular astronomers claim our universe is unimaginably ancient—almost 14 billion years old. Yet the Bible clearly teaches that God created the universe in the relatively recent past, about 6,000 years ago. A previous Impact article described how observations in our own solar system are much more consistent with recent creation than with long ages. But what about observations beyond our solar system? Are “deep space” observations more consistent with a young universe or an old one?To finish reading, click on "Deep-Space Objects Are Young".